英语人>词典>汉英 : 空想家 的英文翻译,例句
空想家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
daydreamer  ·  fancier  ·  ideologue  ·  visionary  ·  visionaries  ·  utopians

更多网络例句与空想家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm bombastic, say me fantastic, touch me in my back she says I'm Mr. Romantic


But the immediate camarilla surrounding China sleader was a contradictory crew - an indigestible mixture of YMCA secretaries, Shanghai gangsters, ambitious sycophants, disillusioned visionaries, party thugs, tired revolutionaries, wistful liberals, palace eunuchs, feudal clowns, corrupt bureaucrats, Confucian mystics and sick psychopaths.


It is an old canard of right-wing ideologues like Tomlinson to equate tough journalism with liberalism," Moyers said in an interview."

Tomlinson 这样的右翼空想家将强硬的新闻业等同于自由主义,这是一个流传很久的谣言," Moyers 在一次采访中说。"

Don't trust him any more .He is always living as a daydreamer .


He is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.


Don t trust him any more he is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer .


As Piscean mother is daydreamer and lives in the world of fantasy.


He is a Walter Mitty in reverse : He is a famous man who has fantasies of being ordinary.


In a magazine piece,"The Neuromantics"(1986; reprinted in Science Fiction in the Real World coll 1990), Norman Spinrad argued cogently that the "romance" component of Gibson''s triple-punning title NEUROMANCER "neuro" as in nervous system;"necromancer";"new romancer" is basic to the cyberpunk form.

在一本杂志的一篇文章《神经空想家》中,诺曼·斯平拉德中肯的表明,在吉布森的一语三关的标题《神经浪游者》("neuro"意指神经系统;"necromancer",死尸漫游者;"new romancer",新空想家)中的"浪漫"要素是赛博朋克形式的基本组成部分。

In a magazine piece,"The Neuromantics"(1986; reprinted in Science Fiction in the Real World coll 1990), Norman Spinrad argued cogently that the "romance" component of Gibson's triple-punning title NEUROMANCER ("neuro" as in nervous system;"necromancer";"new romancer") is basic to the cyberpunk form.

在一篇刊登在杂志上名为《神经空想家》(1986)上文章中,诺曼·斯平拉德颇为自信地指出:吉布森的小说《神经浪游者》,书名有三个意思("neuro"意指神经系统;"necromancer",死尸漫游者;"new romancer",新空想家),其书的"浪漫"是赛博朋克形式的基本要素之一。

更多网络解释与空想家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


daydream 白日梦 | daydreamer 空想家 | daydreamy 白日梦的


fancied 空想的 | fancier 空想家 | fanciful 奇怪的


testaceologist 贝类学家 | ideologist 思想家,理论家,空想家 | geologist 地质学家


不过,他表示,备忘录可能冒着将干细胞研究的反对者"抹黑"为空想家(ideologue)和科学的敌人的风险. 他说:"问题不在于一方是科学另一方是意识形态(ideology),这是关于什么样的伦理规范将指导科学的争论. "


7. crux 症结 | 8. ideologue 空想家,思想家 | 9. intact 原封不动的,完整无损的


159.gazer 凝视者 | stargazer 占星者,空想家 | blazer 传播者


246.arborist 树木培植家 | theorist 理论家,空想家 | allegorist 寓言作家,讽喻家


Ethiopian埃塞俄比亚人 | Utopian空想家 | Mississippian 密西西比人

Dreamers get swatted:空想家总遭现实打击

I'm just trying to prepare him|for the real world out there, Dad.|我只想... | Dreamers get swatted.|空想家总遭现实打击 | Mrs. McFly, one of your maggots|just jumped on the Baxters' dog.|麦克女士 你的一...

Dreamers get swatted? Never:空想家总受打击 才不会呢

Adventure forever!|永恒的冒险 | Dreamers get swatted? Never!|空想家总受打击 才不会呢 | All right, first thing we have to do|is finish the space suits.|好了 首先 我们要做航天服