英语人>词典>汉英 : 给人深刻印象的 的英文翻译,例句
给人深刻印象的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dramatic  ·  impressionistic  ·  impressive

更多网络例句与给人深刻印象的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This battle will be fought nationwide. In Florida, for example, the party pooh-bahs back Charlie Crist, the governor, for a soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat. Mr Crist could probably win a general election. But conservatives despise his free-spending, Barack Obama-embracing ways, and would rather gamble on Marco Rubio, a young Cuban-American who hits all their sweet spots. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has recruited an impressive batch of moderates to contest winnable seats, such as Mark Kirk in Illinois and Michael Castle in Delaware. But all are likely to face bare-knuckle conservative challengers. Vicious primaries may yield either unelectable extremists or moderates who have been wounded by attack ads and drained of money. And the party is too ill-disciplined to prevent any of this from happening. In short, the Republicans are doomed.

这场战争会在全国范围内打响,比如,在佛罗里达州,党内要人支持Charlie Crist州长去争取将要腾出来的参议院的位子,Crist先生一般来说会赢得选举,但是保守派鄙视他如同奥巴马所做的那样乱花钱,保守派宁可把赌注压在Marco Rubio这位年轻的古巴裔美国人身上,他正好处于最佳位置全国共和党参议院委员会已经招募了一群给人深刻印象的温和派,比如伊利诺伊州州的Mark Kirk和特拉华州的Michael Castle去竞争可能获胜的位子,但是他们所有人都需要去面对毫不留情的保守派挑战者,残酷的初期阶段会产生没有参选资格的极端主义者或者温和派,他们会因攻击性的广告或者钱财耗尽而受伤,并且共和党毫无纪律去防止此类事情的发生,一句话,共和党前景黯淡。

But he's not the only bird of paradise here keen to make an impression.


First step is to make effective eye contact.


This is a very impressive accomplishment and should be given greater prominence in your essay.


NGC 3256 is an impressive example of a peculiar galaxy that is actually the relict of a collision of two separate galaxies that took place in a distant past.

NGC 3256是一个给人深刻印象的特殊星系,实际上是发生于遥远过去的两漩涡星系碰撞后的残余物。

The impressive snow-capped mountain at top right with well-developed valley glaciers is Muztag Ulu, which has an elevation of 7,282 meters (23,892 feet).


Time to gain an impressive knowledge of English.


He also adds the piano and bouzouki to his impressive multi-instrumentalist resume.


Just as impressive are Alpine White III matt, Black Sapphire metallic and Silver Grey metallic.


Complex notes of cedar, clove and charcuterie abound, creating an impressive aromatic Shiraz offering.


更多网络解释与给人深刻印象的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


crossroads n.十字路, 十字路口, 歧途 | barrymore 巴里莫尔(姓氏) | impressive adj.给人深刻印象的, 感人的

come across as:[口]看上去似乎是,给人深刻印象

1.beguiling adj.迷人的 | 2.come across as [口]看上去似乎是,给人深刻印象 | 3.proverbial adj.出名的,众所周知的

communicate: v.1:传达,传递,传播 2.传染 3.显露

inclination: n.1.倾向,爱好,癖好 2.趋向,趋势 | communicate: v.1.传达,传递,传播 2.传染 3.显露 | effective: a.1.能产生(预期)结果的,有效的 2.给人深刻印象的,显著的,有力的

dramatist, playwright:剧作家; 戏曲家

dramatic 戏剧性的;引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 | dramatist playwright 剧作家; 戏曲家 | dramatize 使戏剧化

impolitic act:失策之举

illogical act 不合逻辑的行动 | impolitic act 失策之举 | imposing act 给人深刻印象的举动


impressionistic 印象派的 | impressionistic 给人深刻印象的 | impressionistic 给人深刻印象的

impressionistic:印象主义的 (形)

impressionist 印象主义者; 印象派作家 (名) | impressionistic 印象主义的 (形) | impressive 给人深刻印象的, 感人的 (形)

impudent act:厚颜无耻的行为

imposing act 给人深刻印象的举动 | impudent act 厚颜无耻的行为 | incongruous act 自相矛盾的举动

a knockout:给人留下深刻印象的人,异常动人的人

A fly on the wheel 狂妄自大的人 | A knockout 给人留下深刻印象的人,异常动人的人 | A natural 智力低下的人,白痴;天才,天生的料子

impressive adj. deeply impressing the mind and feelings:给人深刻印象的

This is a major breakthrough in computer technology. 这是电脑技术上的一... | impressive adj. deeply impressing the mind and feelings给人深刻印象的 | He has a very impressive manner. 他的态度予人以深刻的...