英语人>词典>汉英 : 穗状花序状 的英文翻译,例句
穗状花序状 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与穗状花序状相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inflorescence a terminal panicle, raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 spatulate involucral bracts when immature; bracts open to base, rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent.


Inflorescences cymose, umbellate, corymbose, in paniculate clusters, or a cincinnus, rarely flowers single, fascicled, or born on a spike; bracts sometimes conspicuous and persistent.


Leaf sheath glabrous; spikes 10--20 cm; flowers in clusters of 3 on spike rachis; labellum crisped at margin

叶鞘无毛;穗状花序10 --20厘米;在穗状花序轴上的3的花簇生;唇瓣皱波状的在边缘 31 ALPINIA jianganfeng 箭杆风

Inflorescences terminal, erect during anthesis but then reflexed, pedunculate, spiciform or paniculate, 2- to many flowered.


Inflorescences in axillary pairs or solitary, cymes, panicles or spikes, unisexual; male inflorescence often long, flowers clustered on rachis of spikes, dichotomous cymes, or panicles; female glomerules lax or dense on rachis of scorpioid cymes, spikes, or panicles.


Plants with 2(or 3) nodes above 1 cm at the base; leaf blade firm or soft and withering in age; uppermost blade usually very narrow and folded, short, usually less than 1/2 as long as sheath to subequal; panicle open to densely spiciform

在基地的植株具超过1厘米2(或3)节;叶片坚定的或柔软和年龄蔑视;通常最上部的叶片很狭窄和折叠,短,通常不到1/2倍于鞘对;圆锥花序面向浓密穗状花序状 19

Inflorescences racemose or spiciform, continuous and dense or less often interrupted and rather lax; corolla tube mostly broadly cylindrical and at least 2 mm wide; branchlets quadrangular and often 4-winged

间断的穗状花序状,连续和紧密的花序总状的或或更少通常和相当疏松;宽多数的花冠筒圆筒状和至少2毫米宽;小枝四角形和经常4有翼 16 Buddleja macrostachya 大序醉鱼草

Inflorescences spiciform; lower branches not longer than others; corolla mostly white; leaf blade mostly remotely serrate-dentate

花序穗状花序状;下部分枝不长于其它;花冠主要白色;叶片几乎稀疏有锯齿有齿 12 Buddleja asiatica 驳骨丹

Panicle contracted, densely ovoid to spiciform, longest branches 1(–1.5) cm, spikelets crowded, 3–4(–5) mm; uppermost internode not more than 1 mm wide; leaf blade firm in age, narrow, folded or inrolled; plant pale or grayish yellow, glumes sometimes wit

收缩的圆锥花序,对穗状花序状,长分枝浓密卵球形-1.5厘米,密集的小穗,3-4毫米;最上部的节间不超过1毫米宽;在年龄方面的叶片公司,狭窄,折叠的或内卷;植株浅的或淡灰黄色,颖片有时才智 9

Panicle dense, contracted to spiciform, branches erect, the longest ones 1/5–1/3(–2/5) as long as panicle; uppermost node usually below 1/6 way up culm.


更多网络解释与穗状花序状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


包括7族;中国产4族,常见的属有山菅属(Dianella)、独尾草属(Eremurus)、吊兰属(Chlorophytum)、萱草属(Hemerocallis)等. 吴木比亚科(Wurmbaeoideae)块茎、球茎或匍匐茎;叶大多为茎生,极少顶端卷须状;花通常排成穗状花序或总状花序,

Freesia refracta:小苍兰

喜充足阳光,阳光不足影...(紫藤花卉苗木网) 产品名称: 小苍兰 (Freesia refracta) 产品介绍: 别名: 香兰、香雪兰 形态特征: 多年生草本,具球茎. 球茎鳞茎状,有鳞皮,卵圆或圆锥形. 茎细长,有分枝;叶线形,质硬. 早春开花,穗状花序,花偏生一侧,


叶片长线形;穗状花序直立,穗轴延续而不折断;小穗单生,含3~5(~9)花,上部花不育;颖革质,卵圆形至长圆形,具5~9脉;背粮食水分仪 -天津煎饼的营养价值 煎饼(pancake) 定义 煎饼,是中国传统食品之一,用调成糊状的杂面摊烙而成,


我国仅藿香[A.rugosus4.夏枯草属(Prunella) 花萼有极不相等的齿,2 唇,果期下唇向上唇斜伸,以致喉部闭合;花冠上唇盔状;后对雄蕊短于前对雄蕊. 夏枯草(P.vulgaris L.),全株具白色粗毛. 轮伞花序成紧密的顶生穗状花序.


豆科(Fabaceae)车轴草属(Trifolium)植物,一年生或多年生草本,约300种以上. 主要产於温带和亚热带地区(除东南亚和澳大利亚). 复叶互生,小叶3枚,齿裂. 花小,芳香,聚生成头状或穗状花序. 荚果小,含12粒种子. 栽培种原产旧大陆,


棕榈科(Arecaceae)植物,学名为Lodoicea maldivica. 原产於塞昔耳(Seychelles)群岛. 花著生于巨大的肉质穗状花序上,雌雄异株. 果实被一肉质而多纤维的外皮,里面坚果状的部分通常2瓣,似两个椰子,可食,但商业价值不大. 是已知最大的果,

Callistemon rigidus:红千层

串钱柳有亲妹妹红千层(Callistemon rigidus)英文名: Stiff bottle-brush,也开红色花. 属红千层属,但枝条挺直而硬朗. 还有堂姊妹白千层(Melaleuca quinquenervia )英文名: (Paper-bark tree);开白花,是白千层属,圆筒状穗状花序更似瓶刷.

Celosia cristata:鸡冠花

我国有3种,常见的有青葙(Celosia argentea)和鸡冠花(Celosia cristata),分布各地. 该属特征:一年生草本;叶互生;花小,簇生,或为稠密的穗状花序;花被片5,干燥;雄蕊5,下部合生成杯状;退化雄蕊缺;胞果,盖裂,有种子2至多颗.

Eleusine indica:蟋蟀草

一、识别要点:牛筋草(蟋蟀草)(Eleusine indica)为一年生草本. 须根深而长,秆扁,丛生,基部倾斜,叶带状,叶鞘扁,鞘口具柔毛. 穗状花序2至7枚,呈指状着生. 小穗覆瓦状双行紧密排列于穗轴一侧,小穗具小花3至6朵. 果实表面有波状皱纹.

Lavender Stoechas:头状薰衣草精油

53. 穗状花序薰衣草精油:Lavender Spike | 54. 头状薰衣草精油:Lavender Stoechas | 55. 柠檬精油:Lemon