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端化 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与端化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recently, domestic industry development zones present trends of developing specialized industries, industry clusters, and high-end industries, promoting resources intensiveness and achieving ecological environment.


objectiveto investigate the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic duodenal rupture.methodthe clinical data of 13 patients with traumatic duodenal rupture hospitalized from may 1991 to december 2008 were retrospectively analyzed,and the material cause was automobile accident mainly.resultsin these 13 patients,after hospitalization,6 cases were diagnosed in 3 hours,4 cases were diagnosed in 24~72 hours,and 3 cases were diagnosed after 72 hours.three cases with duodenal cleft repair,2 cases with duodenal ostomy,2 cases with duodenum and jejunum roux-en-y anastomosis,1 case with duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with meliorative duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with duodenal broken ends closure and anastomosis of stomach with jejunum,1 case with duodenal distal closure and anastomosis of duodenal local with jejunum,and 2 cases with resections of pancreas duodenum.after the operation,6 cases (46.2%) appeared some complications of wound infection,duodenal fistula,digestive tract hemorrhage,pancreatic fistula,abdomen infection and so on.two cases (15.4%) died from multiple system organ failure and septic shock.conclusionthe early diagnosis and correct operation style selection are the keys for duodenal rupture.

目的:探讨外伤性十二指肠破裂的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾分析外伤性十二指肠破裂患者13例临床资料。结果:入院后3 h内确诊6例,24~72 h内确诊4例,72 h后确诊3例。3例行十二指肠裂口修补,2例行十二指肠造瘘,2例行十二指肠空肠roux-en-y吻合,1例行十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行改良十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行十二指肠两断端关闭、胃空肠吻合,1例行十二指肠远端关闭、近端与空肠端侧吻合,2例行胰十二指肠切除术。术后6例(46.2%)出现切口感染、十二指肠瘘、消化道出血、胰瘘或腹腔感染等并发症,2例(15.4%)患者死亡,分别死于多器官系统衰竭和感染中毒性休克。结论:早期诊断与正确的术式选择是成功救治外伤性十二指肠破裂的关键。

Our focus is on the development of the wireless Internet business, e.g. MelOn, GXG, and Mobile Cyworld. We are also concentrating on exploring new services like MONETA, Satellite DMB, and 1mm, in preparation for the increasing convergence in telecommunications, broadcasting, finance, and entertainment.


Methods The patients with ventilator were divided into four groups according to the type of the heated humidifier (MR410,MR730)and ambient temperature(26 ℃~28 ℃,18 ℃~20 ℃),then the temperature of the inlet chamber,the temperature and humidity of the outlet chamber and the aspiratory chamber and the airway secretions characteristics of each group were compared.


In coming three years, we will streng then the Hualing's


Objective: A novel method for 5'-overhang blunting with Pfu DNA polymerase was reported in this paper.

目的:报道一种利用Pfu DNA聚合酶延伸法补平限制片段5'-突出末端的平端化方法。

WISEMOVE Tax Agent Corporation is founded as a brand new tax service organization aiming at tax agency service professionalizing and high class market transformation.


At the low end of business card printing and membership card number factory can be said to occupy more than half of the industry.


Every night 8:30 starts the large-scale entertaining party, has each kind to do smiles with the fervor performance, but also has the upscale acrobatic magic, has the specialized performance, the actor audience to exchange the interaction, KTV and so on, the Qingdao entertainment to the multiplication, the high-end, the civilising development.


On the other hand, 8 million pixels of a lens element, making camera phones increasingly high-end of the competition.


更多网络解释与端化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chiasma centralization:交叉中心化

chiasma|交叉 | chiasma centralization|交叉中心化 | chiasma terminalization|交叉端化

chiasma terminalization:交叉端化

interstitial chiasma 中间交叉 | chiasma terminalization 交叉端化 | Robertsonian translocation 罗伯逊易位

cyanogen bromide:溴化氰

⑥ 多肽与肼(hydrazine)反应生成氨基酸酰肼;c-端氨基酸不参加反应,氨基酸酰肼与苯甲醛作用生成二苯基衍生物沉淀;上清液c-端游离的氨基酸借助fdnb 或dns 及层析鉴定,肼解过程中谷氨酰氨、天冬氨酸、半胱氨酸被破坏溴化氰(cyanogen bromide)水解法:它能选择性


图7为整个交通灯控制器测试文件的激励向量部分,每隔10ns ,时钟(clk) 翻转一次,即时钟周期为20ns,初始化(initial) 语句描述的意义为,在0时刻,时钟和使能端(en) 均为0 ,在50ns时,使能端为1,仿真开始,在2550 (50+2500)ns时,仿真结束.

telocentric chromosome:端着丝粒染色体

③亚湍着丝粒染色体(subtelocentric chromosome)和④端着丝粒染色体(telocentric chromosome). 划分的标准有:①臂比值r(长臂长/短臂长),②着丝粒指数i[(短臂长/染色体长)×100%], ③短臂长臂比等3种. 8.端粒(telomere):是染色体端部的特化部分(图12-19),

telocentric chromosome:端部着丝粒染色体

杜氏利什曼原虫 Leishmania donovani | 端部着丝粒染色体 telocentric chromosome | 端化 terminalization


神经为神经环、神经节和神经干组成. 神经环位咽部,连于神经节,由神经环向前后伸出数条神经干. 感官有刚毛、乳突、化感器(amphid)等. 线虫头端有刚毛,口具唇,唇上有乳突;头端有侧器(lateralorgan),尾端有乳突或尾感器(phasmid).


是前期Ⅰ的最后一个阶段,此期染色质又被包装压缩成染色体. 大多数核仁消失,四分体均匀地分布在核中. 染色体交叉逐步向染色体端部移动, 称为端化(terminalization). 最后四分体只靠端部交叉使其结合在一起, 姐妹染色单体通过着丝粒连接在一起.


terminal 末端 | terminalization (末)端化 | terminalization 末端化

terminalization of chiasma:交叉端化

染色体交叉 chromosomal chiasma | 交叉端化 terminalization of chiasma | 联会 synapsis