英语人>词典>汉英 : 线尺度 的英文翻译,例句
线尺度 的英文翻译、例句


linear content
更多网络例句与线尺度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A mesoscale convergence line, which is formed by downslope wind from the Taihang Mts. Converging with southwest warm humid wind in front of a surface trough, induces the release of the CAPE and initiates convection and organizes the convective cells into a squall line.


Also, in the decoration sometimes need some decorative wire feet, cheek, floriation so on, but in some home-improvement in the deliberate pursuit of large-scale collage Dingjiao Xian, lumpy Door-line, ultra-scale round roof lines, the consequences of this decoration is that it reduces the room space, but also elegant and generous Qiyun lost, but also the loss of a family should have a warm decoration taste.


Numerical tests are also conducted to investigate the microphysical effects to the mesocale convective systems. The evaporation of raindrops can strengthen the surface "cold pool" to decease the temperature of rainfall center. The condensation of vapor can lower the air pressure and increase the convergence and updraft so that the convective echo develops stronger. The melting of graupel can cool the air to restrain the convective activity. The falling of precipitation particles can increase the downdraft and induce the outflow nearly the surface. The effect of condensation is the most important among all the microphysical processes. It can change the whole structure of cloud system.


A numerical study of the along-line variability of a frontal squall line during PRE-STORM.

利用 PRE-STORM 期间在85年6月26~27日出现的一锋面飑线的18小时预报考察了中尺度和大尺度环流在飑线沿线变率生成过程中的作用。

The result shows that the severe convection weather arise in the transition from verticality to forward slant of the upper trough, so there was a different advection between the mid- and lower- troposphere, which was quite important to the formation and development of convective instability. The event was triggered by the surface low and meso-scale convergence line, and the squall line was direct influencing system.


Study of the causes of MCS intensification and rainstorm shows that( 1) just before the heavy rains occur, there are high temperature, considerably wetness and unsteady convective stratification in the air over the rainstorm-hit area, in addition to significant increase in convectively efficient potential energy, condensation height and decrease in the height of free convection – all these favor the happening of the heavy rain,(2) the mergence of meso-βcloud clusters leads to the MCS such fast growth as to produce rainstorm,( 3) the two lines of cumuli in the north and west correspond, separately, to two convergences on the surface wind field, with stronger convergence at their meeting point responsible for such intense development of meso-βcloud cluster as to bring about torrential rains.


Observation of radar and intensive surface wind of 0505 typhoon Haitang is used to analyze the relationship between radar reflectivity and observed precipitation and the relationship between mesoscale surface stream field and heavy rainfall. The analysis shows that when the Doppler radar reflectivity reaches 50 dbz, it has a good correspondence to the heavy one hour precipitation. Besides, heavy precipitation is also related to the mesoscale cyclonical current and confluent currents, it occurs near the mesoscale cyclonical or confluent current appearing at the same time.

利用严重影响浙江东南地区的2005年05号台风的雷达和地面加密风场资料,分析对比台风中尺度暴雨过程中雷达回波与实况降水、中尺度地面流场与暴雨之间的关系,结果得到:多普勒雷达近地面强回波带或中心往往达到50 dbz时,与一小时的强降水区有很好的对应关系,暴雨中心区也与地面加密的中尺度流场中出现的中尺度气旋性环流和汇合气流有关,强暴雨区落在同时刻中尺度涡旋或汇合线附近。

The cluster and ordination of the sample lines based on annual change in the same line transect in small scale, or on seasonal changes among the different line transects in large scale, or on them together.


Results show that the heavy rainfall event occurred under the favorable environmental conditions, resulted from the interaction of mid-and low-latitude systems. The mesoscale convergence and the mesoscale low triggered the occurrence of the heavy rainfall. Rain clusters bringing the heavy rainfall were related to meso-β systems. The meso-β mesoscale rain clusters appeared to the north of the cyclone center on 1000 hPa after filtering and to the south of the meso-α convergence line on 850 hPa.

