英语人>词典>汉英 : 精读 的英文翻译,例句
精读 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
perusal  ·  peruse  ·  con  ·  conning  ·  conned  ·  conns  ·  cons  ·  perused  ·  peruses  ·  perusing

read carefully and thoroughly · intensive reading · detailed reading
更多网络例句与精读相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: distinguish between reliability and safety and critically read accident reports, perform a hazard analysis on a computer-based system, write requirements for a safety-critical system and trace safety constraints to design, work with human factors experts in the design of safe human-computer interaction, apply the principles of safe design to both systems and software, critique and evaluate a system design for safety, and design a process for building a safety-critical system.


I'm from Chine and I'm Chinese.I'm i...


The challenge in this case is how to detect conicts among the sensors and how to fuse their deci- sions into one coherent decision.

挑战在这种情况下是怎么查出精读icts 在传感器之中和怎么熔化他们的deci- sions 入一个连贯决定。

It is quite conceivable that information obtained from dier- ent sensors leads to dierent and possibly conicting decisions.

它是 相当可以想像信息被获得从二唔ent 传感器导致二erent 和可能精读icting 的决定。

Yrdp cable window or browse window right click Directory, 1 level will link to the appropriate 2 on top of the page!!

在引索窗口或精读窗口不面击纲次, 1 level不离会链接到响应的2页面之上!!

In the freshman school year, I study and overview of the Hungarian intensive reading course.


And which is the second essential request of perusal.


It is extremely useful as an expansion to the tactics guide in the game manual and offers additional information and ideas for perusal.


Against England, the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the Catholic Powers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570's Rome bent her efforts, as she had done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back by means of her missionaries 22 英语 100 篇精读汇粹 the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer,这句话是同位语,说明 England.

因为天主教大国们太忙,太分裂;因此罗马于 1570 年代就像一千年前,在圣奥古斯都统治时期它曾做过的那样,竭尽权力想通过传教方式把英国赢回来。

In contrast, intensive reading experiences challenge the learner to develop a different set of reading strategies and background knowledge.


更多网络解释与精读相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

detailed reading:精读

演示课|demonstration lesson | 精读|detailed reading | 综合教学|synthetic instruction

TV's Harmfulness:英语精读荟萃

13、不用找(零钱)了 Keep the change. | 14、请再次光临 Please come again. | 英语精读荟萃TV's Harmfulness

Intensive Reading:英语精读

英语精读(Intensive Reading) 学时:136+108+72+72 学分:8+6+4+4 本课程是对学生进行英语听、说、读、写技能训练的综合课程,采用北外英语系编著的>(新版),系统传授基础语言知识,使学生正确掌握语音、语调、词汇的用法与使用,

Intensive Reading:精读

在印刷术普及之前,读者追求的是"精读"(intensive reading),犹如古人注经,务求一字一句都要看出个道理,往往一本书能耗上一辈子的生命. 原因简单,那时流通的书数量极少,一个罗马时代的学者要是能在一生之中读过三百本书,就是惊人的鸿学硕儒了.

Intensive Reading:语精读

一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对......英语精读(Intensive Reading) 学时:136+108+72+72 学分:8+6+4+4 本课程是对学生进行英语听、说、读、写技能训练的综合课程,采用北外英语系编著的>(新版),


音乐基础理论 Basis Theory of Music | 精读 Perusal | 口语训练 Oral Training

English perusal:英语精读

中国革命史 Chinese Revolution History | 英语精读 English perusal | 思想品德Ideology and Moral Character

perusal of English:英语精读

外事礼仪-amenities of foreign affairs | 英语精读-perusal of English | 英语阅读-Reading and responding English


perusal 细读 | peruse 细读,精读 | pessimistic 悲观的;厌世的

peruse scrutinize:各种精读

各种沼泽 marsh swamp bog mire morass | 各种精读 peruse scrutinize | 各种略读 skim skip galance at