英语人>词典>汉英 : 纤维乳头瘤 的英文翻译,例句
纤维乳头瘤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与纤维乳头瘤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 33 patients were scanned by helical CT.The virtual endoscopy images of all patients were compared with that of actual laryngoscopy and the surgical results (5 normal larynx,19 laryngeal carcinomas,5 glottic and arytenoid polyps,4 papillary adenoma).

方法对 5名健康者、19例喉癌、5例声带及披裂息肉、4例乳头状瘤共 3 3例患者,行螺旋CT扫描后经软件处理获得CT仿真喉镜图像,所有病例均与纤维喉镜和手术所见对照分析。

Consisting of fibrous tissue covered by an elastic membrane, the tumor is covered by the endocardium.


Epithelium type tumour cell's Epithelium structure having various diversity the mammilla shape tubulous be in charge of the mammilla shape tape meritorious service slice a shape for instance.


Benign lesions that may slightly increase risk of developing invasive breast cancer include complex fibroadenoma, moderate or florid hyperplasia, sclerosing adenosis, and papilloma.


Results:The causes of nipple bloody discharge among 32 cases were intraductal papilloma of breast 13 cases (46.6%),carcinoma of breast 8(25%),duct ectasia 7(21.9%) and cystic hyperplasia of breast 4(12.5%).

结果 32例患者的病因均为乳腺导管内乳头状瘤(46.6%)、乳腺癌(25%)、导管扩张症(21.9%)及乳腺纤维囊性增生症(12.5)。8例乳腺癌患者年龄均超过45岁。

What was observed under a light microscope included: tumor cells were mulberry and micropapillary shaped or were of glandule tubular arrangement; there was obvious interspace between cancer nest and neighboring areas; micropapillary was empty of fiber blood vessel axes, with micropapillae floating freely in spongy spaces and separated by fibrous septa.


Lipomatous tumors in internal auditory canal and cerebellopontine angle are very rare; low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma of endolymphatic sac origin is rarely reported and has low malignant potential.


In part Ⅲ of this ariticle,The authors report some other neoplasms and precancerous changes, and they are adenoma of stomach, hemangiofibroma of ovary,carcinoma of Fallopian tube, osteo-petrosis,cholangiocarcinoma, polyps, leukoplakia,atypical hyperplasia, papillar...


更多网络解释与纤维乳头瘤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


乳房疾病: 乳房良性疾病 绝大部份50岁以下的乳头分泌物为良性,以乳腺管内乳头瘤(papilloma)为最多(约占40%)其次为乳腺管扩张症(Ductal ectasia)(约占20%,)其他有纤维囊肿,乳腺炎等.

Intracanalicular fibroadenoma:乳腺管内型纤维腺瘤

intracanal epidural abscess 椎管内硬脊膜外脓肿 | intracanalicular fibroadenoma 乳腺管内型纤维腺瘤 | intracanalicular papilloma 乳腺管内乳头状瘤

Fibromatous papilloma:纤维性乳头状瘤

Fibromatous nevus 纤维瘤痣 | Fibromatous papilloma 纤维性乳头状瘤 | Fibromedullary cancer 纤维髓质癌


纤维黏液肉瘤 fibromyxoma | 纤维神经瘤 fibromyxosarcoma | 纤维乳头状瘤 fibroneuroma


纤维神经瘤 fibromyxosarcoma | 纤维乳头状瘤 fibroneuroma | 牛纤维乳头状瘤 fibropapilloma


纤维乳头状瘤 (Fibropapilloma) 纤维乳头状瘤是由牛乳头瘤病毒引起的体表或部分黏膜发生的慢性增生性的疾病,也称为"疣". 为奶牛最常见的良性肿瘤疾病. 病原 牛乳


纤维乳头状瘤 fibroneuroma | 牛纤维乳头状瘤 fibropapilloma | 纤维蛋白减少 fibropapilloma,bovine

bovine transmissible fibropapilloma:牛传染性纤维乳突瘤

\\"牛胸膜肺炎\\",\\"bovine pleuropneumonia\\" | \\"牛传染性纤维乳突瘤\\",\\"bovine transmissible fibropapilloma\\" | \\"牛溃疡性乳头炎\\",\\"bovine ulcerative mammilitis\\"

Intracanalicular papilloma:乳腺管内乳头状瘤

intracanalicular fibroadenoma 乳腺管内型纤维腺瘤 | intracanalicular papilloma 乳腺管内乳头状瘤 | intracapsular 囊内的

Intracanalicular fibroma:管内纤维瘤

Intracanalicular fibroadenoma 管内纤维腺瘤 | Intracanalicular fibroma 管内纤维瘤 | Intracanalicular papilloma 管内乳头状瘤