英语人>词典>汉英 : 统一基金 的英文翻译,例句
统一基金 的英文翻译、例句


consolidated fund
更多网络例句与统一基金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper,using life annuity theory combining with State Department's 'the decision of establishing consolidated corporation employee pension system',we derive the actuarial model of measuring fund gap in the fundamental pension insurance.


In 1786 Pitt established the consolidated fund.


The Consolidated Fund in Britain government fund into which money obtained by taxation is paid, used esp to pay interest on the national debt


Soon after joining the National Assembly, I clashed with the administration over underfunding of the Consolidated Social Fund (known by its Spanish acronym FUS), which had been created by Chávez to coordinate the distribution of resources to antipoverty programs.


Consolidated Fund of East Timor


Liu Jinguo, vice minister of the Public Security Ministry, said at a meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Social Security that China's Public Security Ministry is currently considering reforms to the household registration system and is seeking ways to abolish the wall between the rural and urban household registers and establish a unified household register management system in both urban and rural areas.

公安部副部长 Liu Jinguo 说,在一次"社保基金综合管理"小组会议上,中国公安部正在考虑对户籍制度进行改革,寻求消除城乡户籍差别、建立城乡统一户籍管理制度的方式。

Access letter Level-2 stock indicators Wang software by the wealth of cultural dissemination from research and development center, with excellent integration of 2533 targets, operational targets, you do not need the advanced theory of the stock, we can correct operation, is really a fool-software stocks ; Column in the software tools, real-time foreign exchange Po, Fu won the dynamic, on-line television P2, a new global financial services, daily newspapers and magazines, electronic drawing pen, tools such as the capture function, and there are different tools for the user to stay up Ten extension workers, users can demand their own favorite software integrated into this software; software in the time-sharing plans, we have for you, the unit integrates Web site associated important, as long as the user to enter a stock The time-sharing plans, in the lower left alone to win the rich picture, the rich win, win dynamic rich, L2 data, DDE indicators, time-DDE, Panorama, a unified stock market, stock news, and other sites associated with the unit, as long as the user clicks The Unit will be able to view information; software in the "services" tab also integrates with hundreds of well-known financial Web sites and video for users searching for financial information, data-rich win, the fund market, the Financial Video , Financial News, and other related content.


In 1999, the social insurance agencies have stopped the practice of drawing administrative fees from the fund. And labor and social security departments have taken effective measures to carry out pension fund supervision, deal with the violation cases such as underpayment of contribution and fraud benefit claims etc..


So we must adopt appropriate countermeasures,as we make insurance founds into security investment founds,to change the inharmonic situation as quickly as possible.


It is necessary to perfect the legal system, establish identification system for the recessively employed, a payment system with difference and an accounting system for the unemployment insurance, raise the level of fund collecting, collect tax for unemployment insurance, and finally establish a national coordinated system und...


更多网络解释与统一基金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

consolidated annuities:统一公债

consolidate 巩固 | consolidated annuities 统一公债 | consolidated fund 统一基金

consolidated fund:统一基金

他补充,选委会委员的薪水是由统一基金(consolidated fund)支付,与法官薪水的支付方式相同,选委会只需向国家元首和人民负责,无需向联邦政府负责. 他解释,在>制订以后,这项法令应已取代之前制订的>.

consolidated fund:统一财政金库;统一基金

concept fund 概念基金 | consolidated fund 统一财政金库;统一基金 | Consolidated Fund 统一基金

consolidated fund:国库统一基金

Stipendiary Magistrates 专业治安法官 | Consolidated Fund 国库统一基金 | Magistrates' Court 治安法院

Federal Consolidated Fund:联邦统一基金

Federal Communications Commission;联邦电讯委员会;FCC; | Federal Consolidated Fund;联邦统一基金;; | Federal Consultative Assembly;联邦协商会议;;

consolidated fund abstract account:统一基金摘要会计报告

consignor 's sales account 寄销人销售帐户 | consolidated fund abstract account 统一基金摘要会计报告 | construction account 建筑工程帐户

Consolidated Fund of East Timor:东帝汶统一基金

Official Gazette of East Timor,东帝汶政府公报,, | Consolidated Fund of East Timor,东帝汶统一基金,CFET, | East Timor Consolidated Budget,东帝汶统一预算,,

offshore fund:境外基金

日本的基金除少数境外基金(Offshore Fund)和地域基金(Country Fund)外,6000多个基金都是契约型基金,统一受>及由此产生的证券投资信托协会的监管.

unfunded:未设基金 unfunded 未设基金

3867 1 unfavorable variance 不利差异 unfavorable variance 不利差异 | 3868 1 unfunded 未设基金 unfunded 未设基金 | 3869 1 uniform accounting system 统一会计制度 uniform accounting system 统一会计制度

Consolidated Gold Field, Ltd:统一金矿有限公司

Consolidated Fund;统一基金;; | Consolidated Gold Field, Ltd.;统一金矿有限公司;CGF; | Consolidated Gold Fields PLC;统一金矿公司;CGF;