英语人>词典>汉英 : 系谱图 的英文翻译,例句
系谱图 的英文翻译、例句


family tree
更多网络例句与系谱图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the four cluster could reflect the pedigrees of the cultivars in some degree but is not very anastomose.


With the decrease of Mach number of inflow, the total pressure recovery and the shock angle increase; the number of reflection of shock wave in the duct also increases, but the strength of the shock wave decreases.


Methods The presence and localization of the dilatant nasal mucosa capillaries in proband was determined by endoscope of nasal cavity; clinical diagnosis of HHT was established by obtaining the patient's bleeding history, family history, and observation of bleeding sites.


The "stemma equimultiple random select cross method" and "random mating method" were used to propagate offspring population of Langshan chicken. For each population, the pedigree of individuals were ascended up to 5 generations. Then, their generation increment of inbreeding coefficient was caculated using the regression slope rate.


If you go to the doctor with strep throat he can be pretty certain that it's the result of an infection with a species of Streptococcus and can therefore prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.


Infra-red spectra of polybrominated biphenyl s and polybrominated biphenyl ether in electronic and electrical appliances were compared with their standard ones to determine if C-Br bond belongs to the characteristic absorption spectra of 650-500 cm ,thus selecting brominate based flame retardants qualitatively.

采用红外光谱法采集电子电气产品中的聚合物部件中多溴联苯和多溴联苯醚的红外谱图,与标准红外谱图对比,判定该部件的谱图中是否有C-Br键在650-500 cm-1间的特征吸收,从而进行溴系阻燃剂的定性筛选。

And the author summarized the main identifiable features at the genera level. Some pictures of new reported species have been drawn. In the thesis, the author studied its geographical elements, compared the species abundance, the generic similarity coefficient, the phytogeographical elrments,and analyzed the floristic spectrum using the method of Principal Component Analysis . According to the comparison between the area of Pangquangou Nature Reserve and other 8 areas, The abundance of the bryophytes of Pangquangou Nature Reserve lower than the other 8 area.


Keeping track and tracing of family lineages and history is not an easy task which many assumes can be done just by affixing a collection of names to a pedigree chart.


The researchers compared the family tree for four snake species that specialize in eating eggs and found that their ancestors originally ate the lizards that lay the eggs.


更多网络解释与系谱图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a facetious person:轻浮的人

146、facetious adj.幽默的, 滑稽的, 喜开玩笑的 | a facetious person轻浮的人 | 147、family tree n.系谱, 系谱图, 族谱, 族谱图


至於logos的另外的界说,柏拉图,在﹝theetete,206 d﹞早曾经如此下过了:事实上,言词( lexis)依两个层次而被认知:一是语音实现的层次,其间言词为口头表达的说话( elocution),另一则是,更抽象地,语言构素( la langue)的层次(在索绪尔系谱下的意义),

mann:曼恩 接地基准点 (ERP) 系指共用接地系统与一系统的等电位连接网之间唯一的连接点. (风轮) 图10.2.3.3 具有防雷区(LPZ)的风力发电机组示意图(2) 电磁兼容(EMC)测试. 1) 曼恩(Mann)均匀剪切模型;2) 凯马尔(Kaimal)谱和指数相关模型.

pedigree chart:系谱图

半同胞:half sibling | 系谱图:pedigree chart | 分离分析:segregation analysis

skipped generation:隔代遗传

不规则显性遗传病的系谱中,虽然具有一些显性遗传的特点,但常可见到隔代遗传(skipped generation)的现象. 多指(趾)症有时就呈不规则显性遗传,下列系谱(图4-10)中,先证者Ⅱ2有多指,他的子女中Ⅲ2有多指,Ⅲ1正常,这表明先证者Ⅱ2是多指基因的杂合体Aa.


支序分析的结果记入支序图(cladogram)中. 支序图由描述系谱线(phyleticline)连续分裂的一系列二叉分支组成. 在构成支序图中有两项假定是完全任意的. 第一项假定是当一个新种出现时现存的每一个种就要被消去,另一项假定是每一分裂都是二叉分支.


系谱图的绘制方法常以该家系中首次确诊的患者又称先证者(proband)开始,追溯其直系和旁系各世代成员及该病患者在家族亲属中的分布情况. 根据绘制的系谱图进行分析,又称系谱分析,以确定该家系是否患有遗传病及其可能的遗传方式.