英语人>词典>汉英 : 组成军团的 的英文翻译,例句
组成军团的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, ANZAC


For companies that bring people together, these genderless little people are shown in pairs or groups.


As privates of the industrial army they are placed under the command of a perfect hierarchy of officers and sergeants.


"The Royal Ordinance decreed that there should be a legion formed foreigners for service outside France, which was to be called the 'Foreign Legion' and it was to be part of the French army and under the control of the War Minister."


"The Royal Ordinance decree d that there should be a legion formed foreigners for service outside France, which was to be called the 'Foreign Legion' and it was to be part of the French army and under the control of the War Minister."


"The Royal Ordinance decreed that there should be a legion formed foreigner s for service outside France, which was to be called the 'Foreign Legion' and it was to be part of the French army and under the control of the War Minister."


These were grouped into Corps that took their name from the military kraals where they were mustered, or sometimes the dominant regiment of that locality.


The legion was a 4200-man unit at full strength, broken down into 120-man units called maniples.


The stonemasons shoring up the city walls told of a mighty army of Spaniards, their savagery honed on the barbarians of the New World, swelled with cohorts of German Lutherans fueled on the juices of the nuns they had raped on their journey south.


Legio I Germanica was merged with the surviving men of Galba's VII legion to form a new one, VII Gemina.


更多网络解释与组成军团的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1937年夏,德国空军志愿人员组成"兀鹰"(Condor)军团投入了西班牙内战,其中最精锐的两个中队其一就是装备B型. 该型最高时速292英里,爬升速度每分钟670米,武器为三门7.9毫米MG17机枪. 相比之下,西班牙共和政府的苏制I-15双翼战斗机和I-16单翼战斗机,

heavy infantry:重步兵

根据军团的种类不同可分为轻步兵(Light Infantry)、重步兵(Heavy Infantry)、辅助骑兵(Cavalry Auxilia)和辅助弓箭手(Missile Auxilia). 所有军团都由20名士兵组成,但招募每名士兵的消耗依军团种类不同而有差异.

American Legion:美国军团

2) Boys Nation 少年国家,美国军团(American Legion)设立的一个年度公民培训计划,成员由高中男生组成,计划为期一星期,组织成员会与国会成员、政府官员和总统会面.


legionaire 美退伍军人会员 | legionary 军团的 | legioned 组成军团的


legioned 组成军团的 | legionnaire 军团兵士 | legislate 制定法律


大海无量的部队在正面列阵,形成了一个密密的以剑士为主体的方阵,方阵两侧是以僧侣混合神射手(marksman)组成的远程攻击部队. 而寂夜如风的强力部队则立刻冲进了旁边茂密的树林之中,很快就消失在森林之中. 首先开始发动攻击的是后羿之裔的魔弓军团.


黑手党各家族内部还有为数众多的"军团"(Regime)存在,通常每个家族会有4个~6个"军团",有些大家族甚至超过了10个. 每一 "军团"都由超过10名以上的"士兵"(Soldier)所组成,用以执行具体行动,但并不一定是杀人,也可能去干恐吓乃至勒索、诈骗之类的小事.


legionary 军团的 | legioned 组成军团的 | legionnaire 军团兵士

waffen ss suomi marssi:芬兰支援人员组成的武装党卫队唱的

waffen ss suomi marssi 芬兰支援人员组成的武装党卫队唱的 | Panzer voran esblitze 战车XX前进? | Parademarsch der Legion Condor 秃鹰军团进行曲 (秃鹰军团是德国派出参加西班牙内战的部队)

Space Marines:星际军团

帝国水兵(Imperial Navy)星际军团(Space Marines) 皇帝进入黄金王座后宗教审讯庭又创办了三支队伍::外星人猎手 (Ordo Xenos)搜罗了Death Watch-从太空陆战队拔取出的理想者组成的特种队伍 恶魔猎手 (Ordo Malleus)搜罗了灰骑士队伍,