英语人>词典>汉英 : 空想社会主义的 的英文翻译,例句
空想社会主义的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But, at that time Western Europe various countries emerging bourgeoisie's cultural revolution movement including a series of significant historical event, what is main:"humanism" starting; To scholastic philosophy and fideism denial; Artistic style renewal; Dialect literature production; Utopian socialism appearance; Modern natural sciences start development; Printing method applications and science and culture knowledge dissemination and so on.


The theory and practice of utopian socialism enhances the confidence of setting a harmonious society.


A scientific understanding of the marrow contained in utopian socialism benefits the scientific understanding of socialism.


The utopian socialism that appeared in the 16th century proposed the first socialist value target model, and it started off on its unique value that distinguishes it from the practice of human society and any value of social system.


It points out that though 19th century Utopian Socialism criticized the traditional religion and the church , it failed to draw a clear demarcation between religion and itself due to its historical constraints.


As you know, Marxism has its three sources of origin in the classical philosophy of Germany, the classical political economy of Britain and the doctrine of Utopian socialism of France.


The legal thoughts of utopian socialism have the historical situation in the human law history which cannot be substituted. That has made the indelible historical contribution.

摘 要:空想社会主义的法律思想在人类法律发展史上有不可替代的历史地位,曾经做出过不可磨灭的历史贡献。

The author believes that the emergence of Marxist Although the background of Western culture, namely, Marxism-Leninism by Hegel's dialectic philosophy and utopian socialism, but these ideas do not constitute the western part of the orthodox culture.


Now we carefully examined the legal thoughts of utopian socialism once more and recognized its theoretical contribution and the historical limitation. Not only is that helps us to deepen our understanding of Marxist legal thoughts, but also has very important reference meaning of constructing socialist legal state.


There are two connotations to explain Classical Marxist theoretical system: The one which is associated with the utopian socialism and from a moral point of departure, is to deny Capitalism society and to yearn socialist society; the other is beyond the utopian socialism and based on historical materialism to emphasize the laws of social development and the prerequisite for socialist revolution.


更多网络解释与空想社会主义的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thomas Paine:托马斯.潘恩

基本收入国际网络(BIEN)的研究者认为,无条件基本收入的建议已经存在至少200年了,这项建议的大部分是受到了激进的英国人托马斯-斯宾塞(Thomas Spence ,1750-1814)的启发,他与美国人托马斯-潘恩(Thomas Paine)、以及法国空想社会主义

Scientific Socialism:科学社会主义

科学社会主义(scientific socialism)即科学的政治学理论,是关于人们认识社会的具体科学理论. 亦称科学共产主义. 一种政治形态. 为了同空想社会主义相区别,马克思和恩格斯才使用科学社会主义这个名称. 它有广义和狭义两种含义. 广义的含义,

utopian socialism:空想社会主义

来源于"乌托邦"理想的空想社会主义(utopian socialism)是产生于资本主义生产状况和阶级状况早期未成熟阶段的一种社会主义学说,也是现代社会主义思想的来源之一.

utopian socialism:乌托邦社会主义

)在各类社会主义学说里,只有"乌托邦社会主义"(Utopian Socialism)曾为我所希望. 可惜这是"空想社会主义",而目前能够接近这种"空想"的,也只有北欧的几个高福利资本主义国家.

utopian: a.1:乌托邦(式)的 2.空想社会主义的;不切实际

in the absence of: prep.不存在,缺乏 | utopian: a.1.乌托邦(式)的 2.空想社会主义的;不切实际 | enervating: a.使变得软弱无力的,萎靡不振的,堕落的

ethical utopian socialism:伦理空想社会主义

ethical thought of natural law theory 自然法学的法伦理思想282 | ethical utopian socialism 伦理空想社会主义645 | ethical value of law,the 法的伦理价值288