英语人>词典>汉英 : 笔记本电脑 的英文翻译,例句
笔记本电脑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与笔记本电脑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capital modern works notebook canny repair service center is a section notebook maintenance, Wraps service outside notebook, Notebook accessory sales is all-in-one specialize IT serve catenate agency.


After dactylogram identifies this one safe technology to get on notebook computer bigger range is used, facial ministry identifies this new safe technology to also begin to appear stage by stage on computer of many new fund notebook.


At last the mould was designed by the antitype of some kind of notepad. The study of the technology parameters such as drawing temperature , drawing speed , block holder pressure , lubricate condition showed that when the mould clearance was 1.6mm, drawing temperature was 220~280℃, the block holder clearance was 1.16, the block holder pressure was 2 ton we can formed a qualified notepad shell of the fillet radius of 2.4mm.


Android also has made an appearance on netbooks and smartbooks, devices that fall in between laptops and smartphones.


One of the biggest worries is that if I lose my notebook - or if it's been stolen - that the notebook and the data is going to be maliciously used by someone.


The sound I am hearing is the exact same sound I hear through speakers when plugging a laptop into a mixing desk and then plugging in the laptop charger.


Both increasingly prefer laptop PCs to desktops; in some countries, such as Japan, the former already outsell the latter.


The Statement of Claim alleges that Dell was negligent in the design of the notebooks, and that Dell knew or ought to have known of the inherent defects in the notebooks' design but nevertheless sold, marketed and distributed the notebooks in Canada.

Rochon Genova LLP在诉讼中称,戴尔"忽略了笔记本电脑的设计问题",因此存有问题的Inspiron系列笔记本电脑可能会因为过热,而导致主板被过早破坏。诉讼还称,这一问题"往往是在戴尔产品一年的保质期结束之后变显现出来"。

Laptop accessories: Laptop universal adapter, Laptop stand ,Laptop cooler,Laptop lock,LCD cleaner,Screen guard,CD Driver,Floppy drive,etc.


Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program allowing students to study schoolwork anywhere they want.


更多网络解释与笔记本电脑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BSI Broadax System Inc:阔斧"系统公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑)

BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局,英国标准... | BSI Broadax System Inc. "阔斧"系统公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑) | BSI Broderbund Software Inc. "小兄弟码头"公司(美国,专门出品儿童软件,世界著名娱乐光...

CITS CompowerInternationalTechnologyLtd:联宝国际科技有限公司(跨国公司,出品笔记本电脑等)

CDSS CompoundDocumentService 组合文档服务 | CITS CompowerInternationalTechnologyLtd 联宝国际科技有限公司(跨国公司,出品笔记本电脑等) | CBR ComprehensiveBeaconRadar 全能信标雷达

Customer Service Representative:客户服务代表(笔记本电脑)

Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表(医药产品) 4 | Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表(笔记本电脑) 1 | Software Design Engineer (Java) Java软件开发工程师 2

tunately I don't have a notebook computer:哦,很遗憾,我没有笔记本电脑

tunately I don't have a notebook computer. 哦,很遗憾,我没有笔记本电脑. | A: I stay in the same cubical with June, but we have only one LAN line... | B: I'll call IT to get another one for you. 我会给信...

laptop computer:笔记本电脑

如果带了双肩包,不要把它塞得太满看上去鼓鼓的,这样的话若被盘问你还能argue说这个双肩电脑包是用来放笔记本电脑(Laptop Computer)的,如果被翻出包里装了很多其他物品,就很难自圆其说了(建议包里主要放电脑及各种相关电子产品,



der Laptop:笔记本电脑

der Computer 电脑 | der Laptop 笔记本电脑 | der Drucker 打印机


发表人 主题: 笔记本电脑(NoteBook)基本维护保养手册长时间不使用电脑时,可通过键盘上的功能键暂时将LCD屏幕的电源关闭. 由于液晶显示器与传统显示器(CRT)在显示原理方面不同.所以笔记本电脑并不需要利用屏幕保护程序来防止屏幕的老化,

Notebook PC:笔记本电脑

我们公司主要代理台湾统宝光电LTPS(低温多晶硅)高端TFT,可以提供包括1.5"-7"等各种尺寸规格的TFT液晶显示器以及整体方案,广泛应用于手机(Mobile Phone),数码相机(DSC),掌上电脑(PDA / Pocket PC),车载(GPS / Car TV),笔记本电脑(Notebook PC)等领域.

