英语人>词典>汉英 : 筛选 的英文翻译,例句
筛选 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
filter  ·  filtration  ·  riddling  ·  filtered  ·  filters  ·  sieving

dressing by screening · preparation by screening
更多网络例句与筛选相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The best optimum conditions of the Agrobacterium mediated genetic transfornation were that leaves explants were immersed in the diluter 10 times Agrobacterium bacilli at OD600 of 0.6 for 8 minutes after being pre-cultured for 2 days,and then co-cultivated for 3 days.Then these explants were transferred to selected and rooting medium which contained 50 mg/L Kanamycin and 500 mg/L Carbenicillin.According to the transformation system, 54 transgenic plants were initially screened,then after PCR analysis and RT-PCR analysis 25 transgenic plants were obtained.

根癌农杆菌介导的芪合酶基因遗传转化的最佳条件为:将预培养2 d的烟草外植体,用稀释10倍的GV3101菌株菌液(OD600=0.6)浸染8 min后,共培养3 d,然后转入含卡那霉素50 mg/L和羧苄青霉素500 mg/L的筛选分化培养基上诱导分化,待抗性芽长到2~3 cm后,转入含Km 50 mg/L和Cb 500 mg/L的筛选生根培养基上进行筛选,在以上最佳遗传转化条件下,初步筛选到54株转化体,经PCR和RT-PCR检测获得25株转化烟草植株。

Firstly, This paper processes geometry filtration based on character of orbit's apogee and perigee after orbit model is analyzed and based. Secondly Space Debris is separated into two kinds, coplanar and not coplanar according as location interrelation of target and debris. In Dynamic filtration's processing, considering prediction time limit and orbit perturbation, secular effects which have increaser effect is considered so that some need catching danger time point is appeased, some law about time when target and debris pass intersectant line each other is inferred, when debris and object are in different plane and some similar law also is inferred otherwise. The time list is arithmetical progression. These laws can improve calculation efficiency remarkably; Lastly orbit predict is a course approaching least distance. Danger time point in the last step become beginning time point from which debris and object's position and velocity are calculated by SXP4 Model which is an analytic model.By result, determine that relative movement trend is closer or apart, farther calculate the interval apart from time when predictive least relative distance occurs. Least relative distance and time when least distance occurs is calculated finally. It is a fast approach course adopting varied interval.


Objective To establish a scientific and perfect system of screening index to provide scientific information and Decision basis for the establishment of Appropriate Health Technique source and the admittance of AHT.


YTS series circinal cylinder is a rough choosing equipment in the waste paper recycling product line .Fixing it behind waterpower pulp machine to process the big and heavy impurities which come from the waste paper pulp coming out the waterpower pulpmachine.To reduce the in order to ensure the quality.


After improvement method of sieving. It can proceed the sieving to the single species pesticide liquid, and also fit to multi-specieses pesticide liquid or unknown pesticide liquid, the ratio of volume does not completely together whole 10. Compare with the former, the later has some advantages like easy to operate, economic, easy to control in operating temperature (30℃), breadth application and sieve speed quick (10 min/each), etc. It is very suitable for pesticide factory to produce emulsifiable solution.


Six experimental stages were designed in our procedure, those are:(1) metabolite recovery and tested sample preparation: the metabolites were recovered by Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and solvent concentration;(2) antioxidant detection and strain selection: samples were quantitatively analyzed by the inhibition effects on formation of lipid peroxides and TBARS to screen the strains able to produce antioxidants. According to the established screening methods, we chose out a strain of actinomycetes, designed as AMBL-029C;(3) antioxidant purification: the fermentation broth was recovered by a series of separation techniques including centrifugation, Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and a successive TLC purification. The resulting primary purified compound [temperately designed as AMBL-029C-TS] was further analyzed by HPLC to monitor its purity;(4) physical-chemical characteristics: judging from the acid-base fractionation experiments, and the pH and temperature stability tests, the compound was deduced to be a acidic compound with the properties of low polarity and highly pH and temperature stable;(5) mechanism of the antioxidant: in comparison with some other known antioxidants, TS was subjected to investigate its antioxidant mechanism, together with BHT,-tocopherol, as well as two streptomyces metabolites, homogentisic acid and -phenylpyruvic acid, which were previously isolated as the natural antioxidants in our laboratory.

