英语人>词典>汉英 : 结肠上的 的英文翻译,例句
结肠上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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All the patients had mucocutaneous pigmentation, gastrointestinal polyps, abdominal pain, anemia, and so on. All the patients were examined by endoscopy, polyps were removed by electrocautery snear under endoscopes, and 3 cases underwent enterotomy operation because of intestinal obstruction and intussusception.


Mesenteric hernias occur when a loop of intestine protrudes through an abnormal opening in the mesentery of the small bowel or the colon. The most common area for such an opening is in the mesentery of the small intestine, most often near the ileocolic junction.


Radiographically, the upper range of colonic luminal width was 40 mm in children younger than 11 years versus 60 mm in older patients.


Melanosis coli is mainly related with constipation and abuse of laxatives and but were not significant risk factors for the development of colorectal adenomas or colorectal carcinomas.


Of the four Shigella, S. flexneri is mainly responsible for the endemic form of bacillary dysentery in our country.


Objective To establish a protein expression profile of human normal colonic epithelia.


Focal weaknesses in the bowel wall and increased lumenal pressure contribute to the formation of diverticula .


In conclusion, tobacco specific carcinogen, NNK, enhanced colon cancer metastasis through α7-nAChR and E-cadherin — one of the hallmarks of epithelial mesenchymal transition — and its transcription repressors, Snail and ZEB1. Besides, the nicotine also enhanced the colon cancer cell migration through non-E-cadherin pathway.


When he had some benign polyps removed from his colon, he volunteered the details in a press release.


Results Well-resolved, reproducible 2-DE profiles of human colon carcinoma tissues and paired normal tumor-adjacent colon tissues were obtained. For colon carcinoma tissues, a total of (980±28) spots were detected; for paired normal tumor-adjacent colon tissues,(860±45) spots were detected. For normal tumor- adjacent colon tissues, the average deviation of spot position was (10.487±0.11) mm in IEF direction and (0.944±0.12) mm in SDS-PGE direction; for colon carcinoma tissues the average deviation of spot position was (0.654±0.11) mm in IEF direction and (1.20±0.22) mm in SDS-PGE direction. Number of differentially expressed proteins was 72.00±12.34 between colon carcinoma and paired normal tumor-adjacent colon tissues.

结果 建立了结肠癌及正常肠组织的双向凝胶电泳图谱,其中癌旁正常结肠组织和结肠癌组织电泳图谱中平均蛋白质点数分别为860±45和980±28;癌旁正常结肠组织和结肠癌组在IEF方向上的平均偏差分别为(0.487±0.11)mm和(0.654±11)mm,在SDS-PAGE方向上的平均偏差分别为(0.944±0.12)mm和(1.20±0.22)mm,结肠癌与癌旁正常结肠组织的差异表达蛋白质点数为72.00±12.34。

更多网络解释与结肠上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mc Burney:麦氏点

阑尾位于右髂窝部,外形呈蚯蚓状,长约5-10cm,直径0.5~0.7cm,起于盲肠根部,附于盲肠后内侧壁三条结肠带的会合点,体表投影在脐与右髂前上棘连线中外1/3交界处称为麦氏点(Mc Burney)急性阑尾炎(Acutc Appendicitis)是外科常见疾病之一,


2.排便反射排便(defecation)是受意识控制的脊髓反射. 人的直肠内通常是没有粪便的,当胃-结肠反射发动的集团运动将粪便推入直肠时,可刺激直肠壁感受器,传人冲动经盆神经和腹下神经到达脊髓腰骶段的初级排便中枢,并上传至大脑皮层,

bacillary dysentery:细菌性痢疾

细菌性痢疾(bacillary dysentery)简称菌痢,是由志贺菌属(又称痢疾杆菌)引起的常见肠道传染病. 结肠黏膜化脓性溃疡性炎症为其基本病理变化. 临床上以发热、腹痛、腹泻、里急后重感及黏液脓血便为特征. 因各型志贺菌属毒力不同,临床表现轻重各异.

amoebic dysentery:阿米巴痢疾

肠阿米巴病(intestinal amoebiasis)是由溶组织内阿米巴寄生于结肠而引起的,因临床上常出现腹痛、腹泻和里急后重等痢疾症状,故常称为阿米巴痢疾(amoebic dysentery).

internal fistula:内瘘

肠瘘可分为内瘘(internal fistula)和外瘘(external fistula)两类. 肠内瘘是指肠管之间或者肠管与其他脏器之间出现的病理性通道,肠内容物不流出腹壁,如小肠间内瘘、小肠结肠瘘、小肠胆囊瘘、小肠膀胱瘘等. 肠管与体外相通则称肠外瘘. 临床上,

greater omentum:大网膜

1.大网膜(greater omentum) 连于胃大弯与横结肠之间,形似围裙悬垂于小肠和结肠前面. 大网膜由四层腹膜构成,前两层起于胃大弯,是胃前、后面脏层腹膜的延续,当下垂至腹下部后返折向上形成后两层,再向后上包裹横结肠并与横结肠系膜相延续.


一般用内窥得方法检查结肠,有用乙状结肠镜(Sigmoidoscope)及结肠镜(Colonoscope)两种. 前者去到的部位较短,由肛门经直肠沿着上去,转弯,达至乙状结肠,止此而已;后者则能全覆盖. 内窥检视相当有效,而且大致上不会伤及身体组织(non-invasive),

Trypanosoma cruzi:克氏锥虫

美洲锥虫病(American trypanosomiasis)又名Chagas病,是由克氏锥虫(Trypanosoma cruzi)引起的一种人兽共患的寄生原虫病,由嗜血锥蝽传播. 临床上有急性和慢性虫血症,并侵犯多种器官如心、脑、食管、结肠等. 造成劳动力的丧失或死亡.

strangulated intestinal obstruction:绞窄性肠梗阻

(2)绞窄性肠梗阻(strangulated intestinal obstruction):系指梗阻并 伴有肠壁血运障 碍者,可因肠系膜血管受压、血栓形成或栓塞等引起. 肠梗阻还可按梗阻的部位分为高位(如空肠上段)和低位(如回肠末段和结肠)两种;根据梗阻的程度,又可分为完全性和不完全性肠梗阻;


宠物食品工业被质疑的是食品中的许多成份(例如玉米糖浆corn syrup玉米粉Corn gluten meal)作为保湿剂(humectants)来防止食物氧化,也将水分子包附在内,这样食物实际上会附著在动物的结肠上,并可能导致阻塞,而这会大大提高结肠或直肠罹患癌症的风险.