英语人>词典>汉英 : 给...服药 的英文翻译,例句
给...服药 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
physic  ·  physicked  ·  physicking

更多网络例句与给...服药相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I sent the story to the HawkEye, and the editors decided to use it in the Sunday, January 6, edition, and the story was carried on page 2, along with a picture of me looking out from our back porch and another of me taking my pills


I'll give you some medicine to take and some ointment to ease the itch.


I'll give some medicine by injection or orally.


After he had been rescued, he went to Orel, and two days after getting there, as he was preparing to start for Kiev, he fell ill and spent three months laid up at Orel. He was suffering, so the doctors said, from a bilious fever. Although they treated him by letting blood and giving him drugs, he recovered.


We have proved our theory is right and this way to take decoction so as to prevent or reduce the recrudescence of the rheumatoid arthritis is scientific.


Senator Frank Church, who led the congressional investigations of the CIA's unlawful actions, said that the agency was "a rogue elephant" operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on thousands of Americans, and even drugged our own citizens in its effort to develop new weapons for its covert arsenal.

参议员 Frank Church ,他是领导国会调查 CIA 的非法行动,他说机构是"一头无赖的大象"运做凌驾于法律之上,由于它在密谋暗杀,违法的侦察数千美国人,并且甚至给我们的公民服药作为他们为秘密兵工厂开发出新的武器的成就。

She overdosed the old woman with pain-killers.


Some allergists prescribe them to patients who can't find symptom relief from oral antihistamines.


What? You boneheads dosed me?

什么 你们两个傻瓜给我服药了?

Healthcare providers routinely use this pill-taking strategy to treat problems related to the menstrual cycle, such as excessive bleeding, premenstrual syndrome and endometriosis.


更多网络解释与给...服药相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

perdition n.1:毁灭, 全失, 减亡 2.永远的死亡, 沉沦, 没亡 3.地狱

condone vt.1.宽恕, 赦免 2.用(行动、事实)抵销(过失、罪行),补偿,弥补,赎罪 | perdition n.1.毁灭, 全失, 减亡 2.永远的死亡, 沉沦, 没亡 3.地狱 | dose n.(一次)剂量,一剂,一份 v. (给...)服药


奎尼丁(Quinidine)是最早用于抗心律失常的药物之一. 在医院里,我们常听到一些病人说:"奎尼丁对我的房颤转律效果很好,请医生给我多带些药,等以后房颤再发作时,我在家服药就不用住院了. "医生的回答则往


第二年,上三年级的时候,医生开了"利他林"(Ritalin)给他服用. 这时,穆瑞请医师也给自己开了同样的处方. 她告诉医师:"不管效果好坏,我想自己试着服用,也了解这种药对儿子有什么作用. "她开始写日记,记录自己服药的感受. 第一次服药时,

take food:吃东西

217. take medicine 服药 | 218. take food 吃东西 | 219. take sth to sb把...给...

withhold t:使停止, 拒给, 保留, 抑制 i. 忍住

2043. withdrawal n. 收回, 撤退, 退回, 取消, 退隐, 停止服药, 退股 | 2044. withhold t. 使停止, 拒给, 保留, 抑制 i. 忍住 | 2045. withstand t. 抵挡, 经受住