英语人>词典>汉英 : 统制的 的英文翻译,例句
统制的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与统制的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Regarding the problem of concelebration of the Eucharist I remind you that this presupposes, as conditions, profession of the same faith and hierarchical communion with the Pope and with the universal Church.


In this thesis, the scope of negatives can be well explained by the c-command notion, but the c-command relation involved in double negation is more complicated than the monosyllabic negatives. Apart from the discussion on the three topics, the frequency of the negatives in Dunhuang Bianwen is listed in each section.


Discounting the price and currency depreciation, the prosperity was limited; for having substantive hoarding and speculation, the prosperity of local trade included some falsity; compared with the conditions before the war, the adjusting of commodity configuration was not the necessity of Shanghai economy development, but the result of traffic blockage and various controls.


Start from parliamentarism country and presidential governmental country and half-presidential governmental country, compare the general frame of the interpellation system, and emphasize the interpellation system of parliamentarism country. Part three.


State of the original definition: the class for class control.


Furthermore,thepaper classifies the form of the state-head of modern bourgeois countries into sixkinds,such as the form of the state-head of constitutional monarchy,of presidentialgovernment,of parliamentary cabinet,of semi-presidential and semi-parliamentarism,of presidential parliamentarism,and of committee system.And onthe basis of legal theories,it analyses the constitutionism status,basic functions andthe main characteristics of each form.


This system of thought control has not yet been carried to its logical conclusion, but there is a risk that intellectual curiosity may be stultified and thought and action become based solely on party policy.


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This traditional business card printing and membership card on the introduction of digital authoring business card printings and membership cards produced by the traditional business card printing and membership card is particularly important for making enterprise.


During Kekkonen's Government period, faced forceful Soviet Union diplomatic pressure, without efficient support from western nations. Given this, Finland chose bandwagoning neutral policy. However, due to muiti-parties and semi-president system at home, President Kekkonen could persist its government under threat from Soviet Union for 25 years, and use Soviet Union's support to increase Finnish influence to the western world, thus he personal won the historical reputation, in the meantime raise the national security.


更多网络解释与统制的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caretaker Cabinet:看守內閣

并不能再做重大政策之决定,新的重大政策是否施行应由新政府决定;此时此刻,已丧失执政权力而准备成为在野党的执政团队,就是caretaker government,在内阁制的国家或称为看守内阁(caretaker cabinet),至於在总统制的

Ecole Estienne:以传统制书艺术闻名

ENSAAMA跨领域学科的艺术表现 | Ecole Estienne以传统制书艺术闻名 | ESAA- Boulle 巴黎最精巧的高级细木工

presidential system:总统制

(二)有别於此,总统制(Presidential System)系指行政首长与国会议员乃各自民选产生,而采权力分立理念的中央政府体制. 亦即,行政首长(总统)、国会议员依其民主基础,系各自向选民负责,相互牵制平衡,所以尽管国会代表选民可监督总统之施政,


stationmaster /站长/ | statism /中央集权下的经济统制/ | statist /统计学者/中央经济统制论者/


包括以下10个方面:(3)台湾的人力资源管理专家黄英忠提出:人力资源管理是将组织所有人力资源做最适当的确保(Acquisition)、开发 (Development)、维持(Maintenance)和使用(Utilization),以及为此所规划、执行和统制的过程.

control account:统制账户

按账户的不同分工和作用, 可以划分为 统制账户(control account)和被统制账户 (controlled account). ② 账簿,报表 在英国亦指账簿,报表.③ 账目,账项 指某人欠其他人的金额.④ 记账 作为动词时与 for 连用,指将经济业务 记入账簿.


dirigible 可驾驶的 | dirigisme 干预或统制 | diriment impediment 结婚障碍

dirigisme n.m:统制经济

dirigeant,e adj., n. 领导的(人) | dirigisme n.m. 统制经济 | dirigor v.t. 领导,指导

Your bondage is at an end, Doom'rel. I challenge you:你的统制己经完蛋了, Doom'rel. 我向你挑战

I want to pay tribute=我想要称颂... | Your bondage is at an end, Doom'rel. I challenge you!=你的统制己经完蛋了, Doom'rel. 我向你挑战! | I need to know where the princess are, Kharan!=我需要知道公主哪里...

你的统制己经完蛋了, Doom'rel. 我向你挑战:Your bondage is at an end, Doom'rel. I challenge you

I want to pay tribute=我想要称颂... | Your bondage is at an end, Doom'rel. I challenge you!=你的统制己经完蛋了, Doom'rel. 我向你挑战! | I need to know where the princess are, Kharan!=我需要知道公主哪里...