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约数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
divisor  ·  submultiple

更多网络例句与约数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Software Description: XICalc is an integer calculator program with the following features: multiple precision integers with millions of digits; uses Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies; separate input and outputnotation, base 2 to base 36; greatest common divisor function; Modulo arithmetic options; Bernoullinumbers, Euler Numbers; Boolean functions; random number generator; prime factor algorithm using theElliptic Curve Method; number theoretic functions phi, sigma and tau; prime testing and searching using the Adleman function; algebraic notation; if-then-else statement; go-to statement; can run XICalc code from files; hot help from F1 key; and it抯 written in Microsoft Visual C#.

XICalc 是一款带有如下功能的综合性计算器软件:带有百万数位的多精度整数;使用 Hartley Transform 加速长整型多样化计算;以2到36为基数分隔输入和输出符号;最大公约数函数;模数算法选项;Bernoulli 数字;Euler 数字;布尔函数;随机数字生成器;使用圆周曲线算法的主要因素运算法则;π,τ,Σ的数字理论函数;使用 Adleman 函数的最初测试和搜索功能;代数符号;if-then-else 语法结构声明;go-to 语法结构声明;来自于文件的XICalc 代码;F1键的热点帮助;并且该软件是采用适用于 Windows 操作系统的微软 Visual C#。

A well-known example of an algorithm is Euclid's algorithm, which is a process for calculating the greatest common divisor of two integers m and n.


Everybody can see, our add approximate number and column number are rising all the time in last few years.


"Zhang Jian Qiu count as" Communication is the question 92, the achievements of the more prominent and there is the common denominator least common multiple of the calculation, the arithmetic progression of the problem to solve, some uncertainties, such as problem solving equation.


I want to also share a few additional tips about balancing your work and your family at home.


Our result has shown that within several seconds of 600 W, Ar, O2 or N2 plasma pretreatment, PP fabric and PE film are activated at surface, so as surface tension of film and capillary attraction of fabric are both augmented.

实验结果显示:对於 PP 不织布与 PE 膜,以600 W 激发 Ar 、 O2、 N2三种气体电浆处理,皆可於极短时间约数秒至数十秒,即可使基材表面活化,形成亲水性或增进表面的毛细作用。

GCD and LCM. Determine the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of a pair of integers.


Because some numbers have two divisors, but some have more than two, we may classify them into two types.


Look at these numbers. Do they have any divisors besides 1 and itself?


We iterate through all possible numbers that could possibly be factors of num, using the count variable and decrementing for every value that does not divide num.

我们迭代所有可能的约数, count 变量依次递减,第一个能整除 num 的就是我们要找的最大约数,找到后就不再再继续找了,使用 break 语句退出循环。

更多网络解释与约数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ballpark figure:约数

in the ballpark 相近/大约 | ballpark figure 约数 | ferry 渡船/渡轮

greatest common divisor:最大公约数

如何编程计算N个数的最大公约数(Greatest common divisor)呢?第一想法那便是两两计算,但是往往最简单的想法是不怎么靠谱的. 下面用递归来解决. 递归有一大好处,那便是递归非常符合人的思维,有时即使请很复杂,但是依仗着递归的规律性,

greatest common divisor:最大公因数,最大公约数

greater than sign 大於号 | greatest common divisor 最大公因数,最大公约数 | greatest common factor 最大公因数,最大公因式

highest common divisor:最大公约数

highest bidder 出价最高的投标人,最高价竞买人 | highest common divisor 最大公约数 | highest discharge 最大流量

maximal common divisor:最大公约数

maximal colour 最全色 | maximal common divisor 最大公约数 | maximal compatible 极大协调的

GCD Greatest Common Divisor:最大公约数

GP Generic Programming 泛型编程 | GCD Greatest Common Divisor 最大公约数 | HAL hardware abstraction layer 硬件抽象层

great est common divisor:最大公约数

最大子序列 great est subsequence 168 | 最大公约数 great est common divisor 17 3 | 最小公倍数 sm allest common multiple

highest common factor:最大公约数

highest bidder 出最高价者 | highest common factor 最大公约数 | highest density region 最大密度区域

greatest common measure:最大公约数

greatest common factor 最大公因子 | greatest common measure 最大公约数 | greatest lower bound 最大下界

GCM greatest common measure:[数]最大公约数,最大公测度

show the white feather 显出胆怯 | GCM greatest common measure[数]最大公约数,最大公测度 | drop panel (柱顶)托板