英语人>词典>汉英 : 穿山甲 的英文翻译,例句
穿山甲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

scaly anteater · Manis pentadactyla
更多网络例句与穿山甲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of several other animals, including the echidna, aardvark, and pangolin, that feed on ants.


African Tree PangolinThe tree pangolin is endemic to Africa and one of eight existing species of pangolin ("scaly anteater").


ObjectiveTo research whether pangolin adulterated with magnesium sulfate can be used as quality goods after lavation.


ResultsChange of chemical constitution of pangolin could be found by analysis in quality after lavation, also total content of ash surpass that in normal ones by 11 times, after analysis in quantity, magnesium sulfate could still be found in adulterated ones and the content of protein also decreased after lavation.


It would be a right way to conserve and expend the Pangolin's population by manually rearing this animal.


There are 7 species of pangolin in the world.


Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla L.) used to be as Chinese medicine in China, which has turned to be one of endangered animals due to over capturing.


It was found that the section was brittle. The scales of the pangolin were composed of the very thin prismy construction units and the folded units. The scales of the pangolin included such trace elements as S,Si,Fe,Al and Ca, besides the element of C,H,O and N. There were small amount of P element in the internal layer of the pangolin's scale.


In order to efficiently collect information and tissue samples of pangolins rescued by residents around Taiwan, we assisted in designing and executing a wildlife rescue system for the Formosan Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla). Data and samples collected from this system were analyzed to evaluate its efficiency in providing information for pangolin conservation. This study also examined genetic variability and structure across pangolin populations in Taiwan by using mtDNA sequences of left domain of control region and the partial cytochrome-b gene. Implication of the results from these analyses in pangolin management and conservation was discussed.

本研究藉由协助台湾穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)救伤流程与通报系统的规划和运作,收集台湾各地因救伤而进入本流程的台湾穿山甲相关资讯与组织样本,进行分析,以评估穿山甲救伤通报系统的成效和保育上的应用,包括以粒线体DNA中的细胞色素b与控制区片段为分子标记,检视台湾穿山甲岛内遗传结构与遗传变异程度,并从族群遗传的角度提供未来保育策略上的建议。

Pangolins are covered in overlapping keratin scales which act as body armour, indeed an unusual gift of a coat of armour made from Pangolin scales was once presented to King George III.


更多网络解释与穿山甲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scaly anteater:穿山甲

scalper 剥头皮者 | scaly anteater 穿山甲 | scaly 有鳞的


众所周知,CCU的破解是商业破解,对破解进行了二次加密,只能使用30次,到了30次之后,除非向CCU付费进行注册,否则软件次不能继续使用. 经我长期研究,他们的软件是使用了穿山甲(Armadillo)加了密的,现在三种方法可以达到长期使用的目的,说明如下:

Armadillo Cloak:穿山甲外衣

228Angelic Shield天使盾IN | 229Armadillo Cloak穿山甲外衣IN | 230Armored Guardian装甲守护者IN


穿山甲(pangolin)是国内国内一款非常优秀的注入工具,它最大的特点就是支持的数据库类型非常丰富. 象啊D、HDSI、明小子、NBSI等只支持Access和 MSSQL这两种数据库,而pangolin除了支持Access、MSSQL外,


胡说,穿山甲属于哺乳动物,属鳞甲目 鳞甲目(Pholidota)只有一个科,穿山甲科(Manidae),鳞甲科只包括一个属,穿山甲属(manis). 这些动物俗称穿山甲. 穿山甲是一种从头到尾披覆鳞片的食蚁动物,分布在非洲和亚洲各地. 这些动物体长30厘米到100厘米,

穿山甲科Manidae 穿山甲:Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla

甲目 Pholidota | 穿山甲科Manidae 穿山甲 Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla | 啮齿目 Rodentia

manis temminckii:南非穿山甲

穿山甲科 manidae | 南非穿山甲manis temminckii | 翼手目 CHIROPTERA

Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus:熊 胆鲮鲤科动物穿山甲

熊 胆熊科动物棕熊Ursus arctos Linnaeus | 熊 胆鲮鲤科动物穿山甲Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus | 穿山甲蟾蜍科动物中华大蟾蜍 Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor


鲸鱼 whale クジラ[鲸] | 穿山甲 pangolins せんざんこう[穿山甲] | 犀牛 rhinoceros サイ[犀]


PHOLIDOTA 鱗甲目 | Manidae 穿山甲科 Pangolins | Manis spp. 穿山甲屬所有種