英语人>词典>汉英 : 给予保护的 的英文翻译,例句
给予保护的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与给予保护的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He approvingly quotes Justice Brandeis's defense of "the right to be let alone."


Provided with an infrared automatic positioning protective circuit and an automatic reset circuit, the utility model realizes automatic positioning protection and compressor automatic control.


The Wild Mammals Act 1996 protects wild mammals by making it an offence to cause them unnecessary suffering by certain acts.Crimes include Badger baiting and other cruelty cases; and illegal snaring, poaching, poisoning and hunting.


The car has become the carapace, the protectie and aggressie shell, of urban and suburban man.


Furthermore,The protective lid features bipolar knife switch which resolves safety issues when the lid is open.

此外, 当盖子是打开的时候,给予保护的盖子内有两极的闸刀来解决电流的安全流通。

Auxiliary circuits within the controller which are essential for proper operation of the controller shall not have overcurrent protective devices.

帮助者 对控制器的适当操作是必要的控制器里面的线路将不有过流给予保护的装置。

The Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence offer important protections for victims,including the right to participate in and know the proceedings,the right of personality and privacy and the right for compensation,which have the characteristics of completeness,sufficiency and indemnificatory.


Results: 1. The value of all experimental indexes decreased significantly after heat stress, and reached the lowest at the time 2-8 hours after heat stress. This indicates that the immunity of the mice is damaged to the largest extent at 2-8 hours after heat stress. 2. L-arginine supplementation with appropriate dose could remit the acute atrophying of thymus and spleen tissue caused by heat stress. 3. After L-arginine supplementation with appropriate dose, the lymphocyte proliferation, the level of concentration of IL-2 and * expression of IL-2R raised in the group with room temperature; in the heat stress group the level of three indexs decrease significantly. Furthermore, the decrease of the group given 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine is the smallest. This result indicates that the concentration of 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine supplementation could remit the depressment of the immunity caused by heat stress. 4. The [Ca2~] in activated thymocytes of the group with L-arginine -2- supplementation is significantly higher than that of the group with water supplementation. This indicates that L-arginine supplementation could protect thymoeytes of mouse under heat stress. We also found that the fluorescence intensity of [Ca2~] in activated thymocytes of the group given 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine is the highest.


The function of protective relaying is to cause the prompt removal of a defective element from a power system.


The advanced architecture of the Harappans is shown by their impressive dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms, and protective walls.


更多网络解释与给予保护的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ALT G:给予

2.使用"给予"(alt g)操作,选择怀疑目标进行检举,使用后举报符消失. 2.若正处于此类任务活动的玩家需要暂时离开电脑,同时又担心被举报,可以通过屏幕右下角的"系统"(alt s)呼出按钮列表,点击"外挂举报"选择 "申请保护时间"来获得300秒的保护期,

computer software:计算机软件

五、在先技术(Prior Art)对创造性判断的 影响 6摘要:在讨论商业 方法 (Business method )和 计算 机软件(computer software)是否合适于专利保护之初,美国、日本、欧洲等国更多关注的是在专利法 理论 上对这两种客体(subject matter)能否给予保护的 问题 .

computer software:软件

五、在先技术(Prior Art)对创造性判断的 6摘要:在讨论商业(Business method )和机软件(computer software)是否合适于专利保护之初,美国、日本、欧洲等国更多关注的是在专利法上对这两种客体(subject matter)能否给予保护的.


新的标识(logo)、图案(device)或图形商标(graphic trade mark)均可受到共同体外观设计的保护. 将商标当成外观设计注册将提供一种无需证明复制或混淆即可行使权利的专有权. 这种注册可在一件单一申请中对所有商品给予保护. 因此,


131.protective给予保护的; | 132.endurable可忍受的; | 133.outer外部的;

Mail Box:信箱

1995年1月1日尚未给予药品与农业化学产品专利保护的,都应给予所谓"邮政信箱"(mail box)的行政保护,即,第一,在过渡期内提供此类发明的专利申请的方法;第二,授予该申请专利的产品以5年独占市场销售权或直至该申请获准或被拒绝,


换言之,如果没有燃眉之急的危险,法庭可能认为施救者的行为是鲁莽的(reckless),故而不给予保护. 例如,在一场车祸中,汽车并没有着火,伤者并无生命危险,也没有第二次被撞的危险,如果一位见义勇为者决定去救援,反而导致被救者瘫痪或其他伤害,


我们建议立法的、管理的(regulatory)和政府的(administrative)进行改革以在消费者金融产品和服务市场促进透明、简化、公平、课责和便利. 我们也建议为联邦交易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)给予新的授权和资源以在更广的范围内对投资者进行保护.

Wrongful Discharge:不当解雇

但自从二十世纪三十年代以来,逐渐地在联邦和州的立法中出现了对特殊类型的雇员给予保护的规定,在无正当理由的情形下雇主不得"自由"地解雇雇员,不当解雇(wrongful discharge)制度的出现,一定程度地改变了任意的雇用关系.

-Optimizes benefits to consumers:尽可能保护消费者利益

? 所有的风险承担者都会给予回报-Delivers benefits to all stakeholders | -尽可能保护消费者利益 -Optimizes benefits to consumers | -尽可能回报风险投资者 Optimizes returns to stakeholders