英语人>词典>汉英 : 结构主义的 的英文翻译,例句
结构主义的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Based on the rich historical soil and macrostructure of society, this thesis draws from the perspective of sociology on Lucien Goldmann's sociologictheory on novels-happenstantialistic structuralism, chooses structure as the key point of tangency with respect to the change of viewpoint following the sociologic imagination, andthus focuses on the interpretation of sociology on both the Chinese and Western novels by analyzing the social spirits and cultural spirits. From the standpoint of successive longitudinal happenstantialism and conexisting horizontal structuralism, the thesis also endeavors to understand and interpret the complicated relationship between novel structure and spiritual structure of sodiety from the external to the internal, thus systematically illustrates the deep relationship between novels and society.


However, many of structuralism's theorists, from Michel Foucault to Jacques Lacan , continue to assert an influence on continental philosophy , and many of the fundamental assumptions of its critics, that is, of adherents of poststructuralism , are but a continuation of structuralism.

然而,也有很多结构主义理论家,从Michael Foucault到Jacques Lacan,继续维护它对于大陆哲学的影响;而它的批评者--也就是后结构主义的支持者的许多根本假设,不过是结构主义的一种延续。

In my opinion, Lotmans view on text in his literary semiotic theory mainly demonstrates the structuralism style and characteristic, but in his cultural semiotic study the view on text has the more poststructuralism characteristic. This also reflects Lotman's ideology change in his semiotic study: transition from a structuralism to a poststructuralism.


The theoretical foundation of structuralism is Structural Linguistics which originated from Saussure's theories and Transformational-Generative Grammar which actually developed from the former.


This article takes the structuralism narrates study as a foundation, attempts to utilize structuralism...


This paper retrospects evolution of structuralism in 20th century, and especially discusses its impact on French modern literary criticism.

本文回顾了 2 0世纪结构主义思潮的起源和发展,讨论了结构主义的主要理论主张及其对法国现代文学批评理论的影响。并试对这种新的文学批评观和方法论进行评价。

It is a theoretical weapon against humanism Marxism and a significant composing part of scientistic Marxism.


Based on the rich historical soil and macrostructure of society, this thesis draws from the perspective of sociology on Lucien Goldmann's sociologictheory on novels-happenstantialistic structuralism, chooses structure as the key point of tangency with respect to the change of viewpoint following the sociologic imagination, andthus focuses on the interpretation of sociology on both the Chinese and Western novels by analyzing the social spirits and cultural spirits. From the standpoint of successive longitudinal happenstantialism and conexisting horizontal structuralism, the thesis also endeavors to understand and interpret the complicated relationship between novel structure and spiritual structure of sodiety from the external to the internal, thus systematically illustrates the deep relationship between novels and society.


Structuralism is more a philosophical movement than a philosophical school. It is a general term for the structuralist viewpoints and approaches shared by a group of sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, literary critics and aesthetes.


This paper is based on the analysis and description of the serial verb construction of serial action, we also explain it in the terms of transformational generative grammar and the cognitive functional grammar.The first part, we analyze the relationship between actions and time by using the cognition of time.


更多网络解释与结构主义的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


解构主义(Deconstruction)这个字眼是从"结构主义"(Constructionism)中演化出来的. 因此,它的形式实质是对于结构主义的破解和分解. 结构主义所指的"结构", 指的是"事物系统的诸要素所固有的相对稳定的组织方式或联结方式".


然而罗蒂(Rorty)(1980)提醒我们必须注意,后结构主义基本上是一种反动性(reactive)的写作方式,而不是建构性的(constructive). 2)将后结构主义理解成是对结构主义的一种再理论化(retheorizing). 但这种理解可能忽略尼采与海德格在后结构主义思想中所扮演的重要角色.

Historicist Marxism:历史主义的马克思主义

马克思主义平等观:the equality thoughts of Marxism | 历史主义的马克思主义:Historicist Marxism | 结构主义的马克思主义:Structralist Marxism

constructive metaphysics:构造性的形而上学|结构主义的形而上学

metaphysics: 形而上学 | constructive metaphysics 构造性的形而上学|结构主义的形而上学 | pluralistic metaphysics 多元论的形而上学


"后结构主义"(poststructuralism)或"解构主义"(deconstructuralism)是作为"结构主义"的对立物而产生的,可以说,"结构主义"孕育了"后结构主义". "后结构主义"思潮代表了一种对"结构主义"中的理性逻辑、因果线性决定论、权威主义等中心性与整体性思维方

Structural Linguistics:结构主义语言学

描写语言学(descriptive linguistics)或可称为结构主义语言学(structural linguistics),其创始人为瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Saussure),认为语言学可以分为「内部语言学」和「外部语言学」,内部语言学只研究语言系统的内部结构,


中国小说批评也可能将叙述理解为某种完整、封闭和自足的存在物,由此走向对某种先验、固定的叙述模式的概括和总结. 然而,"结构主义"(Structuralism)对中国小说批评的影响相当有限,它很快就被尾随而来的"后结构主义"(Post-structuralism)所替代.


而阿图塞希望建立马克思主义科学验证的失败,却引导了相对主义,进而成为后结构主义(post structuralism)的一个重要特性. 其次,阿图塞重新思考基础/上层结构的模式失败,虽然这个模式曾解决一些附著于更原始概念的问题. 对李文(Levine)而言,

Structuralist Marxism:结构主义的马克思主义

Structuralism 结构主义430 | Structuralist Marxism 结构主义的马克思主义433 | Structuralist State Theory 结构主义的国家理论432

Structuralist State Theory:结构主义的国家理论

Structuralist Marxism 结构主义的马克思主义433 | Structuralist State Theory 结构主义的国家理论432 | Structure 结构425