英语人>词典>汉英 : 管口后的 的英文翻译,例句
管口后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与管口后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Using Seldinger technique method,guide Magic-BD micro-catheter with Balt detachedable rubber ball to the fistulas level,when verified the ball inside the fistula of carotid-cavernous sinus but outside the carotid artery,filled the ball fully enough with iodine material until the abnormal noise disappear and release the ball remained the internal carotid artery patent.


During the experiment the paper observed that temperature of water close-by orifice decrease , water froze and the ice layer continually gain in by a period of continued drain time.


SEM result showed that the sample had uniform phase distribution and smooth surface at dried state as well as interpenetrate network structure at hydrogel state. It was seen from the swell ing behavior curves that groups T1, T2 and T3 swelled rapidly within 10-30 minutes, and formed elastic composite hydrogel pipes. In addition, the expanding ratio of inner and outer diameter of the tube was 20%-30% and 100%-120% with swell ing, respectively. The equil ibrium water content of the hydrogel pipes increased with increase of collagen composition. Three groups of samples were immerged in PBS solution contained 2 mg/mL lysozyme at 37 for 1 month, their nozzle cracked, their wall became thin and more transparent. And also, there was small floc deposited on the tube surface.

扫描电镜观察到液氮脆断的人工泪小管内部成分分布均匀,内外壁表面平整,冷冻干燥的人工泪小管断口呈凝胶态的互穿网络结构。3 组不同成分的人工泪小管在PBS 溶液中浸泡30 min 后均快速吸水溶胀,外径扩大100%~ 120%,内径扩大20%~ 30%,并且随胶原含量增高,溶胀速度增快,平衡溶胀率增大。3 组人工泪小管在37℃含2 mg/mL 溶菌酶的PBS 液中浸泡1 个月后,表面有部分细小絮状物,管口开裂,管壁变薄,透明度增加。

Retrospectively analyses 125 cases respiratory failure patients remedied by tracheal intubation in our hospital from 2001-04 to 2004-09. Comparing achievement ratio, time of detained airtube,incision of trachea ratio, extubate ratio, and sufferers' post-recovery condition of nasal trachea cannula under the guidance of fibrobronchoscope and oral trachea cannula under the guidance of laryngeal endoscope.


We selected the 2nd and the 3rd generation yeast with powerful vitality from the yeast mud fermented in tanks in working field as the ideal species source separated from yeast monoplast in beer and the ways to obtain them were as follows: 24 hours after deoxidisation of diacetyl to threshold value and decrease of its temperature to 5℃ was the best time for selection and sample-extraction location was at the nozzle of pressure-discharge pipes.

摘 要:从生产现场大罐发酵的酵母泥中选取第2~3代生命力强的酵母作为啤酒酵母单细胞分离的理想种源,选取的最好时间为双乙酰还原至阈值后降温至5℃,并让其停留24h时取样位置为排压酵母的管口,最后将所得菌种进行初选、复选或模拟生产恒温培养鉴定,选出优良菌株。

Thirty-five patients with carcinoma of the lower rectum were completed the cutting operation passing the belly in Dixon operation, clamping the sigmoid at the 5 cm of location for anastomosis passing anus to insert one piece of 22# foley urea pipe, using 15-20 mL of water filling into urea pipe ball bag, then pulling urea pipe to stop with clear blockage, and passing urea pope forward recta cavity to fill 100-150 mL of methylene blue dilution to observe the opening of anastomosis.


Increase an air decontamination system in the foundation in a type machine,principle is air that exhaust fan will through percolation,from the engine room crest of the net sends in to spray to paint the space after filtering,spraying surplus oil fog of the paint creation and varnishing the flavor was taken to spray to paint by the midhty current of air building collections the inside passes water fog decontamination empress that several waters fog of the stainless steel water plank empress spray a jet,from row breeze tube fly to eject.


After receiving tube infrared detector signal into the serial port 1 pin decode processing, according to preset remote control codes simulate keyboard keystrokes.


