英语人>词典>汉英 : 空间与时间的 的英文翻译,例句
空间与时间的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与空间与时间的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pulse width broadening of the femtosecond laser after angular dispersion wasdescribed,the pulse width expression at arbitrary propagation distance was provided,the pulse width broadening of the femtosecond laser by AOD was precisely predicted,thegeneral theory on pulse width broadening of plane wave,spherical wave and Gaussianbeam was deduced and the physical mechanism of pulse width broadening based on eachabove light beam model was revealed.


The proposed algorithm does not need complex hash operation, and the matching pointer does not need backdate during matching. Theoretic analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm efficiently solves the space expansion problem, and process mixed Chinese and English text correctly and efficiently with lower time and space complexity.


They can be produced only through the synthesis of the manifold which sensibility A100 presents in its original receptivity.


The culture experience which spans time and space is the key supply of the cultural heritage tourism products.


Though space, time and causality (together with logic and substance) organiseour world," he writes at one point,"the paradoxes that infect theseconcepts—space and time being neither finite nor infinite, choices beingneither caused nor uncaused—prove they are not part of the self-consistentworld but part of our not-necessarily-consistent minds.


The distance between the space and time of the 7 years, like a tumefacient balloon, fell to pieces momentarily.


This further demonstrates the unity of space and time.


According to tentative,if grass hand is a sort of process of movement that it was mastered by person,and was condensed on rice paper to show being'mood,well then how is it before wrote and after wrote?


There is no physical movement from the space and time, there was no out of space and time, the motion of matter.


This chapter first analyzes the general clue of the construction to urban system: first, control the conformity of time alignment and the systematical space of society, economy and ecology. Second, mastering consolidate of the self-evolution of urban system and artificial construction means.


更多网络解释与空间与时间的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

light adaptation:明适应

ation)明适应(light adaptation)2、暗适应与光适应(2)05101520253035345678暗适应时间(分钟)阈限的对数值图5.3 在暗适应过程中视觉阈限的变化2、暗适应与光适应(3)051015203045609012020406080100时间(秒)图5.4 光适应曲线比较光的相对数值(二)空间辨别眼睛的空间辨别能力即视锐度(visual acuity)表现为觉察目标刺激的存在以

dark adaptation:暗适应

光适应(1)暗适应(dark adaptation)明适应(light adaptation)2、暗适应与光适应(2)05101520253035345678暗适应时间(分钟)阈限的对数值图5.3 在暗适应过程中视觉阈限的变化2、暗适应与光适应(3)051015203045609012020406080100时间(秒)图5.4 光适应曲线比较光的相对数值(二)空间辨别眼睛的空间辨别能力即视锐度(visual acuity


这一数据表明18世纪英国叙事文学正在摆脱明显幻想(fantastic)的罗曼司影响,进入到具有想象力的(imaginative)写实主义文学. 虽幻想与想象均为虚构,但在浪漫主义大师科尔律治看来,幻想是仅仅摆脱了时间与空间次序后的回忆方式,


此外,他还提出弯曲(inflection)是褶子理想的基本元素,认为弯曲可被视为"纯粹的关于线或者点的事件". [33]褶子哲学带来的影响在于:既然物体在物质-本体层面是在由内向外及由外向内的双向折叠中形成的,那么物体就没有内/外之分而空间与时间就在物质的折叠中产生,

Amelie from Montmartre:艾蜜莉的異想世界

到好莱坞拍了>之后,他又回到法国花了两年时间筹拍了>(Amelie From Montmartre),这部结合了幽默、柔情与诗意的杰作是一连串奇妙机遇的组合,结局留给观众很大的想象空间.

temporal summation:时间总和

这是因为单根纤维传人冲动引起的EPSP是局部电位,它不能引发突触后神经元的扩布性动作电位;但若干传人纤维引起的多个EPSP可发生空间总和(spatial summation)与时间总和(temporal summation),如果去极化总和达到阈电位,即可爆发动作电位;

temporal resolution:时间分辨率

"电视图像分辨率"是指电视图像空间分辨率(spatial resolution)和时间分辨率(temporal resolution). 空间分辨率是指一帧图像包含的行数与每行显示的像素数之乘积,而时间分辨率是指每秒种显示或者传输的图像帧数.


spatio-temporal 时空的 | spatiotemporal 空间与时间的 | spatter 溅污


强调权力与场所(locales)之间的联系特别重要,这也将成为本书的最主要的主旨之一. 我有意采用「场所」而不用地理学家们通常所用的「地点」(place)这一概念,这既因为「地点」通常仅是一个未予以明确阐明的概念,也由於这个概念通常并不指代空间和时间的调节.

syntagmatic relationship:组合关系

她认为互文性既包括文本之间空间的 组合关系(syntagmatic relationship),又包括此时文本与彼时文本在时 间上的聚合关系(association relationship)它体现空间与时间历时与 共时的统一.