针对本实验目的,我们设计了以下的实验步骤﹔(1)二次代谢物回收及检测样本处理:我们将发酵所得的培养上清液,利用疏水吸附性树酯Amberlite XAD-2吸附回收,并以甲醇溶离及真空减压浓缩脱水等方式处理,以取得提供抗氧化活性筛选之检测样本;(2)抗氧化活性检测及菌种筛选:以「过氧化脂质」和「硫丙二醯尿」的生成量进行定性定量分析以作为抗氧化物质生产菌筛选之用;经此筛选程序,我们选获了具有抗氧化物质高生产力的菌株,命名为AMBL-029C;(3)抗氧化物质的分离纯化:针对生产菌株的发酵回收处理液,以矽胶薄层色层分离法经物质层析纯化后,并以高效能液相层析法(High performance liquid chromatography;HPLC)分析物质可得一初级纯化物质,命名为AMBL-029C-TS;(4)抗氧化物质的物理化学性质分析:由酸碱转溶(acid-base fractionation)实验得知,此抗氧化物质属於中低极性的强酸性物质,对温度(37℃-100℃)及酸碱度(pH3.0-13.0)均表现出高稳定性;(5)在抗氧化机制探讨方面,我们针对数种不同的抗氧化机制进行探讨,即: 1。

The antifatigue function of more than forty kinds of insect,fungi,bacteria and algae was studied and sifted first in this study by detecting swimming endurance and biochemical indexes. Then,in order to choose the better ones from the compoud additives formulas composed of L-carnitine, taurine, octacosanol,vitaminE and insectA ,a cross design experiment was done. InsectA was discovered in the first experiment that it greatly improved the antifatigue function in mice. Finally, the acute toxicities, thirty-day feeding effects and the mechanisms of No. 1 antifatigue compoud additives(No.1ACF) were studied.


In this study 2mG2-epsps gene was used to be a selection marker gene, and a series of experiments were designed for determining the time of their screening and selection pressure. The results showed that 1 mM glyphosate isopropylamine and 15 days screening can be effectively inhibited non-transgenic maize callus tissue differentiation. So this research work has provided a safe and effective screening system for corn and other monocotyledons crops.


If you create a local filter in a form or subform that already contained a filter from a previous working session , the new filter replaces the previous one.


What this invention has function of take a breath one kind publicly is wall hung inhaler, include: Noumenon, air suction opening, filter component, send fan, outside air blowhole, bypass, fender and eduction mouth; Outside air blowhole is formed go up in noumenon; Bypass is formed at the back of what the component filters inside noumenon, form outside air to flow to the passageway that sends fan directly; Fender setting is filtering on the face of have a common boundary of component and bypass, its position prep above filters component; Eduction degree of lip-rounding is become in noumenal before the bottom of face plate.


更多网络解释与筛选相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Filter Accept:筛选器接受

Fill Server: 填充服务器: | Filter Accept: 筛选器接受: | Filter Profile: 筛选配置文件:

colliery screened:采煤场筛选过的煤精选的煤

colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤 | colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤精选的煤 | colliery screened 精选的煤

colliery screened:采煤场筛选过的煤

colliery guaranter 煤矿保证条款 | colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤 | colliery screened 采煤场筛选过的煤精选的煤

filtering mode:筛选模式

filter / 筛选器 | filtering mode / 筛选模式 | firewall / 防火墙

Screening Information Data Set:筛选信息数据组

Production and Consumption Unit,生产和消费股,, | Screening Information Data Set,筛选信息数据组,SIDS, | Screening Information Data Set for High Production Volume Chemicals,高产量化学品筛选信息数据组...

Filter Profiles:筛选配置文件

Filter Profile: 筛选配置文件: | Filter Profiles 筛选配置文件 | Filter Template: 筛选模板:

provenance screening:种源筛选

初步筛选:preliminary screening | 种源筛选:provenance screening | 筛选鉴定:Screening and Identification

unfiltered cost:未筛选成本

筛选年度预测 unfiltered annual forecast | 未筛选成本 unfiltered cost | 未筛选需求 unfiltered demand

Show Sifted:显示筛选资料

Custom Sift 自定义筛选 | Show Sifted 显示筛选资料 | Show Unsifted 显示未筛选的资料

opiates screening:阿片制剂筛选

3L970 药物滥用筛选 drug abuse screening | 3L975 阿片制剂筛选 opiates screening | 3L980 药物筛选 drug screening