英语人>词典>汉英 : 素除子 的英文翻译,例句
素除子 的英文翻译、例句


prime divisor
更多网络例句与素除子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Transcriptional activity of ACL recombinants normalized by Renilla was significant difference with pGL3-Basic expect for construct -27 and -15 (P<0.01). Construct -919 contains highest activity. 3 times reduction of transcriptional activity from-919 to -679bp indicated that negative regulation factors located probably in this region. The activity started on construct -73 suggested the basal promoter activity was located within the -73 to +77bp region; Transcriptional activity of IDHβrecombinants was not significantly different between the recombinant -58 and pGL3-Basic. The activity started on construct -82, decreasing with the length of the fragment up to -164 in despite of a bit of fluctuation, and kept increasing from construct -164 up to -279. Thus, the basal promoter activity was located within the -82 to +16bp region, whereas the upstream 197bp conferred maximal transcriptional activity.


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更多网络解释与素除子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


例如, 绿花菜(Broccoli),又成花茎甘兰,除富含维他命C以外,还含有大量的萝卜子素,可杀死幽门杆菌. 实验表明,萝卜子素在进入胃部之后,"自行钻入"胃粘膜细胞,寻找并杀死幽门杆菌. 幽门杆菌是胃炎、胃溃疡以及胃癌的"罪魁"之一.


sarcoplasmic microtubule 肌浆微(小)管 | neptunist [地质]岩石水成论者 | embedded prime divisor 嵌入素除子

embedded primary component:嵌入准素分支

embedded pointer 嵌入指示字 | embedded primary component 嵌入准素分支 | embedded prime divisor 嵌入素除子

prime divisor:素除子

素 3-流形|prime 3-manifold | 素除子|prime divisor | 素端|prime ends

embedded prime divisor:嵌入素除子

neptunist [地质]岩石水成论者 | embedded prime divisor 嵌入素除子 | pronumeral [数]变元,变项,未知数

finite prime divisor:有限素除子

有限水库|finite dam | 有限素除子|finite prime divisor | 有限态射|finite morphism

finite prime divisor:有限素因[除]子

embedded prime divisor 嵌入素除子 | finite prime divisor 有限素因[除]子 | greatest common divisor 最大公因子

infinite prime divisor:无限素除子

无限水库|infinite dam | 无限素除子|infinite prime divisor | 无限元法|infinite element method

infinite prime divisor:无限素因[除]子

highest common divisor 最高公约式 | infinite prime divisor 无限素因[除]子 | infinite real prime divisor 实无限素因[除]子

real prime divisor:实素因[除]子

rational divisor 有理因[除]子 | real prime divisor 实素因[除]子 | right divisor 右因子