英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对温标 的英文翻译,例句
绝对温标 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

absolute scale · absolute temperature scale
更多网络例句与绝对温标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is pointed out that, when the absolute scale has been chosen as standard, the dete...


Some practical problems arising from the adoption of the absolute scale ol temperature as standard in place of the Celsius scale are discussed.


To establish an absolute thermodynamic scale we choose the integral factor which is independent of the nature of any particular substance to p...


Thermodynamics Scale is also called Kelvin scale or absolute temperature scale, defining that the temperature where the molecular activity stop is absolute zero degree.


The problems 'considered include the correction of gas thermometer readings, the specification of: the platinum resistance thermometer and of the platinum thermocouple .


Coefficient of expansion for any of the three dimensions at temperature T and constant pressure p given, in reciprocal kelvins, by the following wyuation.

在温度 T 和恒定压力 p 下,三个方向上任意一个方向上的膨胀系数单位为为绝对温标之倒数,即1/T ),由下式给出

更多网络解释与绝对温标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kelvin absolute scale:开尔文绝对温标,开氏绝对温标

42、Kelvin 开尔文,绝对温标 | 43、Kelvin absolute scale 开尔文绝对温标,开氏绝对温标 | 44、Kerr constant 克尔效应常数

absolute scale of temperature:[机] 绝对温标

2229absolute scale[医] 绝对温标 | 2230absolute scale of temperature[机] 绝对温标 | 2231absolute scattering power[机] 绝对散射本领

Kelvin's absolute scale of temperature:开氏绝对温标

Kelvin's scale 开氏温标 | Kelvin's absolute scale of temperature 开氏绝对温标 | Kennelly-Heaviside layer E电离层

Kelvin's absolute scale of temperature:克耳文绝对温标

克耳文温标 Kelvin temperature scale | 克耳文绝对温标 Kelvin's absolute scale of temperature | 比释动能 kerma

absolute temperature scale:绝对温标

于1848年创立热力学"绝对温标"(absolute temperature scale). 为记念其贡献, 这温标较后称为"开尔文温标"(Kelvin scale). 绝对温标的单位 - K, 就是取自他姓氏(Kelvin)的缩写.[4]8. 发明现代的航海罗盘针(compass), 测潮器(tide predictor),

absolute temperature scale:绝对温标;凯氏温标

absolute system of units 绝对单位制 | absolute temperature scale 绝对温标;凯氏温标 | absolute temperature 绝对温度

absolute temperature scale of gas:气体绝对温标

absolute temperature scale 绝对温标 | absolute temperature scale of gas 气体绝对温标 | absolute thermodynamic scale 绝对热力学温标;绝对热力学标度

Kelvin's temperature scale:凯氏温标;绝对温标

" ","Kelvin scale","凯氏温标" | " ","Kelvin's temperature scale","凯氏温标;绝对温标" | ,"kerasin","脑苷脂"

Kelvin's temperature scale:克氏温标 ;绝对温标 {旧译:凯氏温标}

"克氏温标 {旧译:凯氏温标}","Kelvin scale" | "克氏温标 ;绝对温标 {旧译:凯氏温标}","Kelvin's temperature scale" | "脑苷脂","kerasin; cerebroside"

scale, absolute temperature:绝对温标

scale, Kelvin 开氏温标 | scale, absolute temperature 绝对温标 | scale, angular 角度盘