英语人>词典>汉英 : 穿坏的 的英文翻译,例句
穿坏的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与穿坏的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality.


For that which is corruptible must clothe itself with incorruptibility, and that which is mortal must clothe itself with immortality.


O For this perishable body must put on imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality.

o 这必朽坏的总要变成(注:"变成"原文作"穿"。下同)不朽坏的,这必死的总要变成不死的。

Cor. 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

林前十五53 因这必朽坏的,必要穿上不朽坏;这必死的,必要穿上不死。

My leather tennis shoes are worn out.


My leather tennis shoes are worn out,I need another pair.


You've worn out your third pair of tennis shoes this week.


I dare say you've worn down more soles than that.


Nevertheless, society has been richer by the labour while the coat lasted, that is, until society, through one of its unproductive members, chose to consume the produce of the labour unproductively.


If you play often or wear out shoes quickly, look for heavy-duty outsoles and try to get a pair with an outsole warranty; if they don't last, you can send them back to the manufacturer to get them replaced.


更多网络解释与穿坏的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


liver 肝 | liveried 穿制服的 | liverish 坏脾气的

liveried:穿制服的; 穿规定服装的 (形)

liven 使活跃; 使快活; 活跃起来; 快活起来 (动) | liveried 穿制服的; 穿规定服装的 (形) | liverish 患肝病的; 坏脾气的 (形)


liveried 穿制服的 | liverish 坏脾气的 | Liverpool 利物浦

liverish:患肝病的; 坏脾气的 (形)

liveried 穿制服的; 穿规定服装的 (形) | liverish 患肝病的; 坏脾气的 (形) | Liverpool 利物浦 (名)

be the worse for wear:被穿破, 被用坏

be in general wear (服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的 | be the worse for wear 被穿破, 被用坏 | Better wear out than rust out. 与其锈掉不如用坏; 与其闲死, 不如忙死.

Go topless:那干脆不穿好了

There's some safety pins in a shoebox in the bedroom closet.|在卧室壁柜的鞋盒中有些别针 | Go topless.|那干脆不穿好了 | You are a very bad influence on me.|你会把我带坏的

wear out 1:把...用坏, 穿破 2.使疲乏, 使精疲力竭

think little of 不喜欢, 认为不好 | wear out 1.把...用坏, 穿破 2.使疲乏, 使精疲力竭 | adaptation to 针对...的适应性的变化

wear sth out:把......穿旧了/磨坏/拉坏

be excited to do sth. 激动地做某事 | 2. wear sth. out 把......穿旧了/磨坏/拉坏 | 3. what size of shoes 几号的鞋

He troubles grew out of his bad temper:他的麻烦是由于他的坏脾气引起的

He troubles grew out of his bad temper. 他的麻烦是由于他的坏脾气引起的. | He grew out of all his clothes. 他长高和了,原来的衣服都穿不了. | grow up向上生长;长大,长成,成熟:

be in general wear:(服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的

be in general wear (服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的 | be the worse for wear 被穿破, 被用坏 | Better wear out than rust out. 与其锈掉不如用坏; 与其闲死, 不如忙死.