英语人>词典>汉英 : 细微差别 的英文翻译,例句
细微差别 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与细微差别相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ASL has ways of expressing nuances - different shades of meaning - just like spoken languages.


Besides the Grados being a "neutral, detailed, and warm-sounding headphone overall, with extended frequency extremes, wide dynamic range, and the ability to sound natural at a wide range of volume levels," BJR found the SR125s "simultaneously musical and revealing of every nuance recorded," but never aurally or physically fatiguing.


Esides the Grados being a "neutral, detailed, and warm-sounding headphone overall, with extended frequency extremes, wide dynamic range, and the ability to sound natural at a wide range of volume levels," BJR found the SR125s "simultaneously musical and revealing of every nuance recorded," but never aurally or physically fatiguing.

ob 使用SR125监听自己的录音时发现这只耳机的真正特色,除了具备Grado特有的"中性、精致、温暖的声音特质,加上优异的高低频延伸、宽广的动态范围与在任何音量下皆能发出自然的声音的能力","它同时地保有音乐性和能发掘出录音讯息中的细微差别",但决不会引起听觉或身体上的疲劳。

Perhaps we have to gain the to hit from other item for the berserker.


On the basis of comparative analysis on Bona fides and No fault.


An explosive, room-filling bouquet of ripe raspberry, blackcurrant and boysenberry scents, along with sexy floral, herb and cured meat nuances.


The color of illumination of each key For luxeed can be selected of 512 nuances and assigned with the aid of ON.


In bedding, natural latex provides support where it is needed most by contouring to the body's natural nuances.


Literature is the house of nuance and contrariness against the voices of simplification.


A subtle or slight degree of difference,as in meaning,feeling,or tone;a gradation.


更多网络解释与细微差别相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diverse nuances:多样化的细微差别

多样化diversification | 多样化的细微差别 diverse nuances | 多样性diversity


就混杂(jumble) 一个烂死的鱼叉(lance),因无茶而冷淡(nonchalance),一个娘娘腔的男人(nance),证明艺术 的出处(provenance),钢笔记下惩罚(penance),命令变成大炮(ordnance),分开如此不和谐 (dissonance),牛的细微差别(nuance) 用树皮(bark),

IPL nuance:细微差别

ntense pulsed light 脉冲光简写成 | IPL nuance 细微差别 | nuclear 核的

nuance patent:细微差别明显

GRE历年真题反义词词汇荟萃:N字头 | nuance patent 细微差别明显 | nefariousabove reproach 凶恶的无可指责的

nuance patent:细微差别明显的

nefariousexemplary邪恶的模范的 | nefariousvirtuous邪恶的善良的 | nuance patent细微差别明显的

perse nuances:多样化的细微差别

distribution分配 | perse nuances多样化的细微差别 | persification多样化


enclosed-------被附上的,依附于 | nuances--------细微差别 | concrete class-具体的类,即非abstract类

spanerse nuances:多样化的细微差别

distribution分配 | spanerse nuances多样化的细微差别 | spanersification多样化


strategy 策略 | nuanced 有细微差别的 | context 前后关系

delicate shades of meaning:意义的细微差别

6.delicate green note 优雅青香 | 7.delicate shades of meaning 意义的细微差别 | 8.a delicate flavor 鲜美的味道