英语人>词典>汉英 : 第五纵队 的英文翻译,例句
第五纵队 的英文翻译、例句


Fifth Column · fifth column
更多网络例句与第五纵队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He worked in the fifth column until death.


They're probably preparing a fifth column to drop behind our lines.


In the above example, we only want to use the masked edit control in the fifth column of our grid, otherwise we will use the standard masked edit control.

在上面的例子,我们只是想用蒙面编辑在我们的网格第五纵队的控制,否则,我们将使用标准Masked Edit控件。

However, far away from the Russian border, across many countries around the world, the Communist Party of fifth column has been established.


Herr Hitler, with his tanks and other mechanical weapons and also by fifth column intrigue with


The Fifth Column: And Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War by Ernest Hemmingway.


Is illegal immigration from Mexico unstoppable or is it a means of creating a sort of Fifth Column that might eventually ease the merger with Mexico?


Apart from the Commonwealth and the United States -- Where the communist movement is still infant era - the Communist Party, that is, around a fifth column of Christian civilization of the increasingly serious provocation and dangerous.


After presenting nearly identical front-page layouts for half a century - always six columns, with the day's top stories in the first and sixth columns,"What's News" digest in the second and third, the "A-hed" feature story in the fourth and themed weekly reports in the fifth column - the paper in 2007 decreased its broadsheet width from 15 to 12 inches while keeping the length at 22 3/4 inches, in order to save newsprint costs.

在介绍几乎完全相同头版布局半世纪-总是六栏,与当天的头条新闻中的第一和第六栏,"最新消息"月刊在第二次和第三次的" A -海德"特写在第四和主题的每周报告中的第五纵队-该文件在2007年减少了报纸宽度从15到12英寸的长度,同时保持在22 3 / 4英寸,为了节省新闻纸成本。

After presenting nearly identical front-page layouts for half a century - always six columns, with the day's top stories in the first and sixth columns,"What's News" digest in the second and third, the "A-hed" feature story in the fourth and themed weekly reports in the fifth column - the paper in 2007 decreased its broadsheet width from 15 to 12 inches while keeping the length at 22 3/4 inches, in order to save newsprint costs.

在介绍几乎完全相同头版布局半世纪-总是六栏,与当天的头条新闻中的第一和第六栏,&最新消息&月刊在第二次和第三次的& A -海德&特写在第四和主题的每周报告中的第五纵队-该文件在2007年减少了报纸宽度从15到12英寸的长度,同时保持在22 3 / 4英寸,为了节省新闻纸成本。

更多网络解释与第五纵队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fifth Columnist:第五纵队队员

Fifth Column 第五纵队 | Fifth Columnist 第五纵队队员 | fifth wheel 多余人

Fifth Columnist:第五纵队队员,间谍

*Fiddle while Rome burns 大事不管,只计较小事 | *Fifth columnist 第五纵队队员,间谍 | **Fifth wheel 多余的事物或人

Fifth Column:第五纵队

2) 第五纵队(Fifth Column )意指叛徒或是渗透到重要部门中去为敌方效力的内奸. 该词源自西班牙内战时期一位叫摩拉的将领之口. 他说他拥有的四个纵队包围着西班牙首都马德里,另有一支纵队--第五纵队,在城内策应. 现泛指敌人派人的间谍和内奸.

Fifth Column:第五纵队, 内奸

rights of association 结社权 | Fifth Column 第五纵队, 内奸 | forged documents 伪造的单据

Fifth Column:第五纵队,指叛徒或渗透到重要部门里为敌方效力的伪奸

four-letter words 脏话,下流话 | Fifth Column 第五纵队,指叛徒或渗透到重要部门里为敌方效力的伪奸 | the five wits 常识、想象、幻想、估量和记忆五种功能,指人的智能.

The Fifth Column:第五纵队; 比喻间谍

牐5)as wise as Solomon 像所罗门一样聪明; 比喻非常富有智慧 | 牐6)the fifth column 第五纵队; 比喻间谍 | 牐7)a Judas kiss 犹大之吻; 比喻背叛行为

The Fifth Column:第五纵队(间谍,内奸)

30.all roads lead to Rome条条大道通罗马 | 31.the fifth column第五纵队(间谍,内奸) | 32.Big fish 大亨

Communist fifth column:共产党第五纵队

Chief of staff,参谋总长 | Communist fifth column,共产党第五纵队 | Ccp, 中国共产党

n The Fifth Column:第五纵队

n Green Hills of Africa非洲青山 | n The Fifth Column第五纵队 | n For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣

He worked in the fifth column until death:直到死他也在第五纵队工作

1."the fifth column"=people working for the enemy, in their own country du... | He worked in the fifth column until death. 直到死他也在第五纵队工作. | 2."write a column"=write a regular article for a n...