英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对真理的 的英文翻译,例句
绝对真理的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
apodictic  ·  apodeictic

更多网络例句与绝对真理的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The philosophy behind Absurdism is that human understanding will always be limited, and claims to Absolute Truth are therefore absurd.


Now, let me tell you an absolute biblical truth.


Every man may philosophize all he wants , but this is the utter truth , which many people understand this way but few will say .


The end of science in Popper\'s point of view is to approach the truth but not to seek for absolute truth.


The total characteristic of the development of the traditional western philosophy is that the logos is treated as the center when investigated the arche of the world, pursued the ultimate reality, the eternal principle and the absolute truth. It relied on self-improvement of the rationality and logic to emancipate the human beings.


The study shows that generally the mathematics view of normal university students majoring in mathematics is right, they depict mathematics learning as a dynamical process. Besides some special traits belong to mathematics, estimation, measurement and decision making themselves are also in the math field; however there are still some people warp the mathematics view, believe that mathematics is an apodeictic collection. Haven't realized the power that mathematics can improve people's taste ability and perfect people's personality, they believe that math learning is a passive process during which students receive acknowledge. What is more, there are different believes existing in the understanding of mathematics essence, mathematics value and mathematics learning. These believes vary with different university students from different grades and genders.


The study shows that generally the mathematics view of normal university studentsmajoring in mathematics is right, they depict mathematics learning as a dynamical process.Besides some special traits belong to mathematics, estimation, measurement and decisionmaking themselves are also in the math field;however there are still some people warp themathematics view, believe that mathematics is an apodeictic collection. Haven\'t realized thepower that mathematics can improve people\'s taste ability and perfect people\'s personality,they believe that math learning is a passive process during which students receiveacknowledge. What is more, there are different believes existing in the understanding ofmathematics essence, mathematics value and mathematics learning.


The study shows that generally the mathematics view of normal university studentsmajoring in mathematics is right, they depict mathematics learning as a dynamical process.Besides some special traits belong to mathematics, estimation, measurement and decisionmaking themselves are also in the math field;however there are still some people warp themathematics view, believe that mathematics is an apodeictic collection. Haven"t realized thepower that mathematics can improve people"s taste ability and perfect peoples personality,they believe that math learning is a passive process during which students receiveacknowledge. What is more, there are different believes existing in the understanding ofmathematics essence, mathematics value and mathematics learning. These believes vary withdifferent university students from different grades and genders.


In other words, it led to the destruction of God-ordained structures of life and relationships. This is perfectly understandable if we understand that secular psychology is based on naturalism, evolution, relativism, humanism etc.!


I believe -- I know -- that President Bush acknowledges absolutes, and that fosters my faith in his actions.


更多网络解释与绝对真理的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

consistent with:符合

你的实验结果可能符合(consistent with)或支持(in support of)你的假说,或可能证明你的假说是错误的,但你永远无法证明你的假说是绝对正确的、是绝对真理.


所以,杜威认为"实用主义"更好的名字应该是"实验主义"(experimentalism)或者"工具主义"(Instrumentalism). 胡适信奉杜威的"实验主义"(有译"实用主义"). 他认为"实验主义"是科学的产物,用科学的观点看,一切真理都是人定的,因而不可能有绝对真理.


即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.


d) 傅柯(Foucault)的权力/真理观:所有绝对真理和道德标准都是权力工具,有权力就有反抗. 例子:邵家臻深受傅柯(Foucault)的影响,以权力角度批判所有对青少年的「压制」. 又如「姊妹同志」鼓吹「多元性爱选择」,「不信权威,专拆『真理』,

in support of:支持

你的实验结果可能符合(consistent with)或支持(in support of)你的假说,或可能证明你的假说是错误的,但你永远无法证明你的假说是绝对正确的、是绝对真理.




即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.


apodeictic /绝对真理的/无可置疑的/ | apodictic /绝对真理的/无可置疑的/ | apodization /切趾法/


gospel 绝对真理 | oversubscribed 供不应求的 | guru 教师

apodeictic:绝对真理的, 无可置疑的

apodehydrogenase || 脱氢酶脱辅基, 脱氢酶蛋白(部分, 体) | apodeictic || 绝对真理的, 无可置疑的 | apodema || 胸横带(介壳虫) 侧内板