英语人>词典>汉英 : 使缓和 的英文翻译,例句
使缓和 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allay  ·  alleviate  ·  attemper  ·  moderate  ·  moderated  ·  moderates  ·  opiate  ·  temper  ·  thaw  ·  obtund  ·  allayed  ·  allaying  ·  allays  ·  alleviated  ·  alleviates  ·  alleviating  ·  obtunded  ·  obtunding  ·  obtunds  ·  opiated  ·  opiates  ·  opiating  ·  tempers  ·  thawed  ·  thaws

更多网络例句与使缓和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This will change to the abatement gives a softer feel, the sounds ears will be more comfortable.


As this Backgrounder explains, this has been a fragile relationship, and a constant source of tension for Washington.


Love means to cherish ,hold dar,and treasure.W do not hurt,harm,or carse pain to those we love;rather,we seek to alleviate their suffering.


If we would have our obscure fears come into the open and dissolve, the conscious mind must be somewhat still, not everlastingly occupied; then, as these fears come to the surface, they must be observed without let or hindrance, for any form of condemnation or justification only strengthens fear.


In Late Latin p c re was extended in sense to mean "to appease."

在后拉丁语中 pacare 的意义被引申为"抚慰,使缓和。"

To appease; moderate 平息;使缓和 Nothing Jason did could mitigate M edea's anger; she refused to forgive him for betraying her.


It symbolizes the deep indulgence in a relaxed, funny, witty, to one side unconsciously accepts the other's point of view in laughing, thus conciliates the relations between two parties, eases the tension, rids of embarrassing situation, makes both parties reached smoothly, achieves the "moisten things silently" effect.


Using the Visual-LISP language, the system software AutoCAD is developed secondary by editing the application program"The Calculation of Easement Curve", by which the route curve calculation can be combined with the curve diagramming, in order to simplify the complex calculation and to detect the calculation results with easy.


In Late Latin p c re was extended in sense to mean "to appease."

在后拉丁语中 pacare 的意义被引申为&抚慰,使缓和。&

" In Late Latin p 33re} was extended in sense to mean "to appease.

在后拉丁语中pacare 的意义被引申为抚慰,使缓和

更多网络解释与使缓和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


align 使合作,排列成行 | allay 使和缓,使镇静 | alleviate 减轻,使缓和


allay 使和缓,使镇静 | alleviate 减轻,使缓和 | allocate 拨出


attaint 污辱,羞辱 | attemper 冲淡,使缓和 | attend 出席,到,注意

mitigate: v.1:使缓和(温和) 2.减轻(苦痛)等

alloy: v.1.把...铸成合金 2.掺加(杂质);(通过掺杂作用)影响到 | mitigate: v.1.使缓和(温和) 2.减轻(苦痛)等 | repudiate: v.1.拒绝;拒绝接受(覆行) 2.否认,驳斥,批驳 3.声明与...脱离关系


mitigable 可缓和 | mitigative 缓和性的 | mitigativeobtundent 使缓和


irrigator 灌溉者 | mitigator 使缓和的人 | investigator 调研员,审查者,勘探者


obtund /使迟钝/使缓和/ | obtundent /使迟钝的/使缓和的/止痛剂/ | obturate /闭塞/封闭/密闭/

tone down:使降低,使缓和,使柔和

token presence 象征性的存在 | tone down 使降低,使缓和,使柔和 | Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC)(南非)真相与和解委员会


obtrusively /冒失地/莽撞地/ | obtund /使迟钝/使缓和/ | obtundent /使迟钝的/使缓和的/止痛剂/

transition curve:缓和曲线

缓和曲线(transition curve)设置在直线与圆曲线或不同半径的圆曲线之间的曲率连续变化的曲线. 为使列车安全、平顺、舒适地由直线过渡到圆曲线,在直线与圆曲线之间要设置缓和曲线. 缓和曲线的作用是:在缓和曲线范围内,其半径由无限大渐变到圆曲线半径,