英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝望的状态 的英文翻译,例句
绝望的状态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与绝望的状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lieutenant Dan is a qualifiedsoldier who grows in such a family, and a stubborn personality is formed in him which makes him into an extreme of the oppose of two aspects including regarding dying in battle is the only settlement for himself, dying for the country is his honor and nevertheless is a shame of life, his fatalism likethis leads him roar in desperate on Gump's back and give vent to his agony in battle hospital, his self-giving up by roaming with tramps after being disabled is a self-negating to his life value and a corrupted status after losing the meaning of life and the direction of moving forward, which revealsanother form of his stubborn.


If there really is this preponderance—which there must be unless human affairs are, and have always been, in an almost desperate state—it is owing to a quality of the human mind, the source of everything respectable in man either as an intellectual or as a moral being, namely, that his errors are corrigible.


Israel is demoralized and in a state of panic and despair.


Has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.


My brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-d


And power of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.


Of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.


My brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate parom of self-defence.


Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see picures of people in extreme conditions of grief and despair.


Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see picures of people in exreme conditions of grief and despair .


更多网络解释与绝望的状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"有一句古老的谚语是说,人类活动的根本动机只有两个:绝望(desperation)和愿望(aspiration). 没有创造的愿望和动机,绝望就乘机流行. 然而,也并非一定如此. 许多基础创新在开始的时候,也都如此:似乎是一种分隔、离散的状态.

impalement:刺穿; 围住; 刺刑 (名)

impale 刺穿, 钉住, 使绝望 (动) | impalement 刺穿; 围住; 刺刑 (名) | impalpability 不能触觉的状态或性质 (名)


由于害怕,阿富罕战争期间,平可夫的情绪会极端不稳定,非常容易改变想法,瞻前顾 后、犹豫不决、踌 躇、不安,甚至出现医学上的心理恐惧 (Panic) 状态. 在将近数分钟时间内,手、喉咙不适、手上皮肤感觉异常,心跳加快,完全绝望、不知所 措.

ratty:鼠的; 多鼠的; 像鼠的; 卑鄙的 (形)

rattrap 捕鼠机; 绝望的状态; 肮脏破旧的房子 (名) | ratty 鼠的; 多鼠的; 像鼠的; 卑鄙的 (形) | raucous 声音沙哑的; 喧闹的; 刺耳的 (形)