英语人>词典>汉英 : 粉刺 的英文翻译,例句
粉刺 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acne  ·  carbuncle  ·  comedo  ·  pimples  ·  whelk  ·  comedos

更多网络例句与粉刺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ordinary kinds of acne: whitehead, blackhead, abscessed acne, inflammatory acne and assembled acne.


After another period of time, the innerWill continue to grow out of acne metabolism or after exposure to air oxidation will produce blackhead problems.


That is blackhead namely you are disinclined to manage its hoary head acne, as time passes, become black blackhead.


This colorful natural plant essence is provided with ideal cleansing effect, realizes the perfect balance of moisture and grease, accelerates the natural withering and peeling of acne and comedo, helps skin metabolize aging corneum, eliminate acne and comedo, prevent acne from generating.


The primary results suggest that comedo type DCIS is relatively more prone to invasion or metastasis than non-comedo type DCIS and the different expressions of genes in the two groups might contribute to the difference.


Black smoke, whether open acne, nausea, or under the vaguely visible in the epidermis of the closed yellow sebum acne, because of skin keratinization is not normal, caused by blocked pores.


Serious acne skin : Apply the cleanser onto infected skin, gently massage skin then rinse off,(it is better to use after removing purulence), gently cleanse the face, do not wipe the face, please dry the skin by absorbing water with towel.


Five weeks later, comedones on rabbit in group Zi had mostly extincted, which were near to that on normal rabbit, and there was a faint or negative SP expression; In group sulfur, comedones on rabbit had a lot change and SP was positive or faint positive. While in group 0.9% normal saline nothing had happened, SP was positive.


Characteristics: According to the principle of forming acnes and furuncles and based upon the latest modern technique of biological gene engineering and the priciple of bacteriology, the product is made of the essence extracted from several dozen natural precious herbs.


When you apply benzoyl peroxide to the skin it causes the top layer ofskin cells to break down and shed. This helps break down comedones and unblocks the sebaceous glands. It alsohelps to prevent the formation of new comedones.


更多网络解释与粉刺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


国内的臭氧医疗器械发展前景很好,臭氧可以治疗的有 根据欧洲臭氧医疗协会(Medical SocietyforOzone)和古巴国家科学研究中心的报告,医生使用各式臭氧疗法治疗下列疾病:脓疮(abscesses)、粉刺(acne)、爱滋病、过敏、裂肛、关节炎、关节退化、气喘、恶性肿瘤、脑血管硬是啊,




不发炎型的是粉刺(comedo)是毛孔角质增生堵塞毛孔,造成皮脂(sebum)及角质物(keratin)堆积,撑大毛孔所致. 粉刺会因痤疮杆菌作用进一步产生发炎反应,就会形成发炎型痘痘,依严重程度分为丘疹型、脓包型、囊肿型、结节型等.

comedo:黑头粉刺 粉刺

comebackwool 回交种毛 | comedo 黑头粉刺 粉刺 | comedocarcinoma 粉刺状癌 乳腺粉刺


comedist | 喜剧作家 | comedo | (黑头)粉刺 | comedocarcinoma | 粉刺状癌


comedocarcinoma | 粉刺状癌 | comedones | 黑头粉刺(comedo的复数) | comedown | 衰落, 丧失

carbuncled:有粉刺的, 用红玉的

carbuncle /粉刺/红玉/红水晶/痈/疔/ | carbuncled /有粉刺的/用红玉的/ | carbuncular /患疔的/红玉的/


pimple /面疱/疙/疱/ | pimpled /多粉刺的/长面匏的/ | pimply /多粉刺的/长面匏的/


pimpled /多粉刺的/长面匏的/ | pimply /多粉刺的/长面匏的/ | pinacocyte /扁平细胞/


273 pimple ...................... 粉刺 | 274 pimply ...................... 张满粉刺的 | 275 splay ......................张开