英语人>词典>汉英 : 紧急时 的英文翻译,例句
紧急时 的英文翻译、例句


at need · at a push
更多网络例句与紧急时相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"People are the water, the ruler is the boat; water can carry the boat, but it can also capsize it."


In case of emergency push the lower button to stop the train.


That's why you need a survival kit containing reliable emergency supplies that will be ready for use during a time of emergency when stores will be closed, electricity will be out, buildings will be unsafe to occupy, and roads will be unavailable.


Tracheostomy has saved many lives and may be carried out as an emergency when life is threatened by obstruction to the airway.


Of course, when the national emergency abates, much of China will revert to its familiar ways.


JDY-800 Exit Control Lock is a widely-used exit controller, which is preventing passage in or out without permission because the alarm in the unit will sound sharply until it is rearmed with a particular key.


But with that ready presence of mind, which is as useful in civil as in military emergences, he immediately rallied.


The guarantors charging your case in China, we will contact them for your case when necessary.


To make sure firefighters can find your house, post your address prominently.


The Yankees' ideal setup would have them selecting one long man -- who could pitch four or five innings in a pinch -- one lefthander, and the next-best pitcher not yet on the roster.


更多网络解释与紧急时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a pinch:必要时,在紧急关头

324at a moment's notice提前很短时间通知 | 325at a pinch必要时,在紧急关头 | 326at a stretch连续不断地

at need:紧急时

549at most至多 | 550at need紧急时 | 551at night在晚上,在夜里

at need:困难之时, 紧急时

at most | 至多 | at need | 困难之时, 紧急时 | At night all cats are grey | 猫在暗中都是灰色 黑暗中难分丑妍

chicken switch:宇航员于逃生时的紧急弹射按钮

chicken sticks | 鸡肉条(冷冻半成品) | chicken switch | 宇航员于逃生时的紧急弹射按钮 | chicken wire cracking | 网状裂缝

emergency stop button:紧急按钮

紧急时,请打破 In Emergency Break Glass | 紧急按钮 Emergency Stop Button | 紧急插座 Emergency Power


NO.1 EVA=紧急制动辅助装置 紧急制动辅助系统(EVA)能根据驾驶员踩踏速度来判断是否紧急制动. 当驾驶员快速踩踏制动踏板进行紧急刹车时,EVA可以放大制动


如果经过评估发现受灾程度已经需要总统宣告紧急命令]时,州长便会递交信函给联邦紧急事件处理中心(FEMA)的地区执行官. 如果FEMA执行官证实州长的判定,那么便会对华盛顿首府的FEMA官员提出建议案. FEMA的长官会将此建议案呈递给总统.

Seconds counts in an emergency:紧急时分分秒秒都很重要

1.进行急救 give first aid | 2.紧急时分分秒秒都很重要 Seconds counts in an emergency | 3.记住 keep in mind

Lend only in case of emergency:只有在紧急时才借钱给别人

Lend your money and lose your friend.把钱借给朋友,就会失去朋友. | Lend only in case of emergency.只有在紧急时才借钱给别人. | Lend only if the need is reasonable.只有理由正当才借.

at a push:紧急时

at a price 以很高代价 | at a push 紧急时 | at a respectful distance 敬而远之