英语人>词典>汉英 : 竖起 的英文翻译,例句
竖起 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
erection  ·  perk  ·  prick  ·  perking  ·  pricked  ·  pricks  ·  perked  ·  perks

set up · stick up · prick up
更多网络例句与竖起相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then abruptly he paused, his head in the air, eye and ear alert.


The alien-like Aeon faction has some particularly nasty technology: walls that appear flat will suddenly come alive as hidden guns fold out to crush your assault.


It's that complexity that makes you listen intently, and it's also the reason why the transition to the next track,"El Atabal De Mi Negra" by Titico y Los Caracoles del Amargue of the Dominican Republic, is awkward -- it's is exceedingly simple in execution and seems like a shock after coming off Azevedo's music.

正是这种多元化提起你的听觉,同时这也是为什么下首音乐会让你竖起耳朵,来自多米尼加共和国的 Titico y Los Caracoles del Amargue 的 El Atabal De Mi Negra ,在 Azenvedo 的音乐之后,这首极其简单的曲子显得相当突兀并且不合时宜。

An ingenious bell ringer invents a cylinder with pins which operates cams , which then hit the bells .


Ha! Actually I just looked at her beseechingly, but that was enough to produce results. She got off the phone and held up 3 fingers, struggling to find the English words.

哈! 实际上我只是用哀求的眼光看著她,但那已足以产生效果了她结束了通话并竖起了三只手指,努力的搜寻著英文字眼我充满希望的提示说:"3小时?"

Eventually, however, even the biggest blabbermouth will learn how to button their lips and open their ears.


Eventually, however, even the biggest blabbermouth will learn how to but ton their lips and open their ears.


This business card is for a business called The Cat Box. Notice the tail sticking up out of the top of the card.


Bi Ru gains the winning area preelection queen , the husband laughs at the handwriting that he writes on the gauze wrapping up the eye wound's learning to take the crown (if being that increasingly, front has given off crossroads for a long time) but he has explained that only lightly now in the ordinary time is green for the souvenir, angulus oris even be with faintly discernible circular measure; But have not come to give lessons after supposing that ding-dang MOMO loses being choosing qualification, face other people's inquiry he shut consider in a certain aspect leave a pet phrase behind leaving, stage leaves to be sleeping to see MOMO time the midday nap roar with laugh since complete water bleaches , he smiles spontaneously, as if being to have laid down one piece at heart large stone finally on the day; Suppose that northeast China is big when competing in third singles again, Qian falls for following the ball to have spoiled a glasses , see that green grass learns while he puts on the alternate mirror again entire the meeting being smiling at him holding up one's thumb in approval if you are up to meticulous words finds that: The unwilling increasingly front expression in one's eyes "V" hand signal is that ball is played with out by the chrysanthemum, but the thumb that another pricks up on hand does not have be pinned down by accepting others absolutely, in other words, that be to volunteer increasingly in the front , sincere oiling,...


I stood in t h e cold rain near Okla h oma City, trying to t h umb a ride h ome for t h e weekend.


更多网络解释与竖起相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cocked hat 三角帽 | cocked 竖起的 | cocker spaniel 一种英国的小猎犬

Cowlick:高立型 头发蓬松竖起的造型

Corner point 文叉点 发末端垂直线与水平线相交之处 | Cowlick 高立型 头发蓬松竖起的造型 | Cross check 交叉检查法 当头发垂直修剪后就以水平方法检查反之亦然

With his hat cocked sure defiantly:帽子也高高的竖起

With a strut into the room.驻着根拐杖步入房中(昂首阔步). | With his hat cocked sure defiantly.帽子也高高的竖起. | He said I,I have heard- 他说到:"我听说-"

erective:直立的; 竖起的; 易直立的

erection 竖立,建立 | erective 直立的; 竖起的; 易直立的 | erector 建立者,设立者; 安装工,装配工;

erective ive:直立的,竖起的

erection ion 直立,竖直 | erective ive 直立的,竖起的 | erector or者,竖立者,建立者


breathtaking a. 惊险的;惊人的 | hair-raising [口]恐怖的,使人毛发竖起的 | scary a. 吓人的;(马等)易受惊的

Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault:假如其陵前未竖起碑铭

The paths of glory lead but to the grave. 待时辰一到,皆通往坟墓... | Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault 假如其陵前未竖起碑铭, | If Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise, 假如长廊上回纹的拱...

KEEP QUIET, SLIENCE:肃静 竖起食指垂直置於唇上

慢行,步步为营 掌心向地作波浪式既动作 SURF, MOVE SLOWLY | 肃静 竖起食指垂直置於唇上 KEEP QUIET, SLIENCE | 掩护我 用掌心轻力搞打自己的头颅顶 COVER ME

raise lift; push or move upward:提起,举起;竖起

This young man should do well, and may even rise to great fame. 这个年轻人一定... | raise lift; push or move upward 提起,举起;竖起 -s -d raising | increase in amount, size, etc; bring to a higher level,...

prick up one's ears:竖起耳朵听

prick on 驱使 | prick up one's ears 竖起耳朵听 | prick up oneself 打扮自己