英语人>词典>汉英 : 空间同构 的英文翻译,例句
空间同构 的英文翻译、例句


spatial isomorphism
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We discuss the relation between elementary maps and ring isomorphisms, andwe give a characterization of elementary maps on stndard operator algebras on Banachspaces, JSL-algebras and nest algebras. For Jordan-triple elementeary maps, we provetheir additivity on a class of ring and show a relation of them with Jordan isomorphisms. Furthermore. we describe the Jordan elementary maps on standard operator algebrasand nest algebras. We also study the semi-Jordan elementary maps on effect algebrasand the space of self adjoint operators.


It's really the natural setting for algebraic topology because the traditional algebraic invariants (fundamental group, homolog group,etc.) arc isomorphic not only for homeomorphic spaces but for spaces of the same homotopy type. Homtopy epimorphisms and monomorphisms are special morphisms in the category of topological spaces and the initial research of them may be traceable to S.T.


Among those; studies, Liu and Bek have obtained many important results for the theory and applications of Banach spaces and their geometry on complex number,(see [3],[41])Here, we have investigated the TP modulus of convexity and TP modulus of smoothness, on the one hand, we have defined a class of new spaces called uniformly TP convex ,on the other hand, we have extended martingale inequalities and the martingale spaces.This article is divided into four parts, in the first part, we define the TP modulus of convexity and TP modulus of smoothness of Banach space, and prove that the space which is characterized by uniform convexity is same as the space which is characterized by TP uniform convexity. Then we give TP q-uniformly convex and TP p-uniformly smoothable characterization of the Banach space. At the same time, we prove the famous renormed theorem.


It is proved that every Lie derivation of nest algebra is the sum of an associative derivation and a general trace. Every Lie isomorphism between nest subalgebras of a factor von Neumann algebra is the sum of an isomorphism and a general trace or the sum of a negative anti-isomorphism and a general trace. Lie invariant subspace of linear mappings on Banach algebras is introduced, and linear maps from nest subalgebra of a factor von Neumann algebra into itself which satisfy the property that the space of derivations is their Lie invariant subspaces are characterized. Simultaneously, it is shown that such maps are Lie derivations modulo the set of scalar multiple of the identity.

得到Lie导子的特征表示,即套代数上的任何一个Lie导子都是内导子与广义迹之和;给出了Lie同构和同构及反同构之间的关系,即因子von Neumann代数中套子代数之间的任何一个Lie同构要么是同构与广义迹之和要么是负反同构与广义迹之和;引入了Banach代数上线性映射的Lie不变子空间,并给出von Neumann代数中套子代数上以导子空间为Lie不变子空间的线性映射的一个刻画,同时也表明在模去数乘恒等映射的意义下,以导子空间为Lie不变子空间的线性映射就是Lie导子。

In the final section, we give the form of surjective isometric Jordan isomorphisms on triangular Banach algebras, and prove that such isomorphisms .


If let H be a complex separable Hilbert space ,dimH ≥ 3, we prove that every approximately 2- local automorphism of P B_s(H,E is an automorphism. Every real linear approximately local automorphism of B_s is an automorphism.


The so-called AT-algebras are inductive limits of finite direct sums of matrices over the extension algeras of circle algebra by K, where K is the C~*— algebra of all compact operators on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space.

若V_*与V_*同构,且保持单位元等价类;T与T仿射同胚,且同构映射与同胚映射相容,则存在E与E′的同构导出上述同构和同胚,所谓AT-代数即为圆代数通过κ的本质酉扩张的矩阵代数的有限直和的归纳极限,这里κ为可分的无限维复Hilbert空间上的紧算子全体,不变量中的V*为三变元Abel半群,T为迹态空间,[1]为单位元所在的Murray-von Neumann等价类,r_E为连接映射。

Using the innovative design method based on mechanism combination, taken four-wheeled, six-wheeled and eight-wheeled space-exploring robot as research object,we have got as many as sventy new kinds of isomorphic combination localmotion platforms and one hundred and sixty five new kinds of isomerous combination locomotion platforms.


Our results show that 2-local isomor-phisms of JSL algebras must be isomorphisms; local derivations and 2-local derivationsof JSL algebras must be derivations.


In Chapter 7,we study martingales with respect to a Clifford algebra valuedmeasure,get the equivalence of some kinds of Clifford martingale spaces and prove theseClifford martingale spaces are isomorphic to the spaces of martingales with respect tothe corresponding real measure.


更多网络解释与空间同构相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Verhaar(1985) 认为象似性分为二类: 其一是语码与真实世界直接同构(isomorphic); 其二是语码不与真实世界直接同构, 而是与语言系统内部的某些方面具有同构性, 这种现象我们称为自同构(automorphism), 下面笔者就与空间概念有关的象似性问题作一论述,

banach space:巴拿赫空间

在这里,完备的空间有特殊的名称:完备的赋范空间叫巴拿 赫空间(Banach space),完备的内积空间叫希尔伯特空间(Hilbert space). 2. 在有限维空间中空间和它的对偶空间的是完全同构的,而在无限维空间中,它们存 在微妙的差别. 3.

flat space:平坦空间

以使人特别感兴趣是因为可以建立与经典概念之间的联系.例如平坦空间(flat space)的自同构在某种意义下对应于2n个变量的规范变换.对特殊保形变换群他把一个微分方程组的解引入作为曲线的"哈密顿合同式"(Hamiltonian congruences),

isomorphic space:同构空间

by deputy 请人代表(做某事), 通过代理人(做某事) | isomorphic space 同构空间 | isothermohypse 等温高度

isomorphism of linear spaces:线性空间同构

线性空间的维数|dimension of linear space | 线性空间同构|isomorphism of linear spaces | 线性控制理论|linear control theory

locally pathwise connected space:局部弧连通空间

局部同构的 locally isomorphic | 局部弧连通空间 locally pathwise connected space | 局部单连通的 locally simply connected

spatial co ordinate:空间坐标

spatial 空间的 | spatial co ordinate 空间坐标 | spatial isomorphism 空间同构

spatial isomorphism:空间同构

spatial co ordinate 空间坐标 | spatial isomorphism 空间同构 | spatial point 空间点

spatial point:空间点

spatial isomorphism 空间同构 | spatial point 空间点 | special divisor class 特殊除子类

