英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝症 的英文翻译,例句
绝症 的英文翻译、例句


incurable disease · fatal illness
更多网络例句与绝症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mainstream discourses such as the self-justification, cultural atavism, fetishism of commodity, the extreme nationalism and the elite arts, seem once again to activate the eschatological spiritual incurable diseases like the pills of shaking one's head when somebody drinks them.


So he and three students sneaked back in during a long weekend holiday when he knew the gatekeepers might be off duty.


B: No idea, but for people with terminal diseases, Chinese medicine may be the last result.


I have no idea of it.For the patients surffering terminal disease,Chinese medicine is their last resort.


Thumb everywhere stray cattle came Hakuni islandHe saw a man who considers himself a political cowardice money for the milk he drank, who became magical 48.Dairy cattle thumb for terminally ill to die a small break to restore a healthy and what to drink cow milk thumb yourselves,intercedes in the valley of the village under the chin, and his eyes are not blind, a high long hair drink cow milk yourselves : thumb :.


The lead actor, Scott Wolf, gives a compelling performance as a detective who believes he will die of a terminal and painful illness.

主角Scott Wolf表现非常出色,他扮演一个相信自己会死于很痛苦的绝症

A law of this sort would have allowed Lady Downes to die as she wished in her own country. But it would not have covered Sir Edward, old, frail and soon to be bereaved one way or another—but not terminally ill.


Being in place of muscular dystrophy is fearfuler than cancer in the world.


The terminally ill should be helped to an easeful death, if they ask for it


The second season stars Jennifer Beals, Erin Daniels, Leisha Hailey, Laurel Holloman, Mia Kirshner, Eric Lively, Katherine Moennig and Pam Grier who unflinchingly strive for success in both their professional and private lives.


更多网络解释与绝症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Terms of Endearment:常在我心间

绝症是催泪弹的重要元素,一九八三年的>(Terms of Endearment)是最佳例子. 该金像名片描述多年来一对母女各为人母的生活,时而幽默,时而令人不胜唏嘘,结尾耍出绝症桥,观众很难不泪流满面的离开戏院. 不过,影片稍为有新意的是,

fatal illness:绝症

所以在佛典中常用「生死大海」一词来譬喻芸芸众生的实际处境. 因此,要洞悉轮回的相貌,根本就不须等到死亡来临之际,而是把握当下现前一念,留心观照诸法缘起缘灭的契机. (一) 绝症(fatal illness)与安易死/安乐死(euthanasia)

I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's terminal:恐怕... 恐怕是绝症

I'm sorry, Mr. Largo.|对不起,Largo先生. | I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's terminal.|恐怕... 恐怕是绝症. | You don't have much time.|你没有多少时间了.

incurable disease:绝症

mineral矿物质,, | incurable disease绝症 | depression抑郁症

incurably ill patient:绝症病人

incapable adj.无能力的,不能的 | incurably ill patient 绝症病人 | infirm adj.弱的,柔弱的

mortally ill:身患绝症

5、他已经把根深深地扎在了异国的土地上 His roots had become too firmly embedded in the new land | 6、身患绝症 mortally ill | 7、走投无路 wondering what to do next

Passive negativism:被动拒绝症,被动违拗,被动性消极主义

"嗅觉倒错","Parosmia; Parosphresis; Perversion of sense of smell" | "被动拒绝症,被动违拗,被动性消极主义","Passive negativism" | "悖德癖,悖德狂","Pathomania; Moral insanity"

Internal negativism:内拒绝症,内违拗,内心消极主义

"间歇性精神病","Intermittent insanity; Recurrent insanity" | "内拒绝症,内违拗,内心消极主义","Internal negativism" | "[神志]清明期","Intervalla lucida; Lucid interval"

Active negativism ; Commanded negativism:主动拒绝症,主动违拗,主动性消极主义

"后天精神病","Acquired insanity" | "主动拒绝症,主动违拗,主动性消极主义","Active negativism; Commanded negativism" | "真性神经病","Actual neurosis"

terminally ill patient:患绝症的病人

terminal disease 绝症 | terminally ill patient 患绝症的病人 | testosterone n .睾丸激素