英语人>词典>汉英 : 索节 的英文翻译,例句
索节 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The nervous system comprises paired pedal cords and visceral cords which unite anteriorly to form a cerebral ganglion or 'brain'.


The paper includes:The author calculate the structures inner force and displacement of the free end , analyze the influence of the height and the value of pretress of cable by making use of ANSYS 9.0 soft, pose the concept of critical prestress,conclude the function relation between displacement of the free end, initial strain and the height of cable ,analyze the dynamic properity and point out that Newmark-β method should be adopted when we analyze the dynamic properity of the cable-stayed spatial structure with direct integral test to guarantee the contribution of high mode,finally conclude the functional relation among coefficient of earthquake inner force, initial strain and the height of cable, wish to get some helpful conclusion applied to cable-stayed spatial truss design.


It is understood that part of Matsuura Pylon cable-stayed bridge cables district, a total of 108 cable assembly here, the segments involved in a great ring pre-stress, cable conduit installation, the steel beam positioning gear block anchor Construction of very high precision.


The results indicate that the longitudinal nerve fibers in cerebral ganglia and a few of small cells in the surface layer of cerebral ganglia present NOS positive reaction. Abundant NOS positive small cells are in the surface layer of pedal ganglia, and abundant transverse positive nerve fibers in the center of pedal ganglia. A large number of transverse positive nerve fibers are in the center of visceral ganglia; abundant positive small cells and nerve fibers are in two anterior lobes; a few of positive small cells and many encircled positive nerve fibers are in the posterior lobe; a large number of radiate positive nerve fibers are in the lateral lobes.


In addition to the wholesale and factory production for the company products, but also the wholesale sling is famous throughout the country, wholesale prices because of too many types, to be directed to the Group's distribution business phone, other products are NRK hyacinth, NRK large gourd (30 -- 50 tons), light NRK hyacinth (80 kg-250kg), Shouban hyacinth, construction Shouban hyacinth, electric hoists, electric chain hoist, micro-block, space launches, and round, hydraulic jacks, screw jack, large jacks, pneumatic Jack, Jack-style separation, thin-jack, electric jack, horizontal jacks,双节Jack, Jack-cut, clamp-hanging, hanging clamp erection, flip hanging clamp, pliers oil drums, stacked plate clamp, car towing, Boutique cranes, lifting with fine, hoisting hook, rotating hook, tied up, tight-vehicle, single-waist belts, body belts, seat belt height, aluminum block-line, cross-top, from the Road, Hydraulic From the top machine, rotating from the top, Hydraulic Ramli, rotating Ramli, the electric Ramli, one Ramli hydraulic pressure machines, into machines, tiger-head tight line, Quchi tight line, from high-intensity Heavy chain, galvanized chain, the chain of steel, iron chain general, Qingdao spent Portland, dumping of deduction, the first card, bow dumping of deduction, American dumping of deduction and heavy dumping of deduction, hydraulic loaders, pneumatic hyacinth, various large Rope, Zongsheng, hanging net, lifting sucker, door-axis wheel, anti-skid chains, fine line tight, tight-line, Shuanggou tight line, railway line cards, Al-card, insurance deduction, rotating Central, rings, Jixin Central, for wire rope cut off, S-hook, lifting a round rope, hanging safety net, set a chain of cable, harness rigging sets, complete sets of rope rigging, injection wire rope, galvanized steel wire rope, hand winch, Removal tanks, high-altitude anti-dropping, balancer, anti-turn hook, electric basket, large-scale mining Tianlun, Mine Pulley, Marine pulley, electric, manual winch, various accessories, such as lifting.


Products include a variety of castings and forging, and so on more than 1,000 pieces of products, of which shackle, the first card, blue flowers, wheels, rings, rotating ring, rings, screws, nuts rings, spring hook, hook-eye, rotating hook, Ring, D-ring, ring fast connection, U-Wire, bollard, hold the door, the living section bolts, butterfly nut products such as stainless steel rigging has been occupied with domestic and international cable industry's fixed market.


