英语人>词典>汉英 : 统一程序 的英文翻译,例句
统一程序 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与统一程序相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then with statistical analysis of the range of self-incriminating cases, the results of the first instance, the judicial organization of the first instance, the surrogate and advocacy of the first instance and of the second instance, I found, in practice, the self-incriminating cases have the following characteristics: The range of self-incriminating cases is small which mainly focus on 10 imputations; no public prosecution into private prosecution; the verdicts still lie a very important position, among which are lots of guilty verdicts; intermediation is the main way in ending a case, however, the intermediation system is not normative in practice; the cases of defendants escape is increasing, as a result, the suspension of private prosecution is also increasing; the court more depend on collegial bench, and less summary procedure; the party make less use of the system of surrogate and advocacy; the methods of processing mode are flexible in the second instance, etc.


However, the existing summary procedure for civil lawsuit in our country has not yet formed an integral and complete legal system, legislative interpretation conflicts with judicial interpretation, and the boundary between ordinary procedure and summary procedure is not well defined, which cause chaos and utter disorder for application of summary procedure in court at basic level.


Therefore,the existing system of rehabilitation—through-labour shall be consummated.By making the Law of Correcting Unlawful Action,the nature,the main body,the object,the method,the time limit of application,and the procudure of supervision of rehabilitation—through—labour can be explicite,so that it can be properly exercised.


The establishment of WTO dispute settlement mechanism, especially the panel procedure,the appellate procedure and the execution procedure has created a new judicial mechanism which is full of binding force under the global multilateral economy system.


A argumentation held in this thesis is that solatium for mental injury and compensation for death are independent from each other and can be demanded all together.


And we argue that providing unified parallel programming model without unified parallel computation model.


According to modern enterprise system and the enterprise internal control theory, and based on extensive practical investigation and research, this thesis firstly analyzed product sale managements, financial affairs management, basic condition of organization construction and the existing problems, facing situation. Furthermore it demonstrated that it is imperative that the end product oil sale corporation of CNPC carries out the concentrated and unified business accountings of financial affairs and it brought forward the design of the reforger of varies business flows under the concentrated and unified accounting model of financial affairs. On this foundation, it analyzed the problems such as processing program of supply of final product oil, financial flow of sale commodity, processing program of sale fund final accounts, the recognition of the key of internal control, etc. Finally, some problems, which is worth paying attention to, have been carried on analysis and discussion, such as the control relation of the final product oil sale corp. and distributive corp. of regions and provinces, the balanced equivalent of centralization of state power and division of power, etc. during the course of putting into effect the system of concentrated and unified business accounting of financial affairs.


In our article looking at XBOX 360's graphics processor, the ATI Xenos, we saw the first implementation of a unified shader core, whereby both Pixel Shader programs and Vertex Shader programs are executed over the same hardware block, as opposed to having separate vertex and pixel shader engines – its expected that ATI's PC graphics accelerator for DirectX 10 will also feature a unified shader architecture and NVIDIA are now talking about such a platform (having initially said that they believe separate discrete units would be more optimal in terms of processing performance).

ATI Xeons, XBOX 360的图形处理器,第一块采用统一着色核心的产品。为什么顶点着色程序和像素着色程序都在同一硬件上完成,而不是分别采用顶点着色引擎和像素着色引擎?预期ATI对应于DirectX 10的PC图形加速器也将以统一着色架构为特色。NVIDA现在也在研究这样的平台(起初声称分开的离散单位在处理表现上会更理想^。^)。

Starting in July next year(2008), there would be separate national boards responsible for registration and accreditation of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, optometrists, physiotherapists, psychologists, osteopaths and chiropractors.The proposal differs from one agreed to at last year(2006)'s COAG meeting, under which professionals in all nine fields would have faced the same accreditation process.Mr Howard said the revised plan would allow health professionals to move more easily between states to fill areas of demand without being held up by red tape.


Because in trial by default procedure legislation technology roughness, caused this procedure to have the serious flaw, concrete table present: To original, absente reo different processing consequence, has violated the litigant equal principle and the fair principle; Legislates excessively thickly, causes in the judicial practice to lack the unification to recognize the standard; Litigants procedure option does not receive when limits and so on.


更多网络解释与统一程序相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ad hoc:特别的

在缺乏统一的国际破产规则情形下,国际银行破产法律冲突一般是通过有关当局在实践基础上进行双边合作或法律礼让来解决,然而在存在两个或多个适用明显不同的法律制度的破产程序同时开始的情况下,上述特别的(Ad hoc) 解决方法可能是不够的,


(5) 同一类所有对象都能接收相同的消息.这实际是别有含义的一种说法,大家不久便能理解.由于类型为 "圆"(Circle)的一个对象也属于类型为"形状"(Shape)的一个对象,所以一个圆完全能接收形状消息.这意味着可让程序代码统一指挥"形状",

Directory listing:目录列表

在一个企业内部,SOA服务通过一个扮演 目录列表(directory listing)角色的登记处(Registry)来进行维护. 应用程序在登记处(Registry)寻找并调用某项服务. 统一描述、定义和集成(UDDI, Universal Description, Definition, and Integration)是服务登记的标准.

integrated emulator:积分模拟程序,集成仿真器,集中仿真程序,统一仿真程序

integrated electronics 集成电子学 | integrated emulator 积分模拟程序,集成仿真器,集中仿真程序,统一仿真程序 | integrated energy curve 累积能量曲线




建立ODBC是为了提供统一的方法,来访问不同的或相异(heterogeneous)的数据库管理系统. ODBC定义标准SQL语法. 应用程序可以使用ODBC或具体DBMS的语法来提交语句. 如果语句使用与具体DBMS不同的ODBC语法,在把它发送到数据源之前,

lexical analyzer:词法分析器

编译器的第一个部分常被称为词法分析器(lexical analyzer). 词法分析器检查组成程序的字符序列,并将它们划分为记号(token)一个记号是一个由一个或多个字符构成的序列,它在语言被编译时具有一个(相关地)统一的意义. 在C中,例如,

NCC Education:(英国国家计算教育中心)

IADB的学历广受认可,与英国国家计算教育中心(NCC Education)设立学术委员会(Academic Board),负责统一和监管IADB的课程质素有关. NCC Education东亚区项目经理郑慧敏(Lavender)透露:「我们对全球所有的授权中心都采用统一的授权与监管的程序.

text editor:文本编辑程序

但Bespin并不仅仅是又一款文字处理器,首要的,它是一款文本编辑程序(text editor),你可以用它来编辑代码或者管理文本to-do列表. 利用Bespin,开发人员则可以通过一个统一界面(支持插件)进行项目协作而无论他们在哪里,--只要他们有一个浏览器.


s使用者(end users) 、程序员(programmers) 、系统整合师(system integrators)、以及系统工程师(system engineers)等5 种人员心中所关切的焦点与看法. 为了能够把4种人不同的观点统一起来,Kruchten大师提出了一个情节(Scenarios)观点(这个词翻译的不好,