英语人>词典>汉英 : 继续的期间 的英文翻译,例句
继续的期间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与继续的期间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would also like to know whether the assistantship of $13,000 can be maintained if I maintain satisfactory records.


Based on a measure of teacher learning styles of 216 senior high school teachers,this paper found that there existed common preferences,disciplinary and gender differences in their learning styles.


She may remain in her husband's house for forty days after his death, and within this period her dower shall be assigned to her.


This means either enough power must be generated while the wind is blowing to save for down-time, or keeping traditional power around, at least as a backup.


During the night-morning the coalition units continued to encircle the city from west and east.


The company, being a trading company in nature, also has its own letterheads. We apologise that our previous documents issued by the company were not printed on proper letterheads. I believe their office staff must have been a bit hard pressed for time in meeting lodgment deadlines with the result that some of the details regarding the company were not sent to you on proper company letterheads. I would venture to suggest that the mere fact of such an omission should not be used as a reason for rejection.


During that manic phase, everybody seems to believe that the boom will go on.


Rey is continuing his tour to meet our Chinese fans, and wwe.com will keep you updated with more details during his trip in China.


Usucaption regime is the law that the non-rightful owner continues to possess others property openly and peacefully with the excuse of practicing proprietary right and other property right, and the prescribed time


Penfield and Roberts show a region in which stimulation would occasionally cause the patient to vocalize, namely, either margin of the left Rolandic fissure. The sounds are described as a vowel, and the vocalization will last for the duration of the stimulation; if the patient runs out of breath, he will quickly inhale and continue. The patient is usually aware that he is making sounds, but he is unable to bring this under voluntary control.

潘菲尔和罗勃兹指出能让病患间歇发声的区域,就在中央沟(或称罗兰度氏裂 Rolandic fissure)右侧或左测的边缘,而刺激发出的声音是我们所称的母音,刺激的期间都能持续发声,若病患氧气不足时,他会赶紧吸气再继续发声,病患通常会意识到自己在发出声音,但是他无法随意控制自己的发声。

更多网络解释与继续的期间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adjournment term:休庭后继续开庭的期间

adjournment sine die 无限期休庭,无限期休会 | adjournment term 休庭后继续开庭的期间 | adjudicate 判决


+ 在随后的战争期间 , 由于 华特制片厂的 不少 员工 都被征去参军了,除了发行了>(Bambi) ,华特 无法继续拍摄长篇动画,因此开始拍摄中短篇幅的动画电影并制成合辑发行,


本文将介绍在短暂的电压不足(brownout)期间,电信设备如何继续保持正常的工作. 首先,设计工程师必须了解电信设备专用电源的一些细节. 对电信设备馈电电源的共模电压为 –48V,尽管实际上的电压范围可能是 –42.5 至 –56V、 –40 至 –60V,

Johnny Carson:约翰尼.卡森

在1988年的好莱坞编剧罢工事件中有一位名叫约翰尼-卡森(Johnny Carson)脱口秀主持人也回到了制作公司继续工作. 但他回去工作的期间有三周都靠自己一个人写剧本,没有任何编剧和他一起工作.


多线染色体来源于核内有丝分裂(endomitosis). 对幼虫果蝇唾液腺细胞的染色体分析发现比其他类型的细胞中的染色体粗100倍. 在幼虫发育期间, 这些细胞停止了分裂, 但体积不断增大, DNA继续进行复制,以维持细胞的高分泌活性.



adjournment sine die:无限期休庭,无限期休会

adjournment of trial 审判延期 | adjournment sine die 无限期休庭,无限期休会 | adjournment term 休庭后继续开庭的期间


学校决定勒令琼斯停职,在此期间我们将继续对他的问题进行调查. "后来,他开始公开谈论在杨百翰大学进行的世贸中心废墟(ground zero)物质的研究. 他说在废墟材料中发现了铝热剂(thermite)的证据. 这是军方爆炸用的合成剂.

cardiogenic area:生心区

时开始起源於生心区(cardiogenic area)的内脏中胚层.成对的心管形成并愈合成单一的心管,至第3周末了,心脏血管系统便开始有作用了,当心管继续生长时它弯向右,不久即具备成人心脏的轮廓.第4周到第5周期间心脏分隔成四个腔室.心脏发育的关键期为由大约第20天到第50天,

during one's college year:在大学期间

exciting 兴奋的 | during one's college year. 在大学期间 | Go on with your work. 继续做你的工作.