We mainly supply all kinds stainless steel rigging of casting and forging, such as :shackle,wire rope clips,turnbuckle,pulley,thimble,swivels,eye bolt,eye nut,spring hook,eye hook,swivel hook,round ring,quick link,U-Bolt,bollard,pad eye,swivel bolt,wing nut ect.


Analog computation process of construction with traveling carriage is brought forward, and the determination methods of tensioning process of cables, initial tensioning force and initial erection altitude of each section are discussed.


Based on the experience of compiling the program, the paper discussed some topics which should been taken note of while compiling a plane member structure FEM program that took the geometric nonlinearity into account as well as the material nonlinearity. With this program, the paper analyzed the effect of the factors on the anti-bending capability of externally prestressed concrete beams and come into some useful conclusions. The factors included: the rate of ordinary steel bars, the initial prestress of the external tendons, the shape of the external tendons, the position and number of deviators and the number of segments.


Positive nerve fibers are in pedal nerve cords and visceral nerve cords. There are no neuronal nitric oxide synthase or inducible nitric oxide synthase positive cells or fibers in the nervous system. A few of endothelial nitric oxide synthase strongly positive nerve cells are identified in pedal ganglia and visceral ganglia. Weakly positive cells and nerve fibers of eNOS can be seen in all of the ganglia and nerve cords.


更多网络解释与索节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


capeflyway 海市蜃楼 | capel 钢索索节 | capillarity 毛细管现象


神经系统 咽的两侧各有一神经节(ganglion),有背索相连(esophageal commissure). 每个神经节分别向前、后各发出背、腹、侧3条神经干(nerve trunk)分布于虫体的背面、腹面、侧面. 向后的神经干间在不同水平有横索(transverse commissure)相连,


男性的尿道、前列腺、精囊,也可在睾丸、附睾或包皮下寄生身体分节具疣足和刚毛出现次生体腔循环系统和后肾管发生索式神经系统感官发达第一节 环节动物门的特征一、具分节现象 (metamerism)动物躯体分成体节(metamere)的现象隔膜节间沟同

interganglionic nerve cord:神经节间索

surrenderor [律]让与人,让与者 | interganglionic nerve cord 神经节间索 | jumpy 跳跃的, 神经质的

longitudinal nerve cord:纵神经索

少数无肠目的神经结构和腔肠动物相似,仍为上皮神经网,而其他的扁形动物神经细胞已逐渐集中,形成了脑(brain)及纵神经索(longitudinal nerve cord). 在脑与神经索中散布有神经细胞及神经纤维,缺乏神经节. 在原始的种类具有脑及3-4对神经索及一个上皮下神经网,

preventer guy:稳索(定位索)

起货索滚筒cargo runner drum | 稳索(定位索) preventer guy | 有节定位索preventer guy with pitched clip

Subphylum Cephalochordata:头索动物亚门

头索动物亚门( Cephalochordata) 二,头索动物亚门(Subphylum Cephalochordata) 脊索和神经管纵贯于全身的背部,并终生保留.咽鳃裂众多.本亚门仅头索纲 (Cephalo-chorda)一个类群,体呈鱼形,体节分明,表皮只有一层细胞,头部不显,故称 无头类(Acrania).


几次的幻灯晚会都是由何贝尔和摄影节的主席弗郎索瓦.巴里轮流主持. 当他们站在台前讲话时,背后的屏幕上就会大大地放映出他们的姓名,天天如此. 有趣的是两人的名(first name)一样,都叫"弗朗索瓦(Francois)". 我突然意识到,那个叫何贝尔的不就是马格南的那位我非常熟悉的经理吗!

nephrogenic cord:生肾索

人胚4周时,随胚体侧褶的形成,间介中胚层逐渐向腹侧移动,并与体节分离,形成左、右两条的索状结构,称为生肾索(nephrogenic cord). 第4周末,生肾索体积不断增大,从胚体后壁突向体腔,此时在体腔背面、肠系膜基底部两侧各出现2条由体腔上皮增生所形成的纵行隆起,

frontal ganglion connectives:额神经节连索

frontal ganglion 额神经节 | frontal ganglion connectives 额神经节连索 | frontal lobe 额叶