英语人>词典>汉英 : 笑靥 的英文翻译,例句
笑靥 的英文翻译、例句


smiling face
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Go for someone who makes you smile coz only a smile makes a dak day seem bright.


Away, go for someone who makes you smile coz only a smile makes a dak dayseem bright. Hope you find that person.


Don't go for looks it can deceive; don't go for wealth, even that fades away, go for someone who makes you smile coz only a smile makes a dak day seem bright.


I will give you 1 to smile dimple


Therefore I chose turn around to leave, only asked you to be able the dimple like flower.


The dimples of encourageement are good for me and you.


In the back of your head when I see Xiao Ye flowery face.


Please does not want God to grant your young and the beauty, please do not have to stint your happy gentleness, please do not have to go into hiding like flower's dimple.


It is very beneficial to everyone with a hortative smile .


Stage, a group of smiling faces blossoming children, I think he is probably the most inconspicuous one.


更多网络解释与笑靥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Banquet:夜宴

2006年9月19日,韩国首尔,>(The Banquet)举行记者会. 主演章子怡亮相笑靥如花. 吴彦祖潇洒帅气. 导演冯小刚也有出席. [图片来源:国新图库](责编:范斌)

is a fair maid in this town:在长长的巷子轻轻走过

and leisure time to sit awhile. There 希望能到你的小镇坐坐 | is a fair maid in this town, 在长长的巷子轻轻走过 | that sorely has my heart beguiled. Her 然后被笑靥俘获

DAVE KOA:<奥斯卡浪漫恋曲>

It might be you 也许是你(演奏版) | The shadow of your smile 你的笑靥(演奏版) | DAVE KOA>.part1.rar


08. Your Smile 你的笑靥 | 09. La Provence 普罗文斯 | 10. Little Mermaid 小美人鱼

eyelid, palpebra:眼睑

笑靥成形术 dimple formation,dimple-plasty | 眼睑 eyelid, palpebra | 睑裂 palpebral fissure

Your Smile:你的笑靥

07. Adiemus 阿迪玛斯 | 08. Your Smile 你的笑靥 | 09. La Provence 普罗文斯


06..LaternaMagica魔幻时刻 | 07.Adieus阿迪玛斯 | 08.YourSmile你你的笑靥

thou hast beguiled my soul:你捕捉了我的灵魂

Like a nymph with thy grace and smile 与那优雅的仙女似的笑靥. | thou hast beguiled my soul 你捕捉了我的灵魂, | how can I obtain thy elusive heart 我又如何才能扎根在你心的原野?

bridal wreath; Spiraea prunifolia S.et Z:笑靥花;麻叶绣球(汝南圃史)

砖茶 brick tea | 笑靥花;麻叶绣球(汝南圃史) bridal wreath; Spiraea prunifolia S.et Z. | 土密树属(大戟科) Bridelia