英语人>词典>汉英 : 穗状花序 的英文翻译,例句
穗状花序 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Flowers usually forming loose cymes or cymose panicles, sometimes spikes or in clusters; achene without crested appendix at apex.


Flowers perfect, arranged in terminal or axillary heads or spikes, flower solitary in axil of a bract, subtended by 2 bracteoles.


Inflorescences axillary, rarely terminal, racemes or spikes; 1 bract subtending each flower.

花序腋生,很少顶生,总状花序或穗状花序; 1苞片在每朵花下面。

Inflorescences axillary; spikes terminal and axillary or only terminal, densely arranged into 4--11 spikelets; lateral spikes almost sessile; bracts longer than first bractlet, margin broadly membranous and wider than herbaceous part, apex rigidly and thickly cuspidate; each flower subtended by a bractlet; first bractlet similar to bracts but slightly shorter.


Inflorescences axillary, compound, broadly cylindric, densely flowered spikes 6-10 cm, sometimes grouped at branchlet apex and forming a panicle; axes densely minutely tomentose; bracts weakly persistent at anthesis, filiform-linear, very small.

花序腋生,复合,宽圆筒状, 6-10厘米的花密集穗状花序,有时聚集在小枝先端并且形成一圆锥花序;轴密被小的绒毛;苞片弱的宿存的在花期,丝状线形,非常小。

Inflorescences lateral or terminal on old or new growth; male and female inflorescences separate: male spikes in clusters of 3, lateral at base of new growth or rarely on old growth, pendulous; female spike terminal on new growth, erect. Flowers anemophilous.


Leaf sheath glabrous; spikes 10--20 cm; flowers in clusters of 3 on spike rachis; labellum crisped at margin

叶鞘无毛;穗状花序10 --20厘米;在穗状花序轴上的3的花簇生;唇瓣皱波状的在边缘 31 ALPINIA jianganfeng 箭杆风

Inflorescences in axillary pairs or solitary, cymes, panicles or spikes, unisexual; male inflorescence often long, flowers clustered on rachis of spikes, dichotomous cymes, or panicles; female glomerules lax or dense on rachis of scorpioid cymes, spikes, or panicles.


Inflorescences terminal, axillary, or extra-axillary, spikes, branched spikes, racemes, panicles, or sometimes capitula, bracteate.


A small spike or secondary spike; the ultimate flower cluster of grasses and sedges, consisting of one to many flowers subtended by two bracts.

小穗 Spikelet 小型的穗状花序或次级穗状花序;由两片枚片包裹的一至多花组成的禾草和莎草的末级花穗。

更多网络解释与穗状花序相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


龙舌兰属植物是美洲特有的植物,常见栽培的属有:[龙舌兰属](Agave)叶长短不一,稍肉质,旋叠于茎基,叶缘和叶尖有刺. 穗状花序高达10米以上 ...


(1)圆锥花序(panicle)或称复总状花序. 在长花轴上分生许多小枝,每小枝自成一总状花序,如南天竺、稻、燕麦、丝兰等. (2)复穗状花序(compound spike)花轴有1或2次分枝,每小枝自成一个穗状花序,也即小穗,如小麦、马唐等.

spadix:肉穗状花序 佛焰花序

spadingharrow铲形耙 | spadix肉穗状花序 佛焰花序 | spaghetti绝缘套管 绝缘套管 漆布绝缘管


sphygmus 脉搏 | spica 穗状花序 | spicate 有穗的


无尾精子 spherospermium | 穗状花序;穗 spica;spike | 穗花类(枫树科) Spicata

spikelet:小穗状花序; 小穗

spike 穗状花序 | spikelet 小穗状花序; 小穗 | spinal canal 髓管


spica /穗状花序/花穗/穗状绷带/ | spicate /有穗的/穗状花序的/ | spiccato /弹奏的/断续的/跳弓演奏/


spica 花穗 | spicate 穗状花序的 | spiccato 跳弓演奏


spices 香味料 | spiciferous 具穗状花序的 | spiciform 穗状的

three florets per spike:在每个穗状花序上有三朵小花

three figure compass card ==> 三位度数罗经盘 | three florets per spike ==> 在每个穗状花序上有三朵小花 | three folded yarn ==> 三股线