英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然发生 的英文翻译,例句
突然发生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

burst with · crop up · turn up · crop out
更多网络例句与突然发生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because it is suddenly, and the angle is closed, so called closed acute angle glaucoma.


Do you think this happened all of a sudden?


Most faint has dazed, bosom first before happen frowsty, at the moment the symptom such as amaurosis, what not be like little show effect is abrupt happen, the refreshment of consciousness and physical strength is slower also.


Results: 32 patients with PNS suffered from acute oliguria or anuria,acute deterioration of renal function and rising of serum BUN and SCr, excluding secondly glomerular disease and acute tubular necrosis?

结果 :原发性肾病综合征在病情中突然发生少尿或无尿,肾功能急骤恶化,血尿素氮及肌酐上升,排除继发性肾小球疾病及其他原因引起的急性肾小管坏死、急性间质性肾炎和双肾静脉主干血栓形成,经甲基强的松龙和环磷酰胺或吗替麦考酚酯及标准疗程泼尼松、血液透析等对症治疗,32例患者肾功能均改善。

In the observation of earthquake auspice,the data often change suddenly,in this situation,we must analyse the data immediately,so that we can know whether the change is exceptional or not,then we can provide some reference for disaster prevention.


But in multi-robot systems the environment's dynamics can be determined by other robots, in addition to its uncertainty that may be inherent in the domain.


The subject of this research is Tsannkuen Multination Group, the research methods included literature review, case study and in-depth interview.(1) Enterprise do not get into financial crises overnight, financial crises are the result of prolonged financial malaise.(2) An enterprise has perfectible conduct management system, will really to reduce the possibility for enterprises financial crises.(3) There are four key successful factors to react enterprise financial crises for Tsannkuen Multination Group were follow:"Crises management system","Financial management planning","Disperse risks concept", and "Disclosing information of financial statement".


Change happened in breast size and hardness suddenly or change happened in skin, this is foreboded developing breast cancer.


The first shot I made among these creatures, I killed a she-goat,which had a little kid by her, which she gave suck to, whichgrieved me heartily; for when the old one fell, the kid stood stockstill by her, till I came and took her up; and not only so, butwhen I carried the old one with me, upon my shoulders, the kidfollowed me quite to my enclosure; upon which I laid down the dam,and took the kid in my arms, and carried it over my pale, in hopesto have bred it up tame; but it would not eat; so I was forced tokill it and eat it myself.


December 10th, I began now to think my Cave or Vault finished, when on a Sudden,(it seems I had made it too large) a great Quantity of Earth fell down from the Top and one Side, so much, that in short it frighted me, and not without Reason too; for if I had been under it I had never wanted a Grave-Digger: Upon this Disaster I had a great deal of Work to do over again; for I had the loose Earth to carry out; and which was of more Importance, I had the Seiling to prop up, so that I might be sure no more would come down.


更多网络解释与突然发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to break out:突然发生;爆出;爆发

14>.to blow up 爆炸 | 15>.to break out 突然发生;爆出;爆发 | 16>.to do over 重做

burst forth:突然发生;突然爆发

oppress vt. 压迫;压抑 | burst forth 突然发生;突然爆发 | latent adj. 潜在的;潜伏的

burst with:突然发生

burst upon 突然来到 | burst with 突然发生 | burst 爆裂

By luck then a skirmish started:幸运的是突然发生了一点小冲突

As the others, all joined in with me因为其他人还跟着我在跳 | By luck then a skirmish started幸运的是突然发生了一点小冲突 | And took the attention away from me把所有注意力从我身上引开了

By luck then a skirmish stared:幸运的是突然发生拉一点小冲突

As the others, all joined in with me 因为其他的人还跟着我在跳 | By luck then a skirmish stared 幸运的是突然发生拉一点小冲突 | And took the attention away from me 把所有的注意力都从我身上引开拉

crop up:突然发生或出现

cronyism任人唯亲,偏爱,袒护(而给予职务 | crop up突然发生或出现 | cross one'S heart我保证

crop up:(问题等)突然发生,突然出现

614disablev. 使...失去能力 | 615crop up(问题等)突然发生,突然出现 | 616act out表演

erupt vi.1:(火山、喷泉等)喷发,(岩浆等)喷出 2.(战争、危机、问题等)爆发,突然发生

disrupt vt.使中断,扰乱 | erupt vi.1.(火山、喷泉等)喷发,(岩浆等)喷出 2.(战争、危机、问题等)爆发,突然发生 | interrupt vt.1.打断,打扰 2.中止,阻碍 vi.打断,打扰

erupt vi.1:(火山等)喷发 2.(战争等)爆发,突然发生

flare vi. 1.(火焰)闪耀 2.突发,突然发怒 n.闪光信号,照明弹 | erupt vi. 1.(火山等)喷发 2.(战争等)爆发,突然发生 | ignite vt. 点燃,引发

Conflict erupts:冲突突然发生

Merger 合并,归并 | Conflict erupts 冲突突然发生 | Flare-up 名词 突然发生的火灾,事件