英语人>词典>汉英 : 米子 的英文翻译,例句
米子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与米子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Evaluate the determinant, taking into account that fermionic fields obey an antiperiodic boundary condition,.


We then consider the effect of a finite gauge boson mass on the behavior of dynamical CSB.


By using the lattice index theorem, we identify the index of the massless overlap fermion operator to the topological charge of the background gauge configuration.


In chapter 2, leading-out the difficulties of lattice fermion action based on the Lattice QCD theory.


In the lepton sector, neutrino oscillations observed by Super-Kamiokande may provide the experimental evidence that the SM should be extended to include the massive neutrinos.


It is also pointed out that an n-mode boson coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a "negative unitary" matrix which is an element of complex symplectic group SP(2n,c),and an n-mode fermion coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix which is an element of complex fermion group F(2n,c).


In chapter 3, we represent the properties of Overlap fermion's small eigenvalues, and make it clear that the action how to resolve difficulties.


They found that the entanglement between the first and the second fermions can be enhanced or suppressed by altering the position of the third fermion.


Then show the importance of Overlap fermion after comparing variant lattice fermions.


As to the higher Landau levels, we conducted systematically calculations for the various possible ground states, such as the Laughlin liquid, the composite fermion liquid, the Wigner crystal, and the charge density wave . We find that when the Landau level index N≥2, the fractional quantum Hall states are ruled out and the CDW and Wigner crystal dominate. An exception occurs at around v=4+1/6, where the composite fermion liquid may be more energetically preferable than the CDW and the Wigner crystal states. This result provides a new explanation to the so-called re-entrant integral quantum Hall effect. In fact, the feature of isotropically metallic property at this filling is discerned from the experiment.


更多网络解释与米子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aglaia odorata:米兰,楝科,米子兰属

⒁月季,蔷薇科,蔷薇属,Rosa chinensis | ⒂米兰,楝科,米子兰属,Aglaia odorata | ⒃白果,连香树科,连香树属,Cercidi phyllum japonicum

fermi level:费米能级

费米能级(Fermi level)是绝对零度下电子的最高能级. 根据泡利不相容原理,一个量子态不能容纳两个或两个以上的费米子(电子),所以在绝对零度下,电子将从低到高依次填充各能级,除最高能级外均被填满,形成电子能态的"费米海".




根据原子本身的自旋角动量(spin)是整数或半整数,我们可以将所有的原子区分成玻色子(boson)或费米子(fermion). 当4He之类的玻色原子被冷却到趋近绝对零度时,它们会全落到同一个量子基态而形成BEC;

Fermion field:费米子场

费米-狄拉克统计 Fermi-Dirac statistics | 费米子场 fermion field | 费米子场量化 fermion field quantization

heavy fermion:重费米子

Gravity Probe B重力探测器B | heavy fermion重费米子 | homology group 同调群

composite Fermion:复合费米子

复合电路 composite circuit | 复合费米子 composite fermion | 复合场算符 composite field operator

slave fermion:受制费米子

斯雷特行列式 Slater determinant | 受制费米子 slave fermion | 套管偶极 sleeve dipole

fermion field quantization:费米子场量化

米子场 fermion field | 费米子场量化 fermion field quantization | 费米[子]弦 Fermionic string

Fermi-Dirac statistics:費米-狄拉克統計= 費米[-狄拉克]統計法

Fermi temperature 費米溫度 | Fermi-Dirac statistics 費米-狄拉克統計= 費米[-狄拉克]統計法 | fermionic string 費米[子]弦