分析表明:暴雨发生在高低空流场及中低纬系统配置非常有利的天气背景下,是多种尺度天气系统相互作用的结果;在对流性不稳定层结中,冷空气沿等熵面侵入到中尺度辐合系统中,激发了中尺度低涡的迅速发展,在孟加拉湾和南海源源不断输送的水汽配合下,导致了暴雨的发生;中β尺度对流雨团发生在滤波后1000 hPa 等压面的低涡中心北侧和850 hPa 中α尺度辐合线南侧,呈现暖式切变的降雨特征。

The result showed that the strong storm followed by mesoscale squall line was primary cause of strong sandstorm producing, steps and ladders short wave trough of 500 hPa was great criterion triggering system for the mesoscale squall line producing, the essential dynamic condition was provided by distortion field and the mesoscale low pressure of 700 hPa for the strong sandstorm forming and maintaining in mid-west of Hexi Corridor, the deep vertical circulation development condition was basic power that urged squall line to occur and sand dust to curl up, which was provided for the deep convection development by superimposition of lifting movement before ground cold front and ascendant current of secondary circulation in upper air jet entrance region, temperature and the barometric gradient around the cold front was enlarged by enhancement of ground thermal low and temperature diurnalvariation of afternoon, by which essential thermal energy unstable condition was provided for the gale and strong sandstorm eruption, the strong sandstorm appeared in downstream of -200 m^2s^(-2) center of vertical helicity, the vertical helicity had good instruction significance for development of squall line and landing region of sandstorm, the mesoscale squall line occurred in unstable stratification, basic condition of potential energy transforming as kinetic energy was provided by strong unstable stratification for the strong sandstorm forming and developing.

结果表明:中尺度飑线所伴随的强风暴是产生强沙尘暴的主要原因;500 hPa阶梯短波槽是中尺度飑线产生的大尺度触发系统,河西走廊中西部700 hp变形场、中尺度低压为强沙尘暴形成和维持提供了必要的动力条件;地面冷锋前上升运动与高空急流入口区次级环流的上升气流的叠加,为深对流发展提供了深厚的垂直环流发展条件,是促使飑线发生和沙尘卷起的基本动力;地面热低压的加强和午后气温的日变化加大了冷锋前后的温度和气压梯度,为大风、强沙尘暴爆发提供了必要的热力不稳定条件;强沙尘暴出现在垂直螺旋度为-200平方公尺/s^2中心的下游,垂直螺旋度对飑线的发展和沙尘暴的落区具有较好的指示意义;中尺度飑线发生在不稳定层结内,较强的不稳定层结为强沙尘暴形成、发展提供了位能转化为动能的基本条件。

更多网络解释与线尺度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dimension line:尺度线

dimension line 尺寸线 | dimension line 尺度线 | dimension lumber 标准尺寸的锯材

line graph:线图

4.线图(line graph) 线图适用于连续性资料,以不同的线段升降来表示资料的变化,并可表明一事物随另一事物(如时间)而变动的情况(图2-7). 常见的有纵横轴均为算术尺度,表示时间变化趋势的普通线图;纵轴为对数尺度,横轴为算术尺度,

squall line:飑线

注二:风切(wind shear)是一种风向或风速突然改变的大气现象. 注三:下冲风(downburst)是一种急骤下冲的气流,常引起飞机失事之小尺度大气现象. 注四:飑线(squall line)大都指发生在冷锋前缘之连续性雷雨(胞)不稳定带(线).

grid rhumb line:纲格恒向线

方格指示线,方格短线 grid representation lines | 纲格恒向线 grid rhumb line | 方格尺度 grid scale

streak line:脉线

时间线time line | 脉线streak line | 尺度效应scale effect

streak line:脉线曾用名"染色线","条纹线

time line 时间线 | streak line 脉线曾用名"染色线","条纹线". | scale effect 尺度效应

linear dilatometry:线膨胀测量法

linear dilatometer 线膨胀测试仪 | linear dilatometry 线膨胀测量法 | linear dimension 线尺度,线性维数,一维


level-upcourse 平整层 | level-wind 水平绞线器 | level-windingdevice 尺度索绕平装置

linear content:线尺度

linear contact lay wire rope ==> 线接触钢丝绳 | linear content ==> 线尺度 | linear continuous set ==> 线性连续集

scale effect c:尺度效应

脉线 streak line 4 | 尺度效应 scale effect c | 壁效应 wall effect CA