英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对量 的英文翻译,例句
绝对量 的英文翻译、例句


absolute magnitude · absolute amount
更多网络例句与绝对量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating.


The result shows, the construction inside area of the work inside research period of time changes the distributinging difference step up of exponential interval in different city with the ground, formed urban core area and a rural area distributinging center of two absolute magnitude.


Per cent of the total quota would be allocated to applicants that had not previously been allocated quota; however, an applicant that had imported under a quota on the relevant products in the year prior to China's accession would not receive a decrease in the absolute amount of its quota allocation;


The unfolded spectra measured by soft X-ray spectrometer and transmission grating spectrometer are compared.


Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate.


The Adeptus Mechanicus worship him as the greatest creator of all time outclassing every techpriest and Fabricator-General in sheer amount of knowledge and comprehension.

Adeptus Mechanicus 参加礼拜他如最伟大的创作者整时间比每 techpriest 和制作者更高级-一般的在绝对量的知识和理解。

The compensation effect of water stress only was observed in the percentage distribution values in fine roots of RAWS plants, which kept significantly higher than that of CK during rewatereing. However, there apparently was an after-effect of water stress, as revealed by the delayed recovery of almost all of the three parameters in RAWS plants.


更多网络解释与绝对量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute magnitude:绝对量

absolute luminosity 绝对明度 | absolute magnitude 绝对量 | absolute mass unit 绝对质量单位

absolute magnitude:绝对量;绝对值

45,"absolute irreducibility","绝对不可约[性]" | 46,"absolute magnitude","绝对量;绝对值" | 47,"absolute maximum","最大[值]"

absolute magnitude effect:绝对星等效应,绝对星等效应

absolute magnitude 绝对量,绝对量,绝对星等,绝对星等 | absolute magnitude effect 绝对星等效应,绝对星等效应 | absolute majority 绝对多数,绝对多数

absolute scale:绝对量表

absolute refractory period 絕對不應期 | absolute scale 絕對量表 | absolute scaling 絕對量表法

Farr technique Farr:技术,法尔技术[测定抗体绝对量的放射免疫技术]

farnesylpyrophosphate 法尼焦磷酸,焦磷酸法尼酯 | Farr technique Farr技术,法尔技术[测定抗体绝对量的放射免疫技术] | fasciclin 成束蛋白[参与轴突的成束]

absolute heating effect:绝对加热效应

absolute gauge 绝对量计,绝对压力表 | absolute heating effect 绝对加热效应 | absolute heating efficiency 绝对加热效率

absolute irreducibility:绝对不可约性

44,"absolute integrability","绝对可积分[性]" | 45,"absolute irreducibility","绝对不可约[性]" | 46,"absolute magnitude","绝对量;绝对值"

lightness constancy:亮度恒常性

(3)亮度恒常性 亮度恒常性(lightness constancy),即人们在不同照明条件下,将物体的白度、灰度和黑度等知觉为恒定的倾向. 实际上,之所以存在亮度恒常性,是因为即使物体反射光线的绝对量发生了改变,反射光线的百分比却是基本上恒定的.

absolute luminosity:绝对明度

absolute localization 绝对定位 | absolute luminosity 绝对明度 | absolute magnitude 绝对量