英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然意识到 的英文翻译,例句
突然意识到 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与突然意识到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ed Mitchell , on his way back from the Moon, realised that "the molecules of my body and of the spacecraft and of my partners were manufactured in some ancient generation of stars — and that was an overwhelming sense of oneness and connectedness".


For obviously this was no trick or histrionic bit intended to influence him, but rather a sudden and overwhelming vision of herself, as he himself could sense, as a rather lorn and isolated girl without friends or prospects as opposed to those others in whom he was now so interested and who had so much more—everything in fact.


And his family and he could make an impact on their town.


One day, while roaming and frolicking among the hills and dales, the musk deer was suddenly aware of an exquisitely beautiful scent, the like of which it had never known.


When he was driving, he suddenly realised that he was driving recklessly, without considering the safety of his children.


And then I realized that this was not a new feeling, that I had felt this same rage percolate and disguise itself as a slow burn in the background of my consciousness before—whenever my husband would put me down or whenever my lawyer mother had insisted on being right.


His arm started to twitch again and Stela, suddenly aware of it, pressed against it with his other hand.


This second series will be significantly different from the initial one, and will continue to please collectors, stamp enthusiasts and celebrants of the Lunar New Year alike.


At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.


And you begin to realize, as the astronauts swing around the dark side of the moon and head for home, that, given the enormity of the task of returning to Earth, their craft and equipment is only a little more adequate than the rocket sled in which Evil Knievel proposed to hurtle across Snake River Canyon at about the same time.


更多网络解释与突然意识到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可当我开始吃早中饭(BRUNCH)时,突然想起我昨晚睡觉前把一样值钱的东西放在了床边. 于是,赶紧到床边找. 可找了半天也找不到,这才意识到,可能和刚才的餐巾纸一起被扔掉了.



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449doughnutn. 油炸圈饼 | 450down on突然意识到 | 452downtroddena. 受压迫的


当时,伯尔尼熊公园的一只名叫"芬恩"(Finn)的4岁欧洲棕熊突然意识到一名不速之客闯入自己的领地,遂对其发动攻击. 这名不速之客是一名男子,他先是在"芬恩"的巢穴上高20英尺(6米)的墙上待了10分钟,然后跳了进去.


成为劳资谈判桌上的对话媒介和协调人. 到了美国以后,我还是工人,干的是没有什么技术的粗体力活. 在劳动节放假以前,我突然意识到,这不是我们以前的春天的劳动节,这是秋天. 我问了跟我一起干活的年轻的工友们,"知道五一国际劳动节(MayDay)吗"?


所以,当你开始制作而耐久槽突然耗完了,你意识到自己不可能制作出质朴的(pristine)或是相当的(equivalent)质量的物品时,取消配方的继续操作就行了. 这将挽回你的很多损失而仅仅以一份燃料作为代价. 交易技能反应(Reactions)的升级


她舒适的叹息了一声,很快就陷入了出神(Reverie)之中. 很快,菲丽安也开始休息. 她们两个都是老练的战士,赫丽丝特突然意识到了这一点,只要需要,她们可以在任何时间和任何地点迅速休息. 赫丽丝特静静的坐在敞开的门口. 她抽出新月之刃,


谁知随后RUTH往往会突然用"文森特"(VINCENT)的名字招呼我,还在她开车时想对我说话叫了"文森特"(VINCENT)时,我往往会没有反应,没有意识到是在叫我. 今晚10点50分开始,在第5层中央大厅,有名为"香槟酒瀑布舞会"(Champagne Waterfall Dance Party )的活动.


几次的幻灯晚会都是由何贝尔和摄影节的主席弗郎索瓦.巴里轮流主持. 当他们站在台前讲话时,背后的屏幕上就会大大地放映出他们的姓名,天天如此. 有趣的是两人的名(first name)一样,都叫"弗朗索瓦(Francois)". 我突然意识到,那个叫何贝尔的不就是马格南的那位我非常熟悉的经理吗!


除了新版的<<骰越历史>>(Roll through the Ages)和经典的<<炒地皮>>(For Sale)以外,还包括Reine...<<勒阿弗尔>>(Le Havre)我几个月前就买了. 但是很奇怪的是我直到上周末才真正开始玩它. 我突然意识到这是多么精致的一款游戏,