英语人>词典>汉英 : 绿色弱的 的英文翻译,例句
绿色弱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A549 cells are more sensitive to CDDP-induced apoptosis(P.01) and less sensitive to THP andβ-Ele-induced apoptosis than A375p(P.01, P.05 respectively). Condensation and crack of nucleus and apoptotic bodies appeared in apoptotic cells of A549 and A375p cell lines in all treated groups and necrocytosis were to be seen in some groups. Fluorescence imaging experiments demonstrated that accumulation of iASPP in cytoplasm but little distribution in nucleus in all groups. untreated groups in two cell lines presented a bright-green colour,followed by CDDP-treated groups,and THP-treated groups is the darkest one in all groups.


The show begins with a pair of pale hands turning this ancient book from left to right in Chinese traditional way, meanwhile making different types of hand signals, such as Orchidaceous-Finger, theatrical gestures, Buddhist Mudra, Western victory and OK gesture, and etc. When the green light is on, a voice came through. It was a poet reciting a piece of poetry passionately, which, after a while, faded away and turned into the singing of pop songs.


Results Same as hyaline cartilage, the calcified cartilage was stained light flavo-green and weak double refraction by the Picrosirius-polarization method. In the immunohistochemistry analysis of collagen Ⅱ protein, the calcified cartilage was stained strong green fluorescence and the collagen protein parallelled in joint surface near the tidemark. The content of collagen Ⅱ protein was (20.16%±0.96%) of tissue dry weight by amino acid analysis, and that of the hydroxyapatite was (65.09%±2.31%) of the inorganic composition in calcified cartilage.

结果 天狼猩红染色见钙化软骨层与透明软骨层一样黄绿色淡染、弱双折光性;Ⅱ型胶原蛋白免疫组织化学分析,钙化软骨层呈强绿色荧光,潮线附近的胶原蛋白呈板层平行分布;氨基酸定量分析钙化软骨层Ⅱ型胶原蛋白含量占组织干质量的(20.16%〖KG-*4〗±0.96%);X-射线衍射定量分析钙化软骨层中的羟基磷灰石含量占无机成分的(65.09%±2.31%)。

The antimicrobial test and researched was done on wide distillation of different solvents on Terpenoid, polarity separation of ethanol distillable substance, thin layer chromatography of different polarities and distillation of amylase. The results showed that the active substance distilled by 95% ethanol and V methanol: toluene=3:1 had stronger antimicrobial activity on Agaricus blazei Murrill. The antimicrobial activity of ethyl acetate was stronger than wide distilling substance with ethanol, but the water part has not antimicrobial effect. Two straps of ethyl acetate phase(Rf0.57、Rf0.63)(0.1g/ml)had stronger antimicrobial activity on Agaricus blazei Murrill, the antimicrobial zone on Pseudomonas was 19.3mm. The bacteriostatic activity of chromatography strap of water phase was rather weaker, the water solution (0.5g/g) of amylase had better effect on pathogenic fungus of Agaricus blazei Murrill, its antimicrobial zone on Aspergillus niger, Citrinin, Trichoderma viride were 10.8 mm, 7.9 mm, 5.3 mm.

通过对日本凹顶藻以不同溶剂的粗提、乙醇提取物的极性分离、不同极性的薄层层析和多糖的提取,进行抗菌试验的研究,发现95%乙醇和V甲醇:甲苯为3∶1的提取的活性物质具有较强的抗姬松茸的病原细菌活性,乙酸乙酯相对病原细菌的抑菌强于乙醇的粗提物,而水相基本无抑菌效果,乙酸乙酯相的两个带(Rf0.57、Rf0.63)浓度为0.1g/ml具有较强抗姬松茸病原细菌的活性,对假单孢杆菌抑菌圈达到19.3mm,水相层析带的抑菌活性较弱,多糖的粗提物配成0.25g/g的水溶液对姬松茸病原真菌有较好的抑菌效果对黑曲霉、桔青霉和绿色木霉的抑菌圈分别达到10.8 mm、7.9 mm、5.3 mm。

Allow to dry completely between waterings. If your plant's leaves start to curl or roll (nature's way of conserving moisture), it could be an indication of dehydration. This can be corrected by completely submerging your plant in water overnight; then resume normal watering schedule.


更多网络解释与绿色弱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deucewhammy 晦气 | deuteragonist 当配角的人 | deuteranomaly 绿色弱视


deuteranomaly 绿色弱视 | deuteranope 患绿色盲的人 | deuterate 重水合物

deuteranope:患绿色盲的人 (名)

deuteranomaly 绿色弱视 (名) | deuteranope 患绿色盲的人 (名) | deuteranopia 绿色盲 (名)

Ferrous lactate:乳酸亚铁

4.乳酸亚铁(ferrous lactate) 分子式Fe(C3H5O3)2.3H2O,分子量288.04,含铁19.39%. 微绿白色或类黄色结晶粉末或结晶. 稍有特殊的气味,有微甜和铁味. 可溶于水,1g可溶于40ml冷水或12ml沸水中,水溶液为绿色澄明且呈弱酸性. 几乎不溶于乙醇.


游蛇科(Colubridae)林蛇属(Boiga)爬行类,约30种. 分布於热带非洲至澳大利亚和玻里尼西亚群岛一带,常见於住房的地上或树上. 多夜间捕食鸟类. 毒性弱,毒牙生在口的後部. 因瞳孔呈椭圆形,眼可能为绿色而被称为猫蛇或猫眼蛇. 头短而宽,


deuteragonist 配角 | deuteranomal 绿色弱者 | deuteranomalous 绿色弱的


deuteranomalopia 绿色弱视 | deuteranomalous 绿色弱视的 | deuteranomaly 绿色弱视


deuteranomal 绿色弱者 | deuteranomalous 绿色弱的 | deuteranomaly 绿色弱

deuteranomalous:绿色弱视的 (形)

deus ex machina 解围的人或事件 | deuteranomalous 绿色弱视的 (形) | deuteranomaly 绿色弱视 (名)