英语人>词典>汉英 : 紫杉 的英文翻译,例句
紫杉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
yew  ·  yews  ·  taxad

ground hemlock · yew tree
更多网络例句与紫杉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, flow cytometry was employed to detect the action of paclitaxel to cell cycle and apoptosis. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction is employed to detect the influence of paclitaxel on Survivin mRNA expression. The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical basis to carcinogenesis, progress, metastasis, angiogenesis and clinical chemotherapy of paclitaxel on TSCC.

采用流式细胞仪检测紫杉醇对舌癌细胞细胞周期的影响及应用逆转录聚合酶链反应(reverse transcription polymerase chain reac-tion,RT-PCR)检测紫杉醇对舌癌中Survivin mRNA的影响,为研究舌鳞癌的发生、发展机制,舌癌的转移及新生血管形成,及临床应用紫杉醇抗舌癌提供理论依据。

Based on the detailed analysis of a variety of factors affecting stability of taxol production in Taxus cells, it was discovered that initial cell density and the relevant concentrations of substrates, elicitors and precursors significantly affected stability of taxol production; farther study showed that addition of elicitors at appropriate cellular state was the key to steadily improve taxol yield, especially, the proper cellular state was at the end of lag phase and at the beginning of the stationary phase, which was also proved by the cellular ultrastructure.


Paclitaxel, mostly described by the tradename Taxol, is a diterpenoid that can be found in the bark and needles of different Taxus trees.


PA-457 was not just another Taxol, the anticancer drug that required the controersial felling of rare yew trees until a semisynthetic substitute was found. Panacos did not need a steady source of Taiwanese herbs. Betulinic acid could be extracted from ubiquitous plane and birch trees, and a subsequent processing step yielded the desired molecule.


Cuspidate with 33% identity and 50% similarity to taxadien-5α-ol-O-acetyltransferase, 34% identity and 52% similarity to 10-deacetylbaceatin Ⅲ-10-O-acetyltransferase, and 33% identity and 49% similarity to taxane 2α-O-benzoyltransferase, respectively, moreover, it contained the conserved HXXXDG motif that is found in other transacylases, this sequence element has been suggested to function in acyl group transfer from acyl CoA to the substrate alcohol.


Taxol have been used in clinic therapy of breast cancer. Generally speaking, taxol can accelerate the-assemble of microtubule, stabilize microtubule from its discomposing, make mitosis stagnate at G2/M, sequentially interdict the normal mitosis and proliferation of cells, induce cell apoptosis; Besides, a direct function of taxol on cell signal and gene expression, activations of apoptosis genes and expression of proteins can induce apoptosis.


The invention relates to a new strain producing taxol and a taxol preparation method. The taxol is a diterpenoid alkaloid drug which is extracted from taxaceae plants and has a plurality of anti-tumor effects. Taxus, also known as yew, is a prehistoric plant with a history of 0.2 billion years and is a rare plant species with low growing speed; the biological characteristics of the taxus have high demand on the ecological environment; the natural renewal ability is poor, so the amount of the species is very limited, belonging to an endangered protection plant with limited resource, thus, scientists at home and abroad actively research and develop new taxol sources. The new strain for producing the taxol of the invention is the strain which is first separated from the bark of T.cuspidate Sieb.

紫杉醇的新菌种及其选育和制备紫杉醇的方法,紫杉醇是从红豆杉属植物中提取出来的具有多种抗肿瘤疗效的二萜生物碱类药物,由于红豆杉,又名紫杉,是两亿年前的史前植物,是珍稀树种,生长速度缓慢,并且其生物学特性对生态环境要求较高,天然更新能力差,所以种群数量极为有限,属濒危保护植物,资源十分有限,因此,国内外学者都在积极地研究开发紫杉醇的新药源,本发明产紫杉醇的新菌种,所述的新菌种为从东北红豆杉T.cuspidate Sieb。

Paclitaxel is a natural product isolated from the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia.


One of the most powerful cancer drugs on the market — Taxol or, generically, paclitaxel — comes from the Pacific yew tree. It was discovered in the 1960s during a massive government program to find medications in plant extracts.


Company's main business areas are yew artificial plant and paclitaxel anti-cancer drugs developed series development and production of sales, is currently the only company to have both the production of paclitaxel drug approval [State××X19990268] and paclitaxel injection production approval [Sinopharm quasi - word X19990269] the enterprise, is the first by the national GAP standard building large-scale cultivation of yew-based enterprises.


更多网络解释与紫杉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ivor:艾弗 日耳曼語 紫杉木、水松

Ivo 伊沃 日耳曼語 紫杉木、水松 | Ivor 艾弗 日耳曼語 紫杉木、水松 | Ivy 艾維 英語 長春藤


有些植物,如三尖杉属(Cephalotaxus)和红豆杉(紫杉)属(Taxus)植物自被发现为新型抗癌药物后,立即遭到大规模的采伐破坏,使资源急速减少. 近年来,虽然国家严禁捕杀和随意采集珍稀濒危动、植物,但偷猎偷采现象仍然存在. 外来种入侵日益增多.


亚洲南部的针叶林主要分布在喜马拉雅山南坡不同的海拔地带,由云杉、冷杉、落叶松、铁杉、松、雪松、紫杉 (Taxus)、柏木、圆柏等属的树种组成. 东南亚地区也有少量针叶林分布,主要是陆均松、罗汉松、贝壳杉等喜热树种.

Taxus:[单复同] n.[植]紫杉

teach the cat the way to the kirn [苏] 坏习惯易学难改 | taxus [单复同] n.[植]紫杉 | moving stay 跟刀架, 活动中心架

Taxus cuspidata:东北红豆杉(紫杉)

17.罗汉松 Podocarpus macrophyllus | 18.东北红豆杉(紫杉)Taxus cuspidata | 19.矮紫杉 Taxus cuspidata nana

Taxus baccata:欧洲紫杉

紫杉特尔(Docetaxel,Taxotere,泰素帝),其前体是从欧洲紫杉(Taxus baccata)的针叶中提取,经半合成而获得此药. 吉西他滨(Gemcitabine,dFdC,GEMZAR,健择),为一细胞周期特异性药. GEM在细胞内经过核苷激酶的作用转化成具有活性的二磷酸(dFdCDP)及三磷酸核苷(dFdCTP).

European yew:欧洲紫杉

我司现需采购进口天然木皮[ 欧洲紫杉(European Yew)! (用于家私桌子上)] 欧洲紫杉(European Yew) 名称:欧洲紫杉(学名:Taxus baccata); 类型:软木; 别名:紫杉(Yew)、普通紫杉(Common Yew)和紫杉树(Yewtree); 分布地区:欧洲、南亚和北非;


2、红豆杉可提炼分离多种药物,其中"紫杉醇"(TAXOL)更是世界公认的治癌抗癌药物,对癌症、肿瘤、白血病均有明显疗效. 3、生物提取紫杉醇,提高中药现代化发展和中药技术创新,发挥传统中药优势,开发中药保健产品. (2)条件1、龙泉市属亚热带湿润季风气候,

Taxol HPLC:紫杉醇

紫杉醇 Taxol HPLC ≥98% | 多烯紫杉醇 Docetaxel HPLC ≥98% | 芝麻素 Sesamin HPLC ≥98%

Taxol, Paclitaxel PTX:紫杉醇

Topotecan TPT 拓扑替康 | Taxol, Paclitaxel PTX 紫杉醇 | Taxotere, docetaxel DOC 多西紫杉