英语人>词典>汉英 : 第一线 的英文翻译,例句
第一线 的英文翻译、例句


front line · front lines
更多网络例句与第一线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line.


It is suggested that mirtazapine could be used as a first-line antidepressant in the treatment of depression.


Many doctors battle in the first line of fight against "SARS".


A lot of doctor battle on the front line of againsting SARS .


Currently, players can sometimes be sent to their starting tunnels far from the battlefront.


Many doctors battle in the battlefront against SARS.


It was the American navy's last biplane fighter, serving in the front line from 1937 until the end of 1941, at which point they were relegated to training and utility work.


The cord from the generator leads first to the circuit board's bridge rectifier, which converts the AC to DC.


First-line sales managers are the linchpins between the salespeople on the front lines involved in selling products and/or services and succeedingly higher levels of sales management (i.e., branch sales manager, zone sales manager, division sales manager, regional sales manager, vice president of sales). These managers have a surfeit of administrative responsibilities, many of them (e.g., training, motivation, evaluation, supervision) directed at the enhancement of their sales subordinates' cognitive, affective, and conative responses (e.g., market knowledge, job satisfaction, performance).


For patients who were female, under 65 years old and had adenocarcinoma, the difference between the ICER of first line gefitinib therapy and that of first line chemotherapy was smaller than Gross Domestic Productper capital.


更多网络解释与第一线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

firing line;front line:第一线

第一推动者/prime mover | 第一线/firing line;front line | 癫痫/falling sickness

First Line Support:第一线支援

first information report 初步资料报告;初步报告 | first line support 第一线支援 | first night duty "夜头更"

first-line manager:第一线管理人员

firm 商号;商行;企业 | first-line manager 第一线管理人员 | fiscal year 财政年度;会计年度

first-line manager:第一线经理

first-class facility 急救设施 | first-line manager 第一线经理 | first name (相对于姓的)名,教名,也作 given mane, forename

first-line manager:第一线管理者

database 数据库 | first-line manager 第一线管理者 | business transactions 商品交易

front-line staff:第一线的员工,精通业务的员工

fringe benefit 附加福利,额外福利,附带好处 | front-line staff 第一线的员工,精通业务的员工 | frozen produce 冷冻产品

front-line workers:第一线工作人员

front-line tasks;第一线任务;; | front-line workers;第一线工作人员;; | front-load programme commitments;前期重投资方案承诺;;

Ship of the Line:第一线作战军舰

ship of the desert 骆驼 | ship of the line 第一线作战军舰 | ship of war 战舰

Synergistic Research:第一线

在2006白天鹅大展上,骏韵公司旗下的Synergistic Research推出新款的旗舰系列线材,据厂商和代理介绍它的声音比上一代的X2更胜一筹,但定价却是有所下降. 为此,本刊在骏韵公司的安排下专访美国第一线(Synergistic Research)总裁Denney,希望能进一步了解新线的设计特色.

the trout sees the fly FIRST, not the fly line and leader first:鳟看到飞一飞不是第一线的领导人

line (one reason the downstream method is so letha... | the trout sees the fly FIRST, not the fly line and leader first).鳟看到飞一飞不是第一线的领导人). | However, this method does have one advantage ...