Upon installation of multiport or diverter valves, with the handle parallel with the body and fully against the handle/body stop, tighten that union nut on the "ADJ" body end while minutely operating the handle off the stop and back to the stop.


20MHz . Now if you go down the port setting each pin in order; BSF PORTC,0 then BSF PORTC,1 then BSF PORTC,2 and so on, you may see that only the last pin was set, and only the last LED actually turns on.

现在如果你清端口后依次去置位引脚,如 BSF PORTC,0 然后 BCF PORTC,1 接着 BCF PORTC,2 这样下去,你将看到只有最后的一个管脚被真正置位了,只有一个 LED 点亮。

更多网络解释与管口后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


向前借咽鼓管鼓口与鼻咽部相通,向后借鼓窦入口(aditus)、与鼓窦(antrum)相通,内有听骨、肌肉、韧带和神经. 鼓室粘膜和咽鼓管、鼓窦粘膜相连续. 在鼓膜、鼓岬和听骨表面的粘膜为无纤毛扁平上皮,其他部分为纤毛柱状上皮,粘膜内有分泌细胞.

auditory tube:咽鼓管

咽鼓管(auditory tube)是从鼓室通向鼻腔后方的鼻咽的一条管道,长3.5~4.0cm. 咽鼓管靠鼓室端的1/3由硬骨组成,靠鼻咽部的2/3由软骨构成. 管的两端膨大,中间窄小,叫咽鼓管峡. 咽鼓管向后外方向开口于鼓室前壁 处叫做咽鼓管鼓口 ,


1 左半结肠癌梗阻的手术治疗 1.1 盲肠造口术(cecostomy) 盲肠造口安全简单,可在局麻下进行,一般应用于急诊情况下全身状况很差的患者,待全身状况改善后再做确定性手术.插管盲肠造口(tubececostomy)容易堵管,减压效果差,

concentric reducer:同心异径管

产品名称:不锈钢大小头,大小头也叫异径管,变径管,用来连接不同尺寸的管子,一般它分为同心异径管(Concentric reducer)和偏心异径管(Eccentric reducer)两种,当异径管立起来后两端口的投影是同心圆时,它就叫同心异径管,而偏心异径管的投影是小圆内切于外圆

eccentric reducer:偏心异径管

产品名称:不锈钢大小头,大小头也叫异径管,变径管,用来连接不同尺寸的管子,一般它分为同心异径管(Concentric reducer)和偏心异径管(Eccentric reducer)两种,当异径管立起来后两端口的投影是同心圆时,它就叫同心异径管,而偏心异径管的投影是小圆内切于外圆


每一肾小管的一端以带有纤毛的漏斗形开口,即肾口(nephrostome),开口于体腔,另一端汇入原肾管,原肾管的后端通向体外. 体腔液中的代谢废物即由肾口汇入原肾管,最后排出体外. 这种理论上的最原始肾脏称为全肾或原肾. 在现代生存的动物中,




到达口面后与口周围的环水管(circular canal)相连(图孵育的方法因种而不同,例如翼海星类(Pterasteridae)的一些种,卵在口1.显带目(Phanerozonia)腕具二行明显的边缘板,管足2 列,没有皮2.有棘目(Spinulosa)边缘板很小,叉棘简单或缺乏,


原始消化管的头端和尾端分别称为前肠(foregut)和后肠(hindgut),两者之间的一段称为中肠(midgut),原始消化管的中段腹侧与卵黄囊相连. 前肠的头端膨大发育成为原始的咽,与口凹相对处被口咽膜封闭. 后肠的尾端膨大成泄殖腔,

Malpighian tubules:馬氏管

纵贯于中央(即围脏窦)的一根管道是消化道( alimentary canal),它的前端开口于头部的口前腔,后 端的开口称肛门.位于中肠和后肠交界处的细长盲管是具排泄作用的马氏管(Malpighian tubules).在消 化道的背面,有一根前端开口的细管,