英语人>词典>汉英 : 类似长鼻的 的英文翻译,例句
类似长鼻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与类似长鼻的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this work, he mounted LCD displays approximately the size of eyeglasses in a helmet and connected them through a trunk-like tube with a camera the size of a pinhead attached to the end of this trunk. The trunk reached to just below the knee of the viewer, in other words to just the height, where a dog's eyes would normally be.


Either of two large North Atlantic earless seals having snouts like trunks.


Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States, related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail.


Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States,related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail.


更多网络解释与类似长鼻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


⑦ 地鼠(shrew),即鼩鼱,也作"shrewmouse",一种食虫的小哺乳动物,类似老鼠,有长而尖的口鼻、小眼睛和小耳朵. ⑧ 林鼠(wood rat):也作"trade rat",一种北美小啮齿动物,喜欢在窝里及其周围收集一大堆各种各样的小东西.

Puffinus tenuirostris:短尾鹱

还有一种外形类似于燕鸥的海鸟,名叫短尾鹱(Puffinus tenuirostris),在分类上与信天翁同属管鼻目. 其翼形尖长,极善飞行,夜行性. 一生中的许多时间在空中或辽阔的海洋里度过,仅在生殖季节来维多利亚附近的小岛上筑巢. 19世纪初,刚刚登陆的英国人没有肉吃,