英语人>词典>汉英 : 立体图形 的英文翻译,例句
立体图形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与立体图形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A plane figure with four sides and four angles.


Table 1 shows the characteristics of a three dimensional shape.

表 1 显示一个立体图形的特征。

The three-dimensional graphical objects to the objective of abstract shapes and generalized, universal and typicality.


Now that we have the mode set up, we need to create the drawing surfaces. To do good animation, we need to double-buffer, so we're going to set up the flags so that it creates one back buffer (you can make as many as you have VRAM for, but two should be sufficient unless you're doing stereo imaging... but that's a whole other topic). This call is similar to may DirectX calls that have lots of fields.


EyelinkⅡis used in experiment 3 to study the external and internal refence fame inmental rotation. The result is that presenting a number with an external referenceframe, subjects\' internal reference frames can be revised. At the same time, thesubjects tend to use frame rotation.


How can you make sure that your cuboids are not the same if rotated?


Now have you grasped the ways to make researches of solids?


Chlorides and total dissolved solids are the indicators modeled most frequently.


How many different cuboids did you get?


How many different cuboids can you make now?


更多网络解释与立体图形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3 AspectRatio,说明整个图的高度比 | 4 Boxed:说明是否给图形加一个立体框 | 5 BoxRation:说明图形立体框在三个方向的长度比

circular cone:圆锥

锥体(cone):圆锥(circular cone)和棱锥(pyramid)这样的立体图形是锥体. 以直角三角形的一个直角边为轴旋转一周所得到的立体图形就是锥体. 棱锥有三棱锥、四棱锥、五棱锥、六棱锥......

circular cylinder:圆柱

简称棱柱 返回 球体(sphere) 棱柱体 圆柱体 柱体(cylinder)锥 体(cone) 柱体 锥体 圆柱 棱柱 圆锥 棱锥圆柱 长方体 正方体 球体 圆锥 我们已经认识的立体图形有: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 南肖埠幼儿园 小组讨论: 你们能将这五个基本的立体图形按某些特征分类吗? 建议: 请其中一位同学记录并汇报 棱柱 ( prism ) 圆

plane figure:平面图形

一、什么是几何图形: 点、线、面、体这些可帮助人们有效的刻画错综复杂的世界,它们都称为几何图形(geometric figure) 几何图形一般分为立体图形(solid figure)和平面图形(plane figure).


(图4.3.1) (图4.3.2) (图4.3.3) 多面体(polyhedron)是由平面图形围成的立体图形,沿着多面体的棱将它剪开,可以把多 面体变成一个平面图形. 上面的图4.3.1实际上是由三棱锥展开而成的平面图形,我们把它叫做三棱锥的平面展开图 下面四个图形是多面体的展开图,


常见的几何体 棱柱(prism) 本册书只讨论直棱柱,简称棱柱 返回 球体(sphere) 棱柱体 圆柱体 柱体(cylinder)锥 体(cone) 柱体 锥体 圆柱 棱柱 圆锥 棱锥圆柱 长方体 正方体 球体 圆锥 我们已经认识的立体图形有: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 南肖埠幼儿园 小组讨论: 你们能将这五个基本的立体图形按某些特征分类吗?


[简介]锥体(cone):圆锥(circular cone)和棱锥(pyramid)这样的立体图形是锥体. 以直角三角形的一个直角边为轴旋转一周所得到的立体图形就是圆锥. 棱锥有三棱锥、四棱锥、五

show box:检查图形时,是否显示图形立体轮廓包围线

3D Bar Chart--三维直方图: | Show Border--检查图形时,是否显示图形矩形包围线: | Show Box--检查图形时,是否显示图形立体轮廓包围线.

Similar Plane Figures and Solids:相似的平面和立体图形

Solids立体图形 | Similar Plane Figures and Solids 相似的平面和立体图形 | Sequence and Series 数列与级数


5 BoxRation:说明图形立体框在三个方向的长度比 | 6 ViewPoints:在将三维图形投射到平面上时使用的观察点. | 7 Mesh:说明在曲线上是否画网格