英语人>词典>汉英 : 约束最大化 的英文翻译,例句
约束最大化 的英文翻译、例句


constrained maximization
更多网络例句与约束最大化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The consigner designs a contract in order to maximize their benefits under the conditions of restriction and compatible restriction of encouragement. This contract is the result of game and Nash equilibrium.


Given the constrained maximization,economic theory derives different implications for income distribution and resource allocation from different systems of property rights.


Array efficiency is restricted to be higher than a given value by incorporating a quadratic inequality constraint on the weight vector, and the desired sidelobe level is achieved by implementing linear constraints through iteration.


The author points out: Confidence is confidence in not man but system, humanity being vicious, a trustee must be restricted, duty restriction is not replaced by right regulation; Legal aim of restriction should be orientated at maximal benefit of beneficiary, in it, benefit subject is only beneficiary and doesn't included settlor and society, benefit content is physical but not spiritual; A bulk of restriction regulations are default-rule,but there are some mandatory rules, even if they are default-rule, they has mandatory character to some degree, therefore, the intention of settlor which precludes application of restriction regulation is restricted; Modern technique quality of restriction has trend of flexibility, this would be worthwhile approving because it can realize maximal benefit of beneficiary; Strict self-dealing rule doesn't accord with flexibility trend and should re-established.


In other words Transnational Corporation chase the biggest profits, instead of mother country benefit under a certain restraint condition.


In chapter seven, the pricing regulation model of power transmission and distribution is studied. In this paper, the incentive mechanism models are designed under asymmetry information about product cost and market demand, which can induce the utility company to report true private type and control the over price successfully. The models can the incentive compatibility constraint and participation constraint required for participants and can maximize social welfare.


With regard to the character sties of shipping service , the mechanism and operation procedure of combinatorial auction has been designed in order to balance the maximization of seller ' s utility and bidder ' s total estimated value . For the winner determination problem in combinatorial auction of container shipping service , a general optimization model is set up and modified by introducing quality attribute parameters of container shipping service and constraints of shipping volume etc .


With regard to the character sties of shipping service , the mechanism and operation procedure of combinatorial auction has been designed in order to balance the maximization of seller ' utility and bidder ' total estimated value . For the winner determination problem in combinatorial auction of container shipping service , a general optimization model is set up and modified by introducing quality attribute parameters of container shipping service and constraints of shipping volume etc .


If peasants are in a heavy pressure from capital restriction, they may have to sell at the "three sale fastigiums" and lose their opportunities of maximizing their sale profits.


The result of simulation shows:(1) Different goals of production decision making have different influences on grassland degradation. The production decisions aiming at income maximization is more favorable for relieving grassland pressure that the ones aiming at scale maximization.(2) The effect of herdsman's self-restriction on inhibiting grassland degradation is not less then government mandatory regulation for the grassland utilization;(3) Under the situation of overgrazing, The price rise of livestock products will be helpful to decrease the breeding scale;(4) The application of production technology in risk reduction will be helpful to decrease the breeding scale.


更多网络解释与约束最大化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Saint Augustine:圣奥古斯丁

只要人们接受现在的资源和财富分配,那么,个人最大化行为自动促使社会达到的帕累托最优状态,因此必然实现功利主义"最大多数人最大程度的幸福",这在新古典福利经济学著作中被认为是"极乐点"或"受约束的极乐点",类似于圣.奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine)教义中的"极乐世界

constrained game:约束对策

constitutional diagram 组分图 | constrained game 约束对策 | constrained maximization 约束最大化

constrained maximization:约束最大化

constrained game 约束对策 | constrained maximization 约束最大化 | constrained minimization 约束最小化

constrained maximization:有限制的最大化

安全约束调度:Security Constrained Dispatching | 有限制的最大化:constrained maximization | 约束矩阵方程:constrained matrix equation

constrained maximization problem:约束最大化问题

constrained magnetization condition | 强制[制约]磁化条件 | constrained maximization problem | 约束最大化问题 | constrained maximum | 受限的极大值

constrained minimization:约束最小化

constrained maximization 约束最大化 | constrained minimization 约束最小化 | constrained optimization 约束最优化


决策变量、约束条件、目标函数是线性规划的三要素.线性规划问题的数学模型的一般形式 (1)列出约束条件及目标函数2、目标函数是决策变量的线性函数,根据具体问题可以是最大化(max)或最小化(min),二者统称为最优化(opt).

legal responsibility:责任

以其受激励与约束的行为规范为准,公司社会责任可以分为道德意义上的责任(legal responsibility)和法律意义上的责任(moral responsibility). 一般说来,前者指公司的社会行为要合乎道德伦理的价值要求. 虽然这种要求容易与公司盈利最大化态度相